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Baby shower: 8 original ideas for your baby's party

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful moments that some women have the fortune to live. And while we are in the sweet waiting, what better than to have an original baby shower in which, in addition to celebrate baby on the way, we surround ourselves with our friends and loved ones to fill ourselves with love and have a great time.

If you are planning your baby shower or are going to organize one for your friends, we bring you these 8 original ideas for a baby shower, all of different styles but very fun, in which cupcakes, cookies, decoration and fun will not be lacking.

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8 original ideas for a baby shower

It is true that not all of us like to organize celebrations, but that is not why you should stop preparing a baby shower for your baby.

You will see that there are many original ideas for baby shower They do not involve a big party or a lot of effort to have an unforgettable afternoon, but they do involve beautiful memories and small details that you can incorporate and that you will love.

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1. Choose the date of your baby shower

This more than an idea for a baby shower, it is a advice we give you before you start organizing it. Choose the date of your baby shower in advance and thinking about a moment of pregnancy in which you still feel up to being in social events. The most advisable thing is that you do it between week 30 and 35 of pregnancy, before it is very soon and afterwards it is possible that you do not even want to move from how big your baby is.

2. Baby shower themes

In general, baby showers were determined by the sex of the baby, and according to that the decorations were made in pink or blue, always in pastel tones. Although many continue to do so today, not everyone likes this exclusive use of colors. We are increasingly creative and we can determine different and original themes for baby showers.

For example, you can opt for a jungle baby shower and make decorations in shades of green and brown, a sea ​​baby shower with maritime motifs or make a fairy garden for the baby to be surrounded by Magic. The truth is that we like to opt for the infantile side to get into the mood of babies and children that is approaching.

3. The right places for the baby shower

Something very important for the baby shower is choose the place where we will do it. Some feel more comfortable organizing them at home, others prefer to rent a place or do it in a garden taking advantage of the sun. But it all depends on each one and her budget.

The truth is that today everything has diversified so much that we even find nails bars who organize this type of party, in which you can pamper yourself with your friends, have a good time and chat a lot about motherhood while you do your nails.

Other girls more than a party allusive to the baby decide to make one food or a brunch with the whole family and friends for the celebration. In the end, the important thing is to meet with family and friends to celebrate the baby's arrival.

4. Signature and wish book

Get a notebook that you love and can easily keep for years. Since your baby shower guests are people who love you and your baby, ask them to sign the guest book; but not in the conventional way, but they should make wishes for your baby (just like the fairy godmothers of Sleeping Beauty did).

If someone does not know very well how to write good wishes and wishes for the baby, you can ask them to write notes of memories of the event, of his relationship with you and how happy everyone is waiting for her arrival. This is an original idea for a baby shower that you can include whatever type of party you organize, and that you can then read with your son or daughter in the future. It is a beautiful memory.

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5. Rituals for you and the baby

As with the signature book, an original baby shower idea is to make rituals with your friends to celebrate the baby's arrival.

For example, you can have a special chest in which each person puts a little dirt while making offerings to the baby, and so on until the last one. Then they can plant a plant or flower in the chest and leave it as a memento of good wishes for the baby.

Under this same idea you can design your own ritual of offerings and wishesWell, nothing more personalized than this original idea for a baby shower.

6. The games can not be missed

Whether it's a baby shower with many guests, or an intimate one just with your friends, games are the lifeblood of baby showers. If you have not disclosed the sex of the baby, you can do a track race to find out. You can also make use of the classic baby shower games in which the size of your tummy, guessing the baby's weight, changing the diaper and many more that will enliven the celebration.

7. The baby shower menu

For the baby shower menu you also have as many options as creativity and budget. It all depends on your taste, if you want to keep it healthy, if you want to prepare it yourself or hire it.

Today you can get candy bars full of cupcakes, cookies, cakepops, drinks, cakes and many more things adapted for a baby shower that you will love. If you want to make it more fun, you can serve drinks in bottles and foods in baby plates and with baby cutlery. You can even distribute a plastic bib to each guest, to make it a fun and childlike experience.

8. Library for wise men

This is an original baby shower idea that we can do in two ways: the first is to tell the guests that they will have a library of wise men, so that each one brings them a book on education, motherhood, fatherhood, how to relieve stress or the topics that they deem appropriate to help them become wiser parents.

The other (our favorite) is to build a library for wise children. In this case, each guest must bring a book for the baby that will make you wiser, that will help you expand your mind and your creativity. In this sense, they do not have to be books for babies, as they can be books for when he is a teenager or even adult novels that he will have to read at some point in his life.

The important thing is that they write a dedication in the book and may the library accompany your child for years. Surely The Little Prince will bring it one of the guests and, if the baby you are expecting is a girl, one of these book titles to empower girls will be placed on the shelf. Your baby shower will be different, but with a lot of sense.

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