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45 existential questions we should all ask ourselves

It is very common that at some point in our lives we feel something lost as for the direction we want it to take. The future is disconcerting, no matter how much we plan what we want to do, study or work, already that we cannot know what awaits us or if we will be successful in the path we decide to walk.

But that does not mean that we are destined to fail or that we should give up before trying to do something, but rather that it is time to seek guidance to find our horizon again. For this you can take into account several options.

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How to take time to reorganize your priorities, make small goals until you achieve your main objective, assist with a vocational counselor and answer this series of existential questions that at some point you must ask yourself to direct your course.

Existential questions we should all ask ourselves

You can start by answering these simple questions in the form of existential doubts. that will make you reflect on your current life and make a decision.

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1. For me, what is the meaning of life?

If you want to look for a fixed horizon in your life. You must ask yourself, does life have a meaning that you should follow? or are you the one who proposes the meaning for your own life? Many experts and philosophers They have gone out of their way to answer this question, yet only you can describe the way you want to live.

2. How do I want to see myself in 5 years?

Having a vision of yourself in the near future will allow you to have a perspective of what you are doing with your life now and how far you are from achieving the perfect future.

3. Do I have what it takes to fulfill my dreams?

It is necessary to continually question whether we have at our disposal all the tools we need to meet the objectives we have set for ourselves. But above all, if we are acting towards it.

4. Should I follow my dreams?

If you don't, what other direction will you take? although, sometimes we may not be able to get that dream job or study that desired career. We must have a backup plan that resembles or a secondary vocation that we are still passionate about.

5. How do I want people to talk about me professionally?

Our profession will be of great importance in the cover letter in our future. Since this will allow us to maintain a lifestyle and above all, nourish ourselves every day. So take a moment to think about how you want them to see your career path.

6. Is it possible to know if we are making the best decision?

How do we know when we are making a good or a bad decision? it is almost impossible to know the answer. Well, it is the results that say it clearly. So the best way to do this is to think of all possible scenarios with each decision and prepare for them.

7. What's the point of continuing to grow?

When you finish your studies that will be it? you will get a job and your effort remained there. Or you will continue looking for new knowledge and tools that allow you to improve not only in your area of ​​performance, but in your life.

8. What role should I have as an adult?

Responsibility is the word that characterizes us the most as adults, but how wide is its scope? Being adults is not only having criteria, but we have the opportunity to open thousands of doors.

9. Why do we dream?

Did you know that there is a reason why we dream? Freud, created a theory about dreams, which not only reflects our daily situations, but our desires repressed, the opportunities that come our way, and how comfortable we are with our reality, which we only discuss in the unconscious.

10. Do our dreams have any meaning?

Many of our dreams look like distorted image sequences. But again Freud tells us to focus on what those images mean to us. That is where you will find the answer.

11. Are we really free or are we in a vicious circle?

What is the Liberty? Are you a free person Or are you stuck in a vicious cycle of unhappiness? The best way to find out is by observing your progress over your stagnant states, which is greater?

12. Do I have everything I want?

This is a more subjective question, so we recommend you see it from that perspective and not focused on your material goods. These can be replaced, but you may regret not doing what you want.

13. Do I tend to spend my money on things that I want or need?

A great tirade that will make you reflect. It is not about judging or punishing yourself, but about seeing what your priorities are and where you are spending your resources to have the life you want.

14. What would my life be like if it were a painting?

This is a very creative way to give your life meaning when you can't express it. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. But the best part is that you can always find a blank canvas and start over.

15. Why do we blame people for what they do?

The tendency to judge is natural in people but what is the purpose of them? Is it a kind of comparison with how you want to live your own life?

16. How did the universe begin?

Even if it seems abstract or unnecessary. These types of questions awaken your creative and imaginative genius. Which is of great help to solve everyday problems, as well as to show you that everything created came from nothing, until it became something with a lot of effort.

17. What is there after death?

There are many stories about life after death or the experiences of those who have had a close experience. Death is a subject that scientists have not yet conquered.

18. How would you describe me?

Are you able to describe yourself? If so, pay close attention to how you describe and match your strengths and weaknesses.

19. What is the formula to be happy?

What do you need to be happy? To answer that question, you must first keep in mind what does happiness mean to you? Only then will you know if you can reach it.

20. Who do I want to be by my side?

The people who are with us (families, partners and friends) have a significant contribution in our life. If you want positivity, surround yourself with those who encourage you, instead of clipping your wings.

21. How do I want my love relationship to be?

Love relationships are a very important part of life, since it is a person in which we share many intimate experiences. Therefore, you should think about the kind of relationship you want and deserve to have.

22. Emotion or reason?

Do you usually get carried away by your emotions or are you a logical person? It depends on the situations we can lean towards emotion or reason, but the most practical thing is to find a balance between both.

