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The 11 incredible benefits of garlic for your well-being

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Garlic is a very common species in our gastronomy, one of those ingredients that will never be lacking in the kitchen and that brings a very distinctive flavor to meals. But in addition to providing delicious flavors, there are many more things you can do with just one clove of garlic that can bring you many benefits.

Its strong smell and taste may make you think twice before deciding to give it other uses than the kitchen, but when you know the benefits of garlic that we bring you Today, you will not hesitate to start using it in different ways and to take advantage of all its properties.

The 11 incredible benefits of garlic

Garlic is a species that has been with us for thousands of years and that has been widely used by alternative medicine to cure and prevent diseases; It is a homemade and infallible recipe from the grandmothers. Here we explain the 11 benefits of garlic for your well-being.

1. Garlic on an empty stomach for the digestive system

One of the benefits of garlic is that it greatly improves digestion, since its main asset, allicin,

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stimulates gastric juices so that food is assimilated more easily. In this way, it reduces diarrhea and constipation.

Diseases that can be caused in the digestive system can also be prevented if you start eating garlic on an empty stomach. It is true that the smell and taste are very strong, so if you can't resist it, don't worry, you can buy garlic capsules and take it as a medicine.

2. It is the best natural antibiotic

It is proven that one of the greatest benefits of garlic is that it is an excellent natural antibiotic capable of eliminating and stopping the growth of bacteria. It is even said to have the same power of action as penicillin.

Thanks to this, it was widely used by the Russian army during World War II. When we take a clove of garlic on a regular basis, diallyl sulfide helps the immune system to kill viruses and bacteria and strengthens it.

3. Works as an antiseptic

We get other benefits from garlic due to its antibacterial properties, so we also can be applied as an antiseptic on minor skin wounds. It is enough to pass a clove of garlic several times a day on the wound so that it cleans it and prevents infections.

4. Garlic helps us lower cholesterol levels

Another property of allicin, the main asset of garlic, is that it reduces total cholesterol and high triglycerides. Several studies have been able to show that if you consume a clove of garlic a day you can reduce even 9% of the bad cholesterol in the body.

5. Improves circulation and cardiovascular function

Garlic's high vitamin B content is an excellent ally to prevent and treat various heart diseases for its vasodilator properties.

It is beneficial for hypertension, which is when blood pressure is high; hyperlipidemia, which is the abnormal concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood; or atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries. It is also excellent as an anticoagulant, thus being the natural alternative to aspirin.

6. It is the perfect ally to fight acne

One of the benefits of garlic for all those who suffer from acne! Well, the Antibacterial and antiseptic benefits of allicin they eliminate the bacteria that are in the pores and that cause acne. As garlic is anti-inflammatory, you can apply it on the pimples to reduce the swelling and pain that they bring.

In any case, if you start consuming it daily on an empty stomach with a glass of water, garlic can also help to prevent its appearance, since by improving circulation, it also improves the transport of nutrients to the skin.

7. It is an antioxidant

Garlic is wonderful for the skin for its antioxidant power, which protects and regenerates cells. Apart from this, it is especially powerful acting against the oxidation produced by radicals free and that can result in diseases such as Alzheimer's, due to the aging of the tissues.

8. Decongests you

Whether due to colds, flu, allergies or sinusitis, another of the benefits of garlic is that it is also decongestant, and all thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When you have a stuffy nose, you can steam garlic to clear the airways; and it is especially effective at night, so you can sleep better.

If you are one of those who catch colds very easily, you can include a clove of garlic in your daily nutrition to increase defenses and prevent them. If you don't like garlic, you can take it in supplement form.

9. It is a treatment for alopecia

Alopecia is a skin disease that causes you to lose hair on your head, and sometimes on other parts of the body as well. There is no known cure, but there are several treatments that help delay hair loss for as long as possible. Garlic is great for helping those treatments be much more effective, and at the same time decreases the effect of the corticosteroids that are normally used.

What you have to do is make a mask by mixing garlic cloves with a little water and putting it on your head for 20 minutes. The more times you repeat its application during the week, the greater the benefits of garlic for the treatment.

10. It is effective against male sexual impotence

If your partner is going through a situation of sporadic sexual impotence (this is normal! Stress or situations of anguish can often cause it), garlic is the best remedy to increase sexual desire. Ask him to include a clove of garlic on an empty stomach or a garlic supplement every day. In this case, the allicin in garlic works by improving circulation and increasing sexual desire.

11. Eliminate athlete's foot

Since athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin of the foot, it is one of the conditions in which the benefits of garlic they act excellently stopping and eliminating fungi, as well as improving the damaged parts of the skin due to infection.

What you have to do is put several garlic cloves in the blender and crush them until you get a cream. When it is ready, put it on the area affected by athlete's foot (it should be clean and dry) and let it act for 30 minutes. Repeat the application every day until the infection is gone.

Definitely garlic it is a wonderful ingredient to improve the health and well-being of your body. We have been able to show why it is so widely used by alternative medicine, so we hope that These 11 benefits of garlic help you to make it an essential in your diet and outside her.

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