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Top 40 'what do you prefer' questions

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The questions of "what do you prefer" give rise to laughter, reflections and a lot of chatting between friends. Whether it is to meet someone on a first date, to spend the afternoon with friends or your partner, even to apply them to a group and start a conversation, these questions are very useful.

We have prepared this great list with the 40 best "what do you prefer" questions. From funny topics to some very deep ones, the answers are a good excuse to get to know the other person.

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Use these “what do you prefer” questions to liven up a conversation

Doesn't it happen to you that there are times when the topics to talk are exhausted? In those moments, one or more of these questions can help you find a topic of conversation. All are in comparison format between two options, this makes them even more interesting and fun.

Many topics on this list of questions of "what do you prefer" sometimes have not even crossed our minds

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. They are things that we do not question until they happen to us, or until someone comes and asks us. It is sure to be a lot of fun and useful.

  • Read also: "50 questions to get to know a person better"

1. What do you prefer, live forever without getting old but still poor, or live for a short time, grow old fast but with great wealth?

With this question you can easily intuit what value a person places on money and youth.

2. What do you prefer, to be able to hear what everyone is thinking but not be able to speak, or to speak and have everyone listen to you but not be able to hear others?

There are people to whom the curiosity of knowing what others think wins them, and they would not mind leaving something aside.

3. What do you prefer, to be a zombie or a ghost when you die?

Letting your imagination fly to find the reasons for being one or the other.

4. What do you prefer, to live alone forever on a paradisiacal beach or to be with the people you love in a horrible and unsafe city?

Perhaps the answer may be surprising, but everyone has her predilections.

5. What do you prefer, have unlimited love or money?

A question that can put anyone in check because the answer is not always so simple.

5. What do you prefer, that everyone loves you without making an effort, or love everyone even if they hurt you?

The answer to this question could reveal the level of selfishness that we all hide.

6. What do you prefer, that all your dreams come true but you don't have family or friends, or that the dreams of your whole family come true but yours don't?

Once again, a question with a difficult answer that can highlight our most selfish or kindest desires.

7. What do you prefer, to travel around the world but never return to your country, or to know your country but never know or know anything about the rest of the world?

Both situations have advantages and disadvantages that must be considered very well before answering.

8. What do you prefer, have all the money you want at your disposal but never find love, or have the partner of your dreams but in conditions of poverty without the possibility of getting out of that situation?

The answer will depend on what we value the most in this life.

9. If you had a time machine, what would you prefer, travel to the past or the future?

Given the power and the possibility of traveling to any time in the world, it would be difficult to decide.

10. What do you prefer, do the right thing but no one finds out or recognize you, or win everyone's recognition and admiration for something that goes against what you believe?

A very complex question that can test the values ​​and beliefs of the person who answers it.

Freedom woman

11. What do you prefer, meet the love of your life but live only a few months by his side, or meet someone and always have him with you, even if he is not the love of your life?

There are people for whom it is more important to have someone by their side, than to find the love of their life and enjoy him even for a short time.

12. What do you prefer, to eat your favorite dish forever or to be able to vary the food but between tasteless dishes that are not to your liking?

Maybe after a while our favorite dish would not be so much, but nobody likes eating nasty things.

13. What do you prefer, a stable and solid relationship without intimate relationships, or a lot of passion and intensity but with continuous fights and disagreements?

This question is complex because not everything is intimacy, and not everything is stability. Without a doubt, a controversial questioning.

14. What do you prefer, have an excellent salary that allows you to live very well but with a job that you hate and that you have to do your whole life, or dedicate yourself to what you love but earn very little money?

A questioning that is not at all hypothetical and that in reality is a reflection of real life.

15. What do you prefer, a spectacular party with an unlimited budget and that is memorable but with people you don't know, or a small gathering with close and very intimate friends?

There are those who prefer the spectacular, and others will prefer something simpler but meaningful.

16. What do you prefer, to be able to have the children you want without worrying about money but never go back to work at what you like, or to have the job of your dreams but never have children?

Another scenario that is not really so hypothetical and that many people face when they reach a certain age.

