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What is cortisol and why is it related to stress?

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The most important hormone related to the stress response is cortisol.

But what is cortisol and why is it related to stress? In this article we will answer these questions, reviewing the brain pathway that is activated when we are stressed, and knowing the health problems that derive from chronic stress.

In addition, we will expose the functions of cortisol and propose some techniques and strategies to respond in a healthy way to stress, avoiding the excessive release of cortisol in the long term.

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Cortisol... and why is it linked to stress

Surely everyone at some point in our life has suffered stress. Stress is a natural response of the body when we expose ourselves to threatening or overwhelming situations. At that time, many hormones are put to work, increasing their levels in the blood and inhibiting certain functions of the body. One of these hormones is cortisol.

Cortisol, also called hydrocortisone, is a steroid hormone or glucocorticoid.

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It is produced in one gland, the adrenal gland. Cortisol is released when we are in a stressful situation or period. The main function of this hormone is to prepare the body to "fight or flight" in the face of a threatening situation.

In the short term, cortisol is functional, since it helps the body prepare to act; However, long-term, such as chronic stress, cortisol has detrimental effects for health, which we will see later.

What is stress?

Cortisol is the main stress hormone. Stress is a psychophysiological state, a response of the body that prepares to act in threatening situations, or in situations for which they do not have sufficient resources to respond adequately.

Namely, appears when we feel overwhelmed. When this happens, the hypothalamus, a brain structure at the base of the brain, activates an alarm system. This system begins to operate, and sends and receives a series of nervous and hormonal signals.

All this makes the adrenal glands activate, releasing a large amount of hormones; Among the hormones they secrete are adrenaline (which increases blood pressure, heart rate ...) and cortisol.

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Cortisol functions

How does cortisol work? Among the functions of cortisol are: increase the levels of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream, improve the use of glucose in the brain and increase the availability of those substances that allow tissue repair damaged.

On the other hand, another of the functions of cortisol is inhibit functions that can be detrimental in a stressful situation, where the individual must act (for example in a fight or flight situation). That is, it reduces functions that are not essential, or that can be dispensed with at the moment.

How does all this translate? For example, cortisol inhibits the digestive system, reproductive system, and growth-related processes. In addition, all these natural alarm functions of the body in stressful situations are related and connected with other brain regions, responsible for regulating three major elements: motivation, fear and the state of cheer up.

Chronification of stress

But what happens when, beyond exercising its functions, the action of cortisol gets out of control? As we have seen, we know that in a stressful or threatening situation, many hormones begin to act, activating the body's natural alarm system.

Among them, cortisol, allowing the body to regulate and produce this response to help it prepare for the situation and act. A) Yes, when the threat disappears, or when the stressful situation "ends", cortisol and other hormones stop working.

Namely, hormones return to normal levels. This results in returning to a normal heart rate, normal blood pressure, resuming normal activities, etc.

However, when that source of stress persists over time, that is, it becomes chronic and it does not disappear, the body's alarm and activation system can continue to act, although in a slightly different way. It is as if the organism were in a state of permanent struggle. But what happens then? The body and its functions can be damaged.

In this way, if this alarm response to long-term stress is activated, cortisol production continues to boom (as well as other stress-related hormones). This leads to disruption of the body's regular activities and functions, resulting in numerous health problems.

Effects of cortisol

Health problems

The health problems that can appear when the body remains over-activated in the long term, they are: digestive disorders, headaches, weakening of the immune system, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, premature aging, etc.

Regarding the emotional and cognitive terrain, they can appear problems of anxiety and depression, mental decline, as well as alterations and deterioration in memory and concentration processes.

On the other hand, high levels of cortisol can also predispose to certain types of diseases, such as diabetes; In addition, brain neurons can be damaged and blood pressure increased, predisposing to suffering from a cardio-cerebro-vascular problem.

What's more, beauty can also be impaired with high and chronic levels of cortisol; thus, peeling of the skin, dryness of the same, lack of luminosity and shine, redness and dermatological problems (acne, psoriasis, herpes ...) may appear.

How to react in a healthy way to stress?

It is evident that in life many moments or periods will appear where stress is its protagonist. However, it also depends on us that this situation ends up damaging us, since we are the ones who can regulate how to act and how to respond.

The first thing we must be clear about is that it is important detect what stresses us and why; that is, to identify the antecedents or causes of such stress. We must also try to recognize our response to it; our thoughts, behaviors, alterations ...

All this will help prevent certain stressful psychophysiological states, where cortisol increases its levels.

Strategies to manage stress in a healthy way

Some strategies or techniques for managing stress include:

  • Practice breathing and relaxation techniques
  • Practice some sport, as well as yoga or meditation
  • Seek professional help when the situation requires it
  • Follow a healthy diet
  • Get enough sleep to get a good night's sleep
  • Promote healthy social relationships

Bibliographic references

  • Leira, M.S. (2011). Manual of biological bases of human behavior. Chapter 12. Psychobiology of stress. University of the Republic: Montevideo.

  • Morrison, M. and Bennedett, P. (2008). Health Psychology. Madrid: Pearson Education.

  • Taylor, S.E. (2003). Health Psychology. Mexico D.F.: McGrau-Hill.

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