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8 useful tricks to organize the closet and keep it tidy

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Do you want to know the best tricks to organize the closet? Many times it happens that you start to fill up with much more clothes and accessories than you can store and the chaos begins!

Don't worry, surely your closet space can hold more clothes than you imagine and still look very neat. Here we leave you the best tricks to organize the closet and optimize all its space.

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What are the 8 best tricks to organize the closet?

We start by telling you that all the ideas to organize the closet that you will find below are very simple to apply and require little money. It is enough to understand a little better how cabinets work so you can see how to optimize it. With a closet in order, the energy flows better and even the stress generated by visual clutter decreases considerably.

The best thing is that when you get down to it, you will rediscover a lot of clothes that you love and that you no longer used, just because you couldn't find them easily in the closet. And when you have applied all the tricks to organize the closet, keeping it tidy will be very easy.

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1. Be aware of what you have

As silly as it may seem and although a priori it does not have much to do, this is one of the most fundamental tricks to organize the closet. It is very important that you first remove the mountain of clothes from the closet so that you realize what you really have. On the one hand, you will be able to see the closet as it is and start from scratch to fill it; on the other hand, you will be able to see all the things you have and make a plan.

A very important tip: throw away everything you do not use, that has been in the closet for years without being seen And that, let's face it, it's several seasons old and you're unlikely to ever use it again. When you accumulate clothes you not only take up much-needed space in the closet, but, as Feng Shui says, you allow old things to take up a space and you do not invite new things to arrive.

2. Classify your clothes

Now that you have all your clothes out, one of the best ideas to organize the closet, used in any organization method, is to classify everything you have. Start by grouping by garment types: jackets with jackets, pants with pants, T-shirts with shirts, and so on. This classification also includes accessories and shoes that you keep in the closet.

If you are liking it then too you can organize each group of garments by color, placing the lighter tones at the top and the darkest tones at the bottom, making a gradient. This idea relaxes the visual effect of the wardrobe and gives it a very nice look.

3. Boxes are the best friends in the closet

Inside drawers, in very wide spaces without a shelf or in the highest areas of the closet, boxes are great ideas for organizing your closet. You can choose different sizes, materials and textures according to what you like the most.

If you have a high part of the closet that you do not reach easily, put everything that you do not use for the change of season into a box and leave it up; a box for clothes and another for season shoes. Take the opportunity to also put travel suitcases that you do not use frequently.

If you do not have much space in the lower part of the closet for shoes, put a drawer-type box, so you will have not one but two floors to put the shoes; And since it is of the drawer type, it will be very easy to reach the shoes that are at the bottom.

You can also store each pair of shoes in its own box with a photo on the front so you can identify them. The advantage is that the boxes are stackable, so you will get extra space for your shoes.

If you keep accessories of different shapes and sizes in the closet within the same shelf, one of the ways to organize the closet is by putting each category in a box. For example, belts, sunglasses, gloves and winter hats, etc. If you decide on boxes that have a lid, you will be able to stack them to have extra space.

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4. What can be folded optimizes space

Another of the tricks to organize the closet is to fold the clothes. T-shirts, sweatshirts, pullovers and even pants like jeans can be folded. It may take a little time at first if you've never done it before, but you're going to love the result.

When you have everything folded the same size, look at the space you have in the drawers or shelves. Now, to improve the perception of order, separate the space between each block of folded garments with dividers. Here you can be very creative and use pieces of wood, bookmarks that are not flimsy... what you want!

5. How to order underwear

Briefs or briefs, bras, and stockings or socks have different shapes, so it's easy enough for drawers to look messy. In this case we can use the previous tricks to organize the closet: separate the place for each piece with boxes, baskets or dividers.

Underwear dividers are very inexpensive and it is the easiest for each brief or each bra to be in place and not move all over the drawer. A plus, if you are not a fan of folding socks, you can simply put the pair in its respective space without folding and keep the pair together.

6. At the time of hanging

This point depends a lot on the size of the bar or bars that we have in the closet to hang. What we can tell you in principle is that one of the tricks to organize the closet and that is visually less clutteredIt is hanging the heaviest and darkest things on the left side, and the lightest on the left side of the bar; it is a question of visual effect.

Now there are different ways to optimize the bar space as well. If your bar is rather short, you can get extra space by grouping inside coat covers in groups, so they will be more compact.

You can also try inserting hangers or hooks for various garments, of those that come staggered. So you can have, for example, 4 shirts hanging from the same hook and perfectly organized and without wrinkles.

If, on the other hand, the bar of your closet is quite long and what you need is space to locate folded clothes and boxes, you can include a hanging closet for extra storage.

7. Use the back of the doors

This is one of the best closet organizing ideas if there is definitely no more space. You just have to put a closet coat rack on the back of the door. There you can hang scarves, belts, necklaces or whatever you need, no need to make it look messy.

You can also hang shoe organizers on the door, which you don't necessarily have to use for that, or a bag to put dirty clothes.

8. Keep order

Now that you've used these closet organizing tricks, your task is to keep it organized. For this, the best idea is to leave in order what you use and not allowing clutter to build up.

If you want, you can choose an area of ​​your room in which to leave the clothes you have just removed and then put them neatly in your closet. Still, the most useful of the tricks to organize the closet after the task is done is that when you get home you put everything in its place while you take it off. You will see that it will not take more time and you will be able to maintain order without effort.
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