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25 things to do with your friends to have a great time

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To celebrate something or just to hang out, we give you ideas and plans to be with your friends.

Friendship it is one of the most beautiful and constructive personal relationships. At any age, having a friend makes you feel accompanied and teaches you the value of loyalty and affection.

That is why it is important to have close friends and take care of them every day. One way to do this is to spend time with them. That's why we give you ideas of 25 plans and things you can do with your friends to have a great time.

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25 ideas to have a great time with friends

There are many ways to have a memorable time in company. It may be that you have a single friend or that they are a group of friends, it does not matter, in any case they can have a great time doing some activity together. The budget doesn't matter either, there are plenty of ideas to choose from.

What is really important is that the time they are together there are many laughs, anecdotes and unforgettable moments to remember later. Forget your worries for a while and have the best adventures, and bring your camera to take photos so you can remember it later.

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1. shopping

Going shopping with your friends is the most fun. Most common buy clothes, but you can turn it around and go to a vintage bazaar for books and vinyls, or even if they both like decoration, go look together for objects to decorate and give a unique touch to your rooms.

2. Movie marathon

A movie marathon for a lazy or rainy day when you don't feel like going out anywhere. Select a genre, it can be horror, romance, comedy or mystery. Although a good option is to choose a complete saga or even a series and watch several seasons together and comment on them.

3. Slumber party

Sleepovers with friends are the most fun. Whether it's just you and your friend or getting the group of best friends together, it's a great plan. Organize various activities, put on your pajamas, and get ready to stay up and have a good time.

4. Skincare session

A great way to pamper yourself and have fun: a skincare session. Prepare the best masks. They need one for deep cleansing, one for exfoliating, one more for nourishing, and one for moisturizing. Prepare sandwiches or a snack and have a good time with beautiful skin.

5. Makeup classes

Something you can do with your friends and it's really fun is an afternoon of putting on makeup. Whether they do each other's makeup or learn from YouTube tutorials. Another option is for them to join a course together and practice with each other.

  • It may interest you: "The 5 basic makeup to have a good face"

6. Karaoke

A fun time singing without inhibitions. Go in a group to a karaoke bar and make the stage your own. Or, if you prefer, prepare at home everything you need to sing without interruption and laugh a lot.

7. Hike

A walk together to enjoy while chatting and eating ice cream. It's a simple plan, but it can be relaxing and thought-provoking. If you like nature, find a place where you can do the walk, but an urban route always surprises you with unknown corners.

8. Getaway to the beach

The beach is always fun and relaxing, and what better than to do it with friends. If you have a little more time, find a beach far from where you live that you don't know about. But if you have something closer, take advantage of any weekend and go together to tan and catch up.

9. Reading circle

If reading is your thing, organize a reading circle. Whether you do it just between yourselves or invite someone else, it is always something exhilarating. Select a book and read it each one by their side and then meet to discuss what they have read together. It is very interesting!

10. Volunteer work

Find an association that needs volunteers and go together. The experience of helping others feeds the spirit. In addition to giving you great satisfaction, it will strengthen the bond of friendship between you and make you value what you have.


11. Photo session

How about a photo session, it will be the most fun! Find the ideal outfit, prepare makeup, hairstyles and one or more scenography that you can do yourself. Of course, a great idea is to do it outdoors, it gives it a more interesting touch.

12. Go partying

Partying and dancing is always fun. Of course, remember that if you are going to drink alcohol, be in moderation so that the fun does not end. Find a place that everyone likes and party.

13. Do exercise

Find a sports activity that you both like and go together. It can be crossfit, gym, swimming, basketball, gymnastics... The fun thing is that they go together and meet more friends to join their group.

14. Summer job

If they are students, a good idea to spend the summer is working. And if they can be used together, it will be fun. Work does not have to be a punishment, on the contrary, it is an opportunity to learn things and also have extra money with which to diversify income.

15. YouTube channel

How about they become the next and most famous youtubers? Or maybe not, but it will be a lot of fun planning and making a YouTube channel with your friends. Pick a subject you like and make a commitment to record frequently. They are really going to have fun.


16. Board games at home

Board games for a rainy afternoon are always fun. There are many options. Prepare snacks and drinks and games that you like the most. Dominoes, decks, uno, scrabble, there are endless options to spend the afternoon.

17. Exchange of clothes

Between friends we are always lending each other clothes. How about preparing a special afternoon to check their closets and exchange outifits? It is a good way to share with your best friend and to wear clothes that sometimes become unused.

18. Spa day

To relax in a spa, and to have a good time, let it be with friends. There are places that offer complete packages and, if two or more people go, they can even give them a discount. Also ask for a massage, you will relax and have time to talk and catch up.

19. Beauty salon

It has always been more fun to go to the beauty salon if you go with your friends. Request a complete service. Pedicure, manicure, haircut, dye touch-up, masks... Go together and come out of there beautiful for whatever comes.

20. Tattoo

A tattoo of friends to wear on the skin how important their friendship is. There are many special designs for friends. If there are only two or it is a group, it does not matter, look for something that everyone likes and that is special, yes, go together to get the tattoo.

Woman with tattoos

21. Weekend getaway

A weekend road trip with friends is unforgettable. If you can plan a long trip, it will be much better. Either by car or, if you are more daring, ride your motorcycles and choose a long way to travel and know. It really will be a memorable adventure.

22. Jump off the parachute

Not all dare, but if you like the idea, do it with friends. It's extreme, and if it's your first time doing it, it'll be even more special. Without a doubt, it is one of those things that you have to do at least once in your life. If it is too extreme for you, you can choose a balloon ride or bungee jumping.

23. Run a marathon

Running a marathon is not an easy thing, you can prepare together and meet the challenge of running it. This will take time, but it is a good way to spend time together and do something that will give you a lot of satisfaction. They can also choose short races to take physical condition.

24. Go to a concert

If you like the same music, you should go to a concert together. Or to a festival, but even if you don't like the same thing, the experience of meeting new music with your friends is always a fun anecdote that will unite you even more.

25. To prepare a party

Throw a party together. Maybe you want to celebrate your birthdays together, or just throw a party and invite other friends. Preparation and partying become a fun experience for both of you.
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