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How to clear your mind: 8 tips to release thoughts

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Sometimes we find ourselves in situations of stress or anxiety, in which negative thoughts keep flowing through our heads. Sometimes we just need a break to clarify situations that concern us.

But, How to clear your mind in these times of stress? There are ways to control our thinking and be able to free our mind, avoiding negative thoughts that cause us concern.

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How to clear your mind in 8 tips

In this article we show you ways to free your mind, which will allow you to relax and achieve a greater state of well-being.

1. Take some time

One of the first tips on how to clear your mind that we can give you is that you start by taking your time to do it. To do this, you must find a time when you can stop doing any activity and you can focus only on yourself.

Don't worry about what you have to do at that moment and take some time to be calm and to be able to clear your mind. It can be as much a whole day as an hour, in which you put your chores aside to be able to take a breath and clear your mind.

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2. Quiet atmosphere

But in order to clear your mind and free yourself from the accumulation of thoughts it is not worth doing it anywhere. You should find a quiet place where no one will bother you, that is not noisy, where there are few visual stimuli and where you can relax.

In order to free and calm your mind, it is best to find an open space, preferably natural, such as the beach, if there are not many people, or the countryside. It can also be a quiet park or a quiet corner of your house where you can relax.

3. Detect focus of concern

In order to clear your mind, the first thing you should do is analyze what worries you and be able to recognize what negative thoughts occupy your mind.

Organizing your head to be able to recognize what is expendable or essential will help you to order thoughts and be able to get rid of ideas that can be a drag and are affecting you negatively.

For this you must analyze whether these concerns are consistent and realistic, and what you can do to improve them. You can write them down on a sheet or in a diary and reread them, since in this way you will be seeing them from another perspective.

4. Relaxation techniques

Another way to clearing the mind in times of anxiety, nervousness, or worry it is through relaxation techniques. For example, controlling your breathing will help you to reduce physical tension, but also to relax the mind and free it from thoughts.

Another very common technique is Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation, which will allow you to relax and focus on your body for a few moments, helping you to free your mind and clear it.

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5. Listen to music

Music is an effective way to get away and not think about anything besides help you relax and release tension. If you are already in a quiet place and still have trouble clearing your mind, try wearing music for a while to forget your worries and focus on relaxing sounds or your music favorite.

6. Enjoy more of nature

Surrounding yourself with natural environments and landscapes will also help clear your mind. Living in the city or surrounded by many people is stressful, so you it will be very beneficial to take a break and get closer to nature to rest from the hustle and bustle, be it an hour or several days.

Nature has relaxing effects, and in addition to helping you relieve tension, it will provide you with a quiet space to organize your mind and clear it. You can go to the beach on a lazy day or take a walk in the woods.

7. Get organized and plan your activities

Sometimes the problem is not so much having a lot of stress due to excessive activities, but it is the result of poor organization, which makes us occupy more time than we should. The same disorganization or doing everything on the fly can generate anxiety, so a good way to avoid it will be to organize and plan the different activities of our day to day.

Having organized schedules or having a calendar with our planned plans helps us to prevent plans from being unexpected and stressful, and gives us space to clear our minds.

8. Channel tension

It is also beneficial and will help you free your mind from carry out activities that channel these tensions and energies that you need to unload. An example can be physical exercise or activities that require certain physical skills, such as muscle coordination.

These types of activities will help you focus on the physical effort they require and will free your mind from excess thoughts that may be weighing you down. They will also help relieve physical tension and leave you in a state of relaxation and well-being.

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