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The 70 best famous phrases of Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca (1898 - 1936) is considered one of the most influential characters in the world of Spanish literature and poetry. He was a member of the highly acclaimed ‘Generación del 27’ together with other renowned artists such as Salvador Dalí and Pedro Salinas.

During his short but intense life he dedicated himself to exposing the deepest and most intimate corners of the passions in his verses and to speak without fear. on the political reality that the country was going through at the time of Francoism, which would lead him to be assassinated at the hands of the forces Francoists.

In homage to his humanitarian and passionate life, we have brought the most famous phrases to remember the ideas of this great Spanish playwright.

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Famous phrases and thoughts of Federico García Lorca

Both of love and sorrow, reflections and realities. This poet was not limited in terms of the themes that he loved to expose in his writings.

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1. Poetry is the union of two words that one never supposed could be put together, and that form something like a mystery.

The poems arise from our deepest emotions.

2. The poetry does not want followers, it wants lovers.

The best verses are those that are born from passion.

3. The most terrible of all feelings is the feeling of hope dead.

When we lose hope, there is nothing left to fight for.

4. Since I have not worried about being born, I don't worry about dying.

Dying is part of the cycle of life. That is why we must live with it.

5. Discard sadness and melancholy. Life is kind, it has only a few days and only now are we to enjoy it.

A strong and clear message about the importance of enjoying life.

6. In this invisible guillotine, I have put the head without eyes of all my desires.

Our yearnings are vulnerable at every opportunity we take.

7. Without any wind, listen to me! Turn around, sweetheart; turn, sweetheart.

Don't wait for someone else to give you their consent to act.

8. On the flag of freedom I embroidered the greatest love of my life.

Freedom is that place where we can express ourselves without fear.

9. Luck comes to those who least expect it.

Luck is the result of good actions and wise decisions.

10. I stuck my head out the window and saw how much the wind knife wants to cut it.

When exposing and showing us, it is normal for others to want to push us away.

11. Those who fear death will carry it on their shoulders.

Those who constantly worry about dying can never fully live.

12. Loneliness is the great carver of the spirit.

Loneliness can change a person's nature.

13. There are things enclosed within the walls that, if they suddenly went out into the street and shouted, they would fill the world.

A phrase that tells us about the repression and its consequences.

14. Look to the right and to the left of time and may your heart learn to be calm.

Time is a teacher that teaches us to live.

15. Only the mystery makes us live. Just the mystery.

The mystery leads us to discover what is next.

16. What is the farthest corner? Because it's where I want to be, alone with the only thing I love.

We all have that desire to get away from everyone to be happy.

17. Seeing you naked is remembering the earth.

An interesting metaphor for natural beauty.

18. He who wants to scratch the moon will scratch his heart.

When we close ourselves to love, we simply suffer.

19. When I leave your side I feel a great detachment and a lump in my throat.

Getting away from a loved one, even for an instant, costs.

20. But the two has never been a number because it is an anguish and its shadow.

Talking about the anxiety of knowing if the person is truly faithful.

21. I want to cry because I feel like it.

There is nothing better than expressing the emotions we feel.

22. The day hunger is eradicated from the earth, there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known.

A longing that many of us hope to see.

23. I am the immense shadow of my tears.

Pain also helps us grow.

24. The day we stop resisting our instincts, we will have learned how to live.

Sometimes we restrict ourselves so much that we become machines.

25. I have often been lost at sea, with my ears full of freshly cut flowers, my tongue full of love and agony.

We have all been to that point where we feel lost.

26. Poetic creation is an indecipherable mystery, like the mystery of the birth of man. Voices are heard, you don't know where from, and it's useless to worry about where they come from.

Here the poet shows us how he perceives the creative process of poems.

27. There is childish sweetness in the still morning.

Talking about the peace you feel when you start the day.

28. Having a child is not having a bouquet of roses.

A child is a decision and a responsibility. Not an ornament.

29. My chest feels full of little hearts, like bells.

Talking about the feelings that abound in the heart.

30. The artist, and particularly the poet, is always an anarchist in the best sense of the word. He only needs to pay attention to the call that arises within him from three strong voices: the voice of death, with all the foreboding of it, the voice of love and the voice of art.

Artists respond to no one but their inspirations.

31. What should I say about poetry? What should I say about those clouds or about the sky? Sight; Look at these; Look at it! And nothing more.

Poetry cannot be explained.

32. The woman was not born for her to understand her, but for her to love her.

An iconic phrase that has spanned time.

33. Live iguanas will come to bite men who do not dream.

People who do not use their imagination are doomed to an unwanted reality.

34. A dead person in Spain is more alive as a dead person than anywhere in the world.

A reference to the repression of his time.

35. I would leave my whole soul in this book.

All authors put a bit of them in their writings.

36. I don't think any artist works in a fever state.

A reference that artists must take care of their health like any other worker.

