Top 50 Polish Proverbs and Expressions
Polish culture is rich in history and traditions. In addition, it has been characterized as one of the lands that bravely has risen after suffering its greatest tragedy during World War II. Now it is known to be one of the favorite tourist destinations, coming from various parts of the world.
Another characteristic for which this culture is known and praised is for the importance it gives to art, both plastic works, music and literature, which had their highest apogee in the nineteenth and nineteenth centuries. XX.
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Best Polish Sayings and Proverbs
To learn a little more about Polish culture and its history through time, we bring a list with the best proverbs and expressions Polish about various elements of everyday life and some romantic phrases that you can use to surprise your partner or that person special.
1. To smile from hunger is to smile while lying.
A proverb that refers to the fact that it is impossible to be really happy when we are going through some precariousness.
2. Jesteś wyjątkowy. (Are special to me)
A very special detail for a special person.
3. For the poor man, even his wedding night is short.
It can be interpreted as that, in poverty, there are not many things to enjoy, not even such an important event.
4. Myślę or tobie. (I'm thinking of you)
This is for that person who dwells day and night in your mind.
5. The woman cries before marriage, the man after.
A funny irony about marriage. Where men can feel that their 'freedom' is over. Do you think the same?
6. Wet słońce. (My sun / My sky)
A short but powerful phrase that expresses the magnitude of the importance that that special person has for you.
7. It is better to be under the beard of old age than under the lash of youth.
Without a doubt, the more we grow, the more we are able to learn about the things that life teaches us.
8. Kocham tylko Ciebie. (I only love you)
A phrase to indicate fidelity to someone with whom you want to spend a lot of time in life.
9. Too much lovemaking ends in nothing.
Giving too much can exhaust both the one she offers and the one she receives.
10. Potrzebuję Cię. (I need you)
Remember that we must always express our feelings, never silence them.
11. The years teach more than books.
It is useless to have all the knowledge in the world if it is not put into practice.
12. The woman is like a mint leaf: the more she rubs it, the more smell she provides.
A reference to the fact that the more love you give a woman, the more she will respond in a beneficial way.
13. Jesteś miłością mojego życia. (You're the love of my life)
A declaration of love is an important moment in the history of two people, since it represents risk and commitment in equal parts.
14. The stars shine because the moon illuminates them.
A beautiful phrase that talks about the night landscape and the influence of the moon on it.
15. Zawsze myślę or tobie. (I always think of you)
This is a stronger statement, as it indicates that feelings are beginning to change.
16. The woman goes crazy on two occasions, when she falls in love and when she grows old.
A funny phrase that talks about the fear that some women have of getting old and losing their youthful beauty. Do you know someone who has been through something like this?
17. Wet serce jest tylko twoje. (My heart is yours only)
Have you ever made a statement of such magnitude like this?
18. The testament of a dead person is always the image of his life.
More than the treasure or fortune that could be accumulated in life, what people appreciate the most is the memory that someone left in their lives.
19. Chcę być z tobą na zawsze. (I want to be with you forever)
This phrase is to officialize a long-term commitment to that special someone.
20. If you go to war, pray once, if you go to the sea, pray twice, and if you are getting married, pray three times.
Different degrees of commitment and risks in life.
21. Chcę spędzić z tobą resztę życia. (I want to spend the rest of my life with you)
We can hear this phrase very often between wedding vows, but it can also be taken as a promise.
22. The prodigal is a future beggar, but the miser is eternally so.
It is useless to have all the fortune in the world or an excellent natural talent, if you do not use them for good in your future.
23. Kochanie. (My love / My darling)
A simple and very beautiful way to call your partner.
24. When adversity knocks on your door, all friends are asleep.
A phrase that refers to those ‘friends’ who are only interested in you when you are in your good times.
25. Masz piękny uśmiech. (You have a beautiful smile)
Do you know someone whose smile can light up an entire room?
26. The greatest love is that of a mother, then that of a dog, and finally that of a lover.
Loves that we experience in our life.
27. Jesteś śliczna. (You are sweet)
When a person seems tender to us, it is because he has something special that melts our hearts.
28. The devil ate a woman, but he could not digest her.
A saying that tells us about how difficult some women are and that they cannot be fully understood.
29. Sprawiasz, że się uśmiecham. (You make me smile)
The best way to win someone over is through laughter.
30. Love enters women through the eyes and men through the ears.
Talking about women being attracted by appearances, while men by what they are told.
31. Masz piękne oczy. (You have beautiful eyes)
It is well said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, do you think that is true?
32. Love yourself and let people hate you.
A powerful proverb that invites us to build our self-esteem and stop worrying about what others think.
33. Czy zostaniesz moją Walentynką? (Would you be my crush today?)
A very common phrase on Valentine's Day, to spend the day with someone special.
34. With a "God bless you" you don't buy anything.
Reference to that, more than words, actions are needed.
35. Love one another, ”said Christ. But without setting preferences.
Loving the other includes respecting each other's differences and betting on equity.
36. Bardzo miły przyjaciel. (A very nice friend)
Just as it is important to express our love for someone special, it is also necessary to express the importance of a friend in our life.
37. Associated with a woman, even the devil loses the game.
Women are powerful, so it is a mistake not to take them into account.
38. Mam motyle w brzuchu. (I feel butterflies in my stomach)
Has someone ever given you butterflies in your stomach?
39. Everyone has their hands around themselves.
A proverb that tells us that we can be our own enemies.
40. Esteś moją miłością. (You are my Love)
When a person goes from being a good friend to someone more significant.
41. There always comes a day when the sickle reaps the nettle.
A metaphorical saying that refers to death, that is, that death bequeaths to all of us at any time in our lives.
42. When misfortune knocks on the door, it is discovered that the friends have fallen asleep.
Another phrase that reminds us that true friends are those who are not only in good times, but also in the most difficult.
43. Zakochałem się w Tobie. (I'm in love with you)
A direct declaration of love. Never be afraid to take a risk, because you can lose a great opportunity in love.
44. He who has bare feet cannot do much harm.
Talk about humility if you keep that spirit of humanity and goodness, you can open all doors.
45. Nothing but water comes out of the snow.
A reference to the fact that nothing is achieved from indifference, as well as hiding what we feel.
46. Chcę być z tobą. (I want to be with you)
You can always find someone you want to be with all the time.
47. Who shouts during his life, dies smiling.
Never shut up your opinions and never stop fighting to make your dreams come true.
48. Jesteś piękna. (How is such beauty possible?)
A phrase that we can use when we are dazzled by the beauty of someone or a majestic landscape.
49. Fantasy, in fact, is the hidden and secret face of reality.
Fantasy cannot live far from reality, since it lives in our mind and it is what allows us to start creativity.
50. Nie mogę bez Ciebie żyć! (I can not live without you)
Do you have someone you never want to separate from?