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65 sad phrases of love, pain, melancholy and sadness to cry

Unfortunately sadness is one of the strongest feelings that people can experience, and many authors have reflected on melancholy and pain.

We select 65 sad phrases that express pain, disappointment and sadness, reflecting what we feel in moments of heartbreak and grief.

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65 sad phrases about love, melancholy and sadness

These sad phrases will touch your heart and make you reflect on the dramas of heartbreak, loneliness, death and melancholy.

1. You never suffer for love. You suffer from lack of love, disappointment or indifference, but never for love. Love doesn't hurt.

Heartbreak is undoubtedly a great source of sad phrases, as it is one of the most painful experiences in life.

2. There is no sadder place than that where you remember yourself happy.

Especially if that is just a place that is only in our memory.

3. The problem with impossible loves is that it takes us a lifetime to forget them.

The loves that have not come to fruition and of which we have not been disappointed are the most difficult to let go.

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4. There is not a single real love story that has a happy ending. If it is love, it will have no end. And if you have it, you will not be happy.

A sad and bittersweet phrase, like most love stories.

5. The pain is not as strong as the guilt, but it takes more of you.

Veronica Roth reminds us with this phrase that pain is a feeling that leaves more imprint than any other.

6. Sorrows were not made for beasts, but for men.

Quote by Miguel de Cervantes, about sadness as part of the human condition.

7. Melancholy sees the worst of things.

Sad phrase about melancholy and how hopeless it is, according to Christian Nestell Bovee.

8. Nothing is sadder than the death of an illusion.

Being excited about something and losing it is one of the worst experiences, according to this phrase by Arthur Koestler.

9. There is nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.

And it is a most common experience, because having it all is useless if it does not fill you up.

10. It's sad when you realize that you are not as important to someone as you thought you were.

A sad phrase about the disappointments that we can take from some people.

11. Dying seems less sad than having lived little.

For the writer Gloria Steinem the real sadness is not taking advantage of life.

12. Living in the past only blinds you to the future.

Holding on to painful experiences only prevents us from enjoying what is to come, as this phrase by Andrew Boyd expresses.

13. A person can feel lonely, even when many people love them.

The company does not deprive the human being of inner loneliness. This is how Anna Frank expressed it in her diaries.

14. Don't make someone your everything. Because when they are gone, you have nothing.

As much as we love someone, we must come first, because in the end we only have ourselves.

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15. Each sigh is like a sip of life that one gets rid of.

A beautiful phrase by the Mexican writer Juan Rulfo, which expresses how sadness is expressed in sighs.

Melancholy has been a topic of reflection for many thinkers.
Melancholy has been a topic of reflection for many thinkers. Fountain:Unsplash

16. Smile because you had the opportunity, cry because you missed it.

And that's what life is all about, a bittersweet path full of good and bad experiences.

17. I smile and that's not why I'm happy, because sometimes I smile to hide my sadness.

One of the saddest phrases, well sometimes smiles try to hide the greatest sadness.

18. It is loneliness that makes the loudest noise. This is true for both men and dogs.

The feeling of loneliness is very powerful in any living being, according to this quote from Eric Hoffer.

19. The heart was made to be broken.

One of the saddest and hopeless phrases of the famous writer Oscar Wilde.

20. Death is sweet; but his anteroom, cruel.

One of the most famous phrases of Camilo José Cela, about the suffering that is life.

21. The true pain is the one suffered without witnesses.

The sadness that we experience being alone is the most suffered, according to this phrase by Marco Valerio Marcial.

22. The ones you love the most are generally the ones who hurt you the most.

When what we feel for someone is so strong, the pain they cause us is also pain.

23. My pain turned to sadness and my sadness to anger. My anger turned to hatred and I forgot how to smile.

The most painful experiences can turn any heart black.

24. Life is like a video game. Only there is no reset button.

The sad reality is that we only have one game to play.

25. Unhappy is the one who thinks about her childhood and only evokes memories of fear and sadness.

One of the saddest phrases of H. P. Lovecraft, about the bad experiences during that very important stage in life that is childhood.

26. It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.

Writer Chuck Palahniuk always offers raw doses of reality in each of his sentences.

27. Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.

One of the phrases of sadness and loneliness of the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

28. Love does not know its own depth until the time of separation.

A sad reality that Kahlil Gibran expresses in this reflection.

29. Sometimes I like being in the rain just so they don't know I'm crying.

One of the saddest phrases we can hear someone say.

30. Sometimes a plan is just a list of things that don't happen.

This phrase expresses a great truth, because sadly we do not always get to carry out what we plan.

These reflections reflect what we feel in moments of grief.
These reflections reflect what we feel in moments of grief. Fountain:Unsplash

31. The walls we build around ourselves to keep us away from sadness also keep out happiness.

Jim Rohn reminds us that we must not give up risky experiences to prevent us from disappointmentWell, we will also lose good moments.

32. Time does not heal wounds, it only makes them old enough to get used to the pain.

It is always said that time heals everything, but this crude phrase expresses that pain simply remains in another form.