23. How can we tell right from wrong?

What is good? What is evil? a very practical way to distinguish them is the harm or benefit that we cause to others with our actions.

24. are we alone in the universe?

Whether you believe in alien life or not, this question will give you some thought about your mental flexibility. Are you one of those people who can accept new facts? Or do you hold tightly to your beliefs?

25. If extraterrestrial life existed, how could I communicate with them?

While it is there, it will demonstrate your own ability to interact with people and accept their differences. As well as if you are the one who takes the first step for a conversation or you prefer to stay behind.

26. How to know if a relationship benefits us?

This can be a very simple question, but when we are in love it is difficult to observe the defects of our partner. Keep in mind that a good relationship is one that helps you grow and in which you can share your successes and failures.

27. What can we do to have a healthy relationship?

Relationships deserve effort and constant dedication because loving is not enough for a couple to stay together. They need to have a dynamic, a functional routine, fun, commitment, respect and a lot of happiness.

28. What makes the great wonders of the world so special?

Surely you have known some of the 7 wonders of the world but have you ever wondered what makes them spectacular? the answer is a set of various characteristics: history, beauty, anecdotes, fabrication. We can all be wonders because we are composed of various characteristics that make us unique.

29. Why does the rainbow come out after it rains?

What is behind this beautiful phenomenon? Rather than its scientific explanation, you should see this as a metaphor that everything gray can have a color when lightened. The world has different shades that represent every aspect of our life.

30. Will we ever be able to reach the stars?

A man could walk on the moon... why not? The most incredible things that have happened seemed impossible at the time, this shows you that if you can dream it, you can create it.

31. Can we travel back in time?

But more importantly, what would you do if you could travel back in time? Would you have the ability to fix your mistakes? or could you learn more from them?

32. What is the scope of my imagination?

Imagination is the most powerful weapon we have to move forward, not only because of our ability to create and invent. But to solve the problems that come our way and see the world in a different way.

33. What else am I capable of?

You have managed to get everything you have so far, but what else can you do? We can always develop new skills or acquire new skills to help us in our future.

34. How is it possible to measure the success of life?

Again, in this you have to answer yourself first, what does success mean to you? Not everyone has the same conception of this and to measure your success you only have to see if you are living what you think this is. If not, what are you waiting for to change it?

35. Why do I usually feel the way I do?

We are not always in a good mood and that is normal, but for some people, having a specific mood is almost normal since it is part of their day to day. But what is it that triggers this emotion? Does it benefit you or does it hurt you? Can you get any learning from it?

36. Will I be able to improve my behavior?

The world is in constant motion and therefore our own world is in constant dynamism and change. However, if you are reluctant to accept changes and maintain a constant stubbornness, improvement and advancement can be an uphill walk.

37. Can people change?

Taking into account the previous question and what we talked about, the dynamism of the world and the negativity of accepting changes. Could it be that people can change? because everything depends on the attitude of people and their way of perceiving the world.

38. How can I improve my life now?

It is normal that you want to improve your life or have personal growth, but you feel that you do not know which way to go or how to start. So you must make an action plan with small objectives to reach your final goal and review what you need and how you can get them.

39. Is it possible to learn from our mistakes?

The only way to improve is to see where we have gone wrong. So the ideal with our mistakes is to amend them and learn from them so as not to stumble over the same stone. Although some prefer to stay in their comfort zone and not face their difficulties.

40. Am I a good match?

Whether you have had heartbreak, or if you are in a current relationship. It is very valid that you ask yourself these questions to evaluate your actions, decisions and commitment to your partner. Ace; i like what you want to keep sharing with this.

41. Am I able to value things?

On more than one occasion we have questioned whether we are grateful for what we have or rather we tend to complain. But what are those scenarios? it is normal that we want to improve our current situation, but we must also appreciate what we achieve.

42. Can I live all I want or is life too short?

Knowing the reality of life is important to plan our future, the reality is that we are not eternal. But why should we live in a hurry? Ideally, we should have a healthy balance between stopping procrastination and living in a relaxed way.

43. Am I weak if I show my emotions towards others?

Why is showing emotions related to a synonym for weakness? The truth is that our emotions are what make us human. Although of course, it is important to learn emotional intelligence so that you can have better control of your emotions to express at the right times.

44. Is life unfair?

It depends, look at what have been those times where you thought life was unfair. It was because you couldn't accomplish something, because you couldn't buy what you wanted or because you missed an opportunity. Are you sure you don't have some involvement there too?

45. How can we know what is the most important thing in life?

What is the most important thing in your life for you or the most important thing you want to have in your life? Take a moment to assess your situation and reminisce about what makes you smile or want to re-experiment. Then take action towards it and explore all that life has to offer.

With these questions you can have a slightly more fixed direction of where you want to go and if you are going the right way.

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