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Buscopan: what is it for, recommended dose and side effects

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At some point everyone has a tummy ache. The reasons can be diverse, from poor digestion to pain related to menstruation (in the case of women). However, there are medications to alleviate these symptoms such as busker.

This article explains everything there is to know about busker. It explains what it is, what it is for, the different commercial presentations, the recommended dose and what side effects it presents.

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What is busker?

Buscopan a drug indicated to relieve moderate pain in the belly area. It is a drug that has various presentations, and that in most cases its minor side effects are not manifested.

Buscopan is the brand name of an active ingredient called butyl scopolamine, which works as an abdominal antispasmodic. This means that its function is to eliminate muscle contractions in the abdomen. This allows you to combat muscle pain in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing you to feel relief.

It is a drug that does not require a prescription. To use it, you just have to follow the instructions and follow the recommended dose. According to the presentation this is different, but you have to respect the prospectus to avoid any negative reaction. If the pain persists or increases after 48 hours, it is necessary to go for a medical check-up.

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What is it for?

Buscopan relieves stomach aches thanks to its antispasmodic properties. Thanks to butylscopolamine, this drug acts directly on the musculature of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a notable difference from general pain relievers, which only block the sensation of pain without eliminating spasms.

The active compound of buscopan comes from the synthesis of the extract of the duboisia plant. Butylscopolamine is the most efficient in eliminating abdominal spasm that causes pain in this area.

This pain is very common in the adult population, and is usually caused by irritation of the intestine or stomach. This is due to the consumption of irritating or greasy foods, which also causes gas associated with abdominal pain. The consumption of foods to which the body is intolerant is another cause, as well as stress.

Buscopan also relieves menstrual and urinary tract pain. This is because the specific action of buscopan is to stop the continuous and prolonged spasms, which are the cause of pain in the belly.

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How does it work?

Butylscopolamine has the ability to block the action of nerve endings. Specifically, it involves the endings of the central nervous system and the parasympathetic branch of the peripheral nervous system. The functions of these nerve structures are to emit pain signals to warn that there is a problem.

However, these pains sometimes end up being the main problem. Buscopan works directly in the belly area to eliminate spasms and pain signals.

It must be clear that buscopan has no effect on the initial origins of the discomfort. The recommendation in case of stomach pain is to review and eliminate the cause of these.

Presentations and recommended doses

Buscopan has different presentations for every need. However, it must be borne in mind that not all presentations are available in all countries where busker is marketed. Below is a list of the most common and their recommended doses.

It is important to remember that if any of the recommended doses does not work and the pain does not go away or increases, you should see a doctor immediately. If the pain does not go away, do not increase the dose.

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1. Simple buscopan

Simple busker is the most common and easy to find presentation. It is called simple because, unlike other presentations, it does not contain any other compound beyond butyl-scopolamine, the active principle of buscopan.

The recommended dose is one or two tablets three to five times a day. Do not exceed 10 tablets a day in any case. In some countries, simple busker is found in pearls, which allows rapid absorption.

2. Buscopan Fem

Buscopan Fem is indicated to soothe menstrual cramps. This version of buscopan combines its active ingredient with that of 400 mg ibuprofen. In this way it achieves a triple action: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It is effective, causing immediate relief.

The recommended dose of Buscopan Fem is one tablet every 8 hours, not to exceed 3 tablets per day. It can be used by girls as long as they are over 12 years old. If the discomfort persists, it is advisable to see a doctor.

3. Buscopan Duo

Buscopan Duo adds the effect of paracetamol to its formula. This presentation of Buscopan has 500 mg of paracetamol, and in some countries it is marketed as Buscopan Compositum or Buscopan Compound.

Buscopan Duo is recommended for moderate to severe stomach pain. It combines the antispasmodic action with the analgesic of paracetamol. It is indicated for people over 12 years of age, and the dose is one to two tablets every 8 hours without exceeding 6 tablets a day.

4. Buscopan injectable and suppositories

There is also buscopan for injection and its version in the form of suppositories.. These two alternatives to buscopan are not as common, and are usually previously prescribed by a doctor who supervises the treatment.

The dose must also be established by the doctor, as well as its application. This can be intravenous, subcutaneous, or intramuscular. The same is true for buscopan in suppository form, which must be applied rectally by a doctor.

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Side effects

Buscopan has side effects like all medicines. These side effects are rare, but you should take the necessary precautions and consult your doctor if they appear.

The side effects of buscopan usually occur in 1 in 10 people. The most common are tachycardia, dizziness, dry mouth and mild visual disturbances.

To a lesser extent, the use of buscopan has had urinary retention or constipation as a side effect. To a much lesser extent (1 in every 100 buscopan users) there are also effects secondary effects on the skin such as urticaria, itching and altered sweat (either in quantity or intensity smell).

These side effects are very rare, but you have to know that there is always the possibility of them appearing. You should see a doctor if any of these reactions appear and cause discomfort.


On some occasions, buscopan is contraindicated. For example, if there is a previous disease or condition that should not be combined or treated with busker. In the package leaflet of this drug warnings are specified for some cases in which it is not recommended to take buscopan.

However, it should be noted that it is not a drug that has many contraindications. One of the most noted is that of pregnancy. Buscopan should not be taken during the first trimester of pregnancy. After three months it should be consulted with the doctor and only if the health professional prescribes it can it be used.

Other contraindications are given if there is high pressure in the eye and it has not been treated or if you have a history of allergy to butyl scopolamine.

It is also recommended not to combine buscopan with other medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines, antipsychotics, quinidine, disopyramide or amantadine. Such a combination can lead to interactions, so it is best to consult your doctor before consuming buscopan.

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Bibliographic references

  • Hamilton, R. (2015). Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2015 Classic Shirt-Pocket Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Papadopoulos, G., Bourdoumis, A., Kachrilas, S, Bach, C., Buchholz, N. and Masood J. (2014). Hyoscine N-butylbromide (Buscopan®) in the treatment of acute ureteral colic: what is the evidence? Urol Int., 92 (3), 253-257.

  • Juo, P.S. (2001). Concise Dictionary of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology (Second Edition). Hoboken: CRC Press.

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