17. What do you prefer, never stop being a child or be born as an adult and never have had a childhood?

Although many people live longing for their childhood, the truth is that adult life also has advantages.

18. What do you prefer, live in the house of your dreams but in the climate that you hate the most (without being able to use air conditioner or thermostat) or living in an ugly house but where you always feel the climate that best suits you like?

There are those who hate the cold or the heat, and would not mind living anywhere as long as they do not have to endure it.

19. What do you prefer, to be able to go to all the concerts around the world of your favorite group or singer but go alone, or to be able to go only once in the best place with all your friends or loved ones?

It is a good way to know what value we place on our friends.

20. What do you prefer, have an exceptional ability but no one can recognize it, or that they recognize you without having done any merit?

Unfortunately, this question is not always imaginary and many people find themselves in these situations. The answer can tell a lot about one's ethics.

21, What do you prefer, spend a night of passion with someone famous that you like but cannot tell anyone, or that everyone says that you were with someone and that is not true?

Being in the middle of the controversy will never be easy for anyone, but also keeping great moments secret, it is not given to everyone.

22. What do you prefer, change something about your personality or your physique?

Some will respond in a seemingly superficial way, but there may be an interesting background to your answer.

23. What do you prefer, do without sleeping or do without eating? Assuming neither of them were mortal.

Two of the greatest pleasures in life, it will surely not be easy to define yourself by one or the other.

24. What do you prefer, not to have a mobile phone again or not to have friends and family again?

It's interesting, why do we want a mobile phone if we don't have someone to share with, but in these times, how could we communicate and share if we don't have a phone.

25. What do you prefer, to be very physically attractive but very silly, or very bright but very ugly?

Not all people hold intelligence or beauty in high regard. This question is a good way to find out what the other is thinking.

Woman in red dress

26. What do you prefer, world peace or no famine anywhere in the world?

A very strong and thoughtful question that gives to broaden a debate because the answer is not simple.

27. What do you prefer, to be able to predict the future or change the past?

If we had access to that power, it is interesting to know what use we would give it and which one we would choose.

28. What do you prefer, receive a large amount of money only once in your life, or have a constant but austere income for your entire life?

There are those who prefer stability, and there are those who like to take more risks.

29. What do you prefer, living in the forest or on the beach?

Some people prefer the solitude and cold of the forest, and others the joy and warmth of the beach.

30. What do you prefer, that your loved ones are happy and full but that you cannot see them again or be with them, or remain united but with misfortunes and problems?

Although one always wishes the happiness of those we love, thinking about never seeing them again is not easy either.

31. What would you prefer, if you could only have one emotion all the time, be sad or be angry?

If we didn't have a choice, what emotion would you like to live with?

32. What do you prefer, to be able to fly or to be able to be invisible?

Of the superpowers that we yearn for the most, there is that of flying or that of being invisible. How will it be better to live?

33. What do you prefer, have a third eye or a third leg?

It is interesting to think which of the two options could be more useful or make us look less bad.

34. What do you prefer, never be able to scream or never be able to murmur?

You have to imagine every situation in which it is necessary to raise your voice or speak at a very low volume and not be able to do it again.

35. What do you prefer, wear winter clothes in summer, or summer clothes in winter?

Sure, either of the two options is very uncomfortable, but if you have to choose, you have to think about it very well.

Snow woman

36. What do you prefer, not being able to feel emotions or feeling everything very intensely?

For sure neither of the two ways will be easy, but we all have a choice between these two options.

37. What do you prefer, that nobody goes to your wedding or that nobody goes to your funeral?

Although we didn't even know about it at the funeral, it is still a difficult matter to digest.

38. What do you prefer, to be able to communicate with animals or to be able to speak all the languages ​​that exist?

Either case would be very useful.

39. What do you prefer, to have more money or to be able to live longer?

Money is not always happiness, but not all people have a taste for a long life.

40. What do you prefer, to be a recognized YouTuber who earns a lot of money or to always remain anonymous and without money?

Not all people are drawn to fame, it is actually overwhelming and intimidating, so preserve your anonymity even if you don't have money, it might be more valuable to some than you we imagine.

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