37. My poetry is a game. My life is a game. But I am not a game.

It is not the same to see life in a funny way to believe that it is a joke.

38. The famous man has the bitterness of having his chest cold and pierced by deaf lanterns that shine on them another.

Famous people, willing or not, are transformed.

39. The physical, biological, natural agony of a body due to hunger, thirst or cold, lasts a short time, very little, but the agony of the unsatisfied soul lasts a lifetime.

Living off something that makes us unhappy is, in itself, a terrible punishment.

40. The last corner of sugar and toast, where the mermaids catch the branches of the willows and the heart opens with the clarity of a flute.

We all have that special place where we want to live forever.

41. Don't you understand any poetry? Leave that to the critics and the teachers. Because neither you, nor I, nor any poet know what poetry is.

It is not necessary to understand the structure of the verses to enjoy them.

42. Because you believe that time heals and that the walls cover, and it is not true, it is not true.

Ignoring or pretending that a wound does not exist will not make it go away, it will rot.

43. Books! Books! Here is a magic word that is equivalent to saying "love, love", and that the peoples had to ask as they ask for bread.

All books bring benefits to their readers.

44. Green I want you green. Green wind. Green branches. The ship on the sea and the horse on the mountain.

Talking about all the things in nature that should be where they belong.

45. Life is laughter in the middle of a rosary of death.

An interesting comparison on the duality of life and death.

46. Today in my heart there is a vague tremor of stars and all the roses are as white as my pain.

Many people have experienced the pain of a broken heart.

47. Peoples are books. The lying newspapers cities.

Natures of the towns in contrast to the cities.

48. Nothing disturbs the past centuries. We cannot draw a breath from the old.

The past cannot be modified, but we can learn from it.

49. Silence and burn is the greatest punishment we can take on ourselves.

Silence can be our worst sentence.

50. If I told you the whole story, it would never end… What happened to me has happened to a thousand women.

We all experience similar situations. Although there are some that focus on a specific group.

51. At five in the afternoon. It was exactly five in the afternoon. A boy brought the white sheet at five in the afternoon. A fragile lime preparation prepared at five in the afternoon. The rest was death, and only death.

Speaking of the transition between the moment when life is gone and the reality of death.

512 I am not a man, nor a poet, nor a leaf, but a wounded pulse that senses the beyond.

Referring to the origin of his inspiration.

53. Theater is poetry that leaves the book to become human.

A beautiful analogy about the magnificence of the theater.

54. The rain has a vague secret of tenderness, some kind of resigned and kind drowsiness, a humble music awakens with it that makes the sleeping soul of the landscape vibrate.

The rain brings deep feelings in an immense calm.

55. Waiting, the knot unravels and the fruit ripens.

Patience is the best tool to obtain favorable results.

56. New York is a horrible thing, a monstrous thing. I like to walk the streets, lost, but I admit that New York is the biggest lie in the world. New York is Senegal with machines.

García Lorca's personal opinion on the Big Apple.

57. I will always be on the side of those who have nothing and who cannot even enjoy anything they have in peace.

If you have to help someone, let it be someone who really needs it.

58. Oh, what a work it costs me, loving you the way I love you!

There are times when loving hurts.

59. Our ideal does not reach the stars, it is serene, simple; we would like to make honey like bees, or have a sweet voice or a loud cry, or easy walk on the grass or breasts where our children suck.

Not everyone has high and almost unattainable goals, but rather they want to have a calm and loving life.

60. I have fled so much that I need to contemplate the sea to be able to evoke the trembling of your mouth.

We run away from love as if it brings us peace, when it is the opposite.

61. And even if you did not love me, I would love you for your gloomy look, as the lark wants the new day just because of the dew.

Although we are not reciprocated, there is always something that attracts us to that person.

62. I was lucky enough to see with my own eyes the recent stock market crash, in which they lost several million dollars, a mob of dead money slipping into the sea.

A reference to the stock market crash.

63. Who you tell the secret to, you give your freedom.

Be careful how you trust people.

64. The two elements that the traveler captures for the first time in the big city are human architecture and furious rhythm. Geometry and anguish.

The beauty of history and the hustle and bustle of life. Both have their particular charm.

65. I will always be happy if they leave me alone in that delicious and unknown corner so far away, apart from fighting, rotting and nonsense.

The ultimate goal of our life is to stay in a place where peace reigns.

66. Harmony made flesh, you are the great summary of the lyrical. In you melancholy sleeps, the secret of the kiss and the cry.

The person we love keeps all our emotions.

67. The moon, like a large stained glass window breaking into the ocean.

Do you usually stop to look at the moon?

68. Understand a single day completely, so that you can love every night.

Live each day.

69. My tongue is pierced with glass.

We all have the ability to hurt with our words.

70. We go to the dark corner, where I always love you, I don't care about people or the poison that they throw at us.

The desire to stay with the loved one regardless of anything else in the world.

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