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Brushing your teeth right after eating: a good idea or a bad idea?

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The lifelong recommendation is to brush your teeth three times a day. But in addition to doing it this often, there are other important aspects of brushing that really help maintain our oral health.

Not only is brushing frequency important, but also the right time, the movements necessary for a good brushing and the right products so that they really help us clean and do not end up damaging the tooth enamel.

When is the best time to brush your teeth?

The goal of brushing your teeth is to remove bacteria that can harm them. The teeth are covered by an enamel that protects them. When bacteria proliferate, this enamel is damaged and allows bacteria to colonize the innermost layers of the tooth.

Gradually, this causes cavities. Bacteria proliferate thanks to the remains of food that remain on teeth, gums and tongue. The moist environment of the mouth becomes an ideal environment for bacteria to grow rapidly. Hence the importance of regular brushing.

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So, do you have to brush your teeth after every meal?

The answer is yes, but not immediately. It is best to wait a few minutes after you have finished eating. After allowing about 10 or 20 minutes, we can brush normally.

The reason has to do with the alteration of the PH that produce food in the mouth. Before food comes into contact with the tongue, the entire oral area has an optimal PH that hinders bacterial growth, but the components of what we eat alter this PH.

This in turn causes the natural enamel that covers the tooth to temporarily soften. If we brush our teeth at this time, we can cause damage to the enamel and allow bacteria to colonize the tooth more easily.

On the other hand, saliva is responsible for normalizing PH levels. If after eating we allow saliva to perform its function, the PH is restored and the enamel returns to its natural hardness that protects the tooth.

For this reason, the ideal is to wait 10 to 20 minutes after eating to brush your teeth. Especially if you have consumed something with too much sugar, or if you eat more than 3 times a day.

Orange and lemon juices are acidic foods that also cause a significant imbalance in the Ph of the mouth, so you have to wait up to 30 minutes before brushing to avoid damaging the enamel.

In addition to taking these measures, rinsing your mouth with water prior to brushing is helpful. This can be done immediately after eating, as water also helps to reestablish the Ph and eliminate food debris.

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What is the ideal brushing technique?

In addition to waiting 20 minutes to brush, the technique we use is also important. For this it is important to have a suitable toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash if necessary..

Proper brushing of teeth helps reduce the chance of cavities. For this reason, it is advisable to wait a reasonable time after eating, rinse with water and then brush.

The best brushing technique is to make gentle movements starting from the gum towards the tooth.. Make short strokes that completely cover the tooth. Brush the outer face, the inner face and the middle surface that makes the bite.

To end, floss must be used to clean between each tooth. This should be done gently so as not to hurt the gums. Likewise, you also have to brush the tongue from the inside out and give the gums a light massage.

Each element of tooth brushing has a specific function. You have to choose the best equipment, so that it really benefits our oral hygiene. It's not just about the toothbrush, there's so much more.

1. Toothbrush

The main part of brushing your teeth is the brush. A quality medium soft bristle should be chosen, unless otherwise directed by your dentist. This brush should be changed at least every 3 or 4 months. There is also the option of the electric toothbrush.

2. Floss

With dental floss, cleaning is carried out in the space between teeth. If the teeth are well aligned, it is more difficult for food to hide between the teeth, but even so flossing is recommended, as these spaces are difficult to reach with only brushing.

3. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is used in very little quantity. The main function of toothpaste is to counteract bad breath, although there are toothpastes that can help regenerate enamel, whiten teeth or better protect against cavities. It is important not to abuse it and to use the right amount, a little more than the volume of a large pea.

4. Mouth rinses

Mouthwash should be used in case of gingivitis. And in this case it will be the dentist who indicates the best rinse for us. In general, it is best not to use them or do it sporadicallyas many rinses contain a large amount of alcohol, which is not optimal for oral health.

Some tips to protect teeth

Oral health depends on a number of factors. In addition to the technique and not brushing your teeth right after eating to take care of your enamel, there are other aspects to take care of to help our teeth be healthy and free from cavities or other infections.

1. Feeding

Some foods promote oral health. All those that contain Vitamin A, C or D as well as calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus or silicon, favor to strengthen the enamel, teeth and maintain healthy gums.

2. What to avoid

Smoking and drinking alcohol or coffee in excess can harm oral health. Especially tobacco, since it is a highly harmful element in maintaining healthy teeth. Coffee and alcohol are better consumed in moderate amounts since their abundant consumption can unbalance our oral environment.

3. Soft drinks and sweets

The high amounts of sugar in soft drinks and sweets damage tooth enamel and facilitate bacterial growth. Although it is better to avoid their consumption or to do it in a very moderate way, one way to avoid part of their damage to the teeth is to wait 30 minutes before brushing after ingesting them.

4. Chopping food between meals

Eating continuously throughout the day can cause tooth damage. This is because not enough saliva is produced to neutralize the acids in foods. Plus, you can't be brushing your teeth immediately after eating each small portion. If we avoid this bad eating habit, we will be doing our dental health a big favor.

Bibliographic references

  • Marinho VCC, Higgins JPT, Logan S, Sheiham A. (2002) Fluoride varnishes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2002, Issue 1.
  • Robinson, Hamilton B.G (1946) Toothbrushing Habits of 405 Persons, The Journal of the American Dental Association, Volume 33, Issue 17, 1112-1117.

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