33. A mirror shows your image on the outside, but never your pain on the inside.

Pain is a very deep feeling that many may not know that you are sorry.

34. We ignore those who adore us and we adore those who ignore us.

And this leads to great dissatisfaction and suffering.

35. At some point, you must realize that some people may remain in your heart but not in your life.

It is time for all of us to learn this sad lesson.

36. Living knowing what your end is and the pain you will suffer in life is something that kills you very slowly.

One of the sad phrases, which can be applied to people living with a disease.

37. Melancholy and sadness are the beginning of doubt… doubt is the beginning of despair; despair is the cruel beginning of different degrees of evil.

Another phrase of the Count de Lautréamont who speaks of pain and sadness as the origin of what is bad in people.

38. Depression is something that pushes you down to always sink a little deeper.

Unfortunately, depression is a disease that plunges those who suffer from it into sadness.

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39. We live to suffer. That is one of the most painful messages we continually receive in life.

Life can be a lot of suffering, but that doesn't mean we should live it just for that.

40. Most minor scars heal, but those that are very deep never really heal.

Sadly the painful experiences that mark us the most they always remain somewhat open.

41. You will be that pain that accompanies me throughout my life.

One of the sad phrases that you can dedicate to the person who has hurt you and has marked you.

42. Life sometimes hurts more than any disease, a pain so great that you wonder if it is worth it.

Bad experiences sometimes cause us so much pain that they make us see that life is not worth it, but we must overcome.

43. In his heart he had the thorn of a passion. I managed to rip it off one day: and I don't feel my heart.

This poetic phrase by Antonio Machado expresses very well those times when after a love disappointment it seems that we can no longer feel love.

44. Not being loved is a simple misfortune. The true fatality is to not know how to love.

On the other hand, this quote from the existentialist Albert Camus reminds us that sadness is in those who are not able to feel love.

45. It is very sad to think that nature speaks while humans do not listen.

Victor Hugo left us with this sad phrase that can well be applied to the phenomenon of global warming that we currently suffer.

46. My illusion to write the most beautiful love story only remained in illusion.

Again the loss of illusion is another sad reason for reflection.

47. Pain is writing sentences expressing it and that no one comes to support you.

Hopefully if you share any of these sad phrases you will have the support you need.

48. Melancholy is the happiness of being sad.

Another phrase by the writer Victor Hugo about sadness and melancholy.

49. I was back where I had started: with nothing but my loneliness.

Another phrase that expresses the sadness of being alone, reflection of Arthur Golden.

50. Today I will pretend to be happy to avoid explaining why I find myself so sad.

Another phrase that describes those moments of sadness in which we have to pretend to be fine.

Heartbreak is a great source of sadness.
Heartbreak is a great source of sadness. Fountain:Available at:

51. There is no greater pain than needing and losing something that you know you can never replace.

There are people or experiences in our life that are irreplaceable, but deep down all of them are because each one of them is unique and unrepeatable.

52. Nothing thicker than a blade separates happiness from melancholy.

Virginia Woolf expresses in this sad quote how easy it is to sometimes go from a state of happiness to one of sadness.

53. Even the strongest person gets tired of moving mountains, for whom she would not move a stone.

And it is important to realize in time to not dedicate more time than necessary to those who do not deserve it.

54. Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It is the transition that is problematic.

Jimi Hendrix leaves us with this reflection that makes us think, isn't life that transition?

55. Often the tomb unknowingly contains two hearts in the same coffin.

This is one of the saddest phrases, because when someone dies, they also take part of the heart of the person who loved them.

56. Maybe part of loving is learning to let go.

To love is to respect the other, although his decision may sadly be to walk away.

57. I never thought that happiness had so much sadness.

Some experiences that bring us happiness can bring sadness, according to this phrase by Mario Benedetti.

58. Sometimes a false joy is preferable to a sadness of true causes.

The philosopher Descartes reflects on accepting lesser evils.

59. In the book of life, the answers are not on the back.

The character of Charlie Brown reminds us with this quote that unfortunately life does not come with an instruction manual.

60. Sadness is flying away on the wings of time.

Sadness ends up disappearing with the passage of time, and this quote from Jean de la Fontaine expresses it well.

61. You are perfect as I remember, but painful as oblivion.

A sad phrase about the bittersweet of having good memories of a heartbreak.

62. The most difficult wound to heal always comes from the one who said that he would never cause it.

Sometimes the disappointment that someone can cause us after a love disappointment can be more painful than the heartbreak itself.

63. Sow distance and reap oblivion.

A phrase that reflects the sad reality of distancing ourselves from loved ones.

64. A sad soul can kill faster than bacteria.

The writer John Steinbeck leaves us this phrase about sadness and how quickly it can eat us up.

65. Sadness is one of the vibrations that prove that we are alive.

And we end with a phrase by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that reminds us that the good side of sadness is being able to feel emotions to remind us that we are alive.

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