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Top 60 Egyptian Proverbs (and what they mean)

One of the ancient civilizations of our world is the Egyptian. In fact, it is the second oldest civilization, after the Sumerian. Egypt a culture full of mystery, charm and technology that ended up inspiring other cultures throughout history.

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Best proverbs of Egyptian culture

Would you like to know a little more about this one? So, don't miss the following article where we will have a compilation of the greatest Egyptian proverbs and their meanings.

1. Hearing is precious to the listener.

Listening is not only hearing, but paying attention.

2. Man has to learn to increase his sense of responsibility and the fact that everything he does has the consequences for him.

Every action has its effect.

3. If what you are going to say is not more beautiful than silence: don't say it.

Take good care of your words, as they can hurt others.

4. What you do doesn't matter much... It's what you learn from what you do that really matters.

Everything we do has its own lesson.

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5. Knowing one achieves faith. By doing one you achieve conviction. When you know, you dare.

You cannot know something until you study and dare to do it.

6. The first time you cheat on me, it will be your fault; The second time, the fault will be mine.

We must recognize our participation in the eventualities that surround us.

7. A pretty thing is never perfect.

The beauty is in the originality.

8. If you have to build something lasting, don't work with the ephemeral. Always look for a fixed point, something that you know is stable: yourself.

To achieve something, we must first work on strengthening our confidence.

9. Who does not understand a look will not understand a long explanation either.

Our expressions sometimes speak more clearly than our words.

10. He who is carried away by the heart will never be lost.

Listen to your heart and it will guide you to the things that make you happy.

11. If you have to know yourself, place yourself at a starting point and go back to your origins. Your beginnings will reveal your end.

Take your origin as an example and inspiration for self-improvement.

12. He punishes those who are envious by doing good to them.

The worst punishment for the envious is to see those who envy happy.

13. The dog that has money is called Mr. Dog.

A reference to that money grants a higher status.

14. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you; and he who knows himself will find it.

The divine is within each one of us.

15. Those who really seek God, within the sanctuaries are drowned.

To seek God it is not necessary to fall into fanaticism.

16. Everything is within you. Know your deepest interior and look for its correspondence in nature.

Everything about you that you don't know and that bothers you is inside you.

17. If a man tells you that you look like a camel, ignore him; If two tell you, look in a mirror.

A criticism can be just a negative comment, but when they pile up, it can be a truth.

18. The seed includes all the potentialities of the tree… The seed will develop all those potentialities. However, he must receive all the necessary energies from heaven.

The fact that we have innate abilities does not make us experts in something.

19. Whoever insists on hitting a stone at the moon will not succeed, but he will end up knowing how to handle the sling.

You may not achieve your goal, but you will have an apprenticeship to do something else to better use.

20. The grain must return to the ground, die, and decompose for a new crop to emerge and grow.

Sometimes we must fall to learn what we need to know to succeed.

21. Books, roads and days give man wisdom.

He studies and knows the world. There is no better way to learn.

22. Patience is a tree with bitter roots, but with very sweet fruits.

It is difficult, but it is worth the wait.

23. Ask the old and the young for advice, but follow your own common sense.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, but yes, listen to the advice and go on your way.

24. Your body is the temple of knowledge.

Your body is sacred. Please respect it.

25. If you are applauded, never brag until you know who applauded you.

People who flatter you may have hidden intentions.

26. The sand of the desert is to the weary traveler the same as incessant conversation to the lover of silence.

Each one perceives difficulties in a personal and different way.

27. Love makes time pass; time makes love pass.

Make time and love go on the same line.

28. Judge by cause, not effect.

When actions are not corrected, the consequences cannot be controlled.

29. Love and cough can not be hidden.

There are things that cannot remain secret.

30. Before you question your wife's good judgment, take a look at who she has married.

When you want to judge someone, do it to yourself first.

31. Hide the good you do, imitate the Nile that hides the source of it.

Do not brag about the things you do, because you do not know if they will be fulfilled or who can act against you.

32. Once the game is over, the king and the pawn return to the same box.

When a conflict ends, people go their way.

33. Half the joy is talking about it.

Don't restrict yourself from sharing your happiness with others.

34. From listening comes wisdom, and from speaking repentance.

You have to learn when is the best time to speak and when to listen.

35. An answer is beneficial in proportion to the intensity of the search.

If you want something, look for it.

36. The ignorant man is like an ass with a heavy load.

We are all ignorant, but we have a choice whether to stay that way or to move on.

37. Our senses serve to affirm, not to know.

Use your senses as a compass, not as a book.

38. Knowledge is the consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and the causes from which they arise.

Everywhere there is knowledge, we just have to have an open mind to discover it.

39. With a lie he usually goes very far, but without hope of returning.

Once you decide to lie, there is no going back.

40. The first thing that is needed in teaching is a teacher. The second, a student who is able to endure the tradition.

The world of teaching is an endless cycle.

41. The heart has not engendered hatred, words are what engendered it.

No one has hatred in their heart, but they learn to do it.

42. The march instructs the donkey.

We all learn through modeling.

43. Give back to your mother everything she has done for you.

Our parents are our greatest and perpetual sponsors.

44. If we all pulled in the same direction, the world would capsize.

This phrase refers to the fact that it is necessary to have distinctions to maintain balance.

45. You have to be well on guard against silent water, a silent dog, and a silent enemy.

Sometimes quiet people have dark intentions.

46. The growth of consciousness does not depend on the will of the intellect or its possibilities, but on the intensity of the internal will

We are capable of doing anything, as long as that is what we set out to do.

47. The social good is what brings peace to families and society.

A good society is one that promotes peace.

48. Man, know yourself… and you will know the Gods.

Knowing ourselves is having the greatest of experiences.

49. Every seed reacts to light, but its color is different. The plant reveals what is inside the seed.

Although we have the same upbringing and education, each one grows in his own way.

50. There is no point in preaching wisdom in men, you must inject it into their blood.

The word is useless if we contradict ourselves with our actions.

51. No discussion will shed light if it strays from the real topic.

Some discussions change course to end in an entirely different problem.

52. Images are closer to reality than cold definitions. Search in peace, and you will find.

An action will always speak louder than any speech.

53. The seed cannot grow upwards without growing with its roots simultaneously into the earth.

The more we evolve, the more we must work within ourselves.

54. A boy's ear is on his back, when he hits it, hey.

There are times when people don't want to hear what they need to hear until it's late.

55. One foot is not enough to walk.

We do not advance in a single area of ​​our life, but in each of them.

56. Get to work and become a scribe, because then you will be a man's guide.

Make a difference and others will follow.

57. The past has fled, what you hope is absent, but the present is yours.

It is not beneficial to focus on a time other than the present.

58. If you sit with a crowd, refuse the loaves you want.

Opportunities happen if you stay in your comfort zone.

59. Whoever eats a lot cannot sleep.

Regret can come from many places.

60. The only humiliating thing is helplessness.

Be careful who you trust, because there may be people who say they love you but will not hesitate to abandon you.

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