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The 8 types of families (that exist in our society)

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We are all part of a family, that nucleus of love in which we grew up and that, in some cases, have always been there to support us. All in their own way and with their particularities we can group them into different types of families.

Although formerly our society only considered one type of family with ‘father, mother, children’, today the diversity of Our humanity has been able to integrate new types of families due to the social changes we have had in recent years. time.

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Why are families important?

Families and all types of families are groups of people who are united to each other due to their relationship or filiation. They are therefore people related to each other and who live together by a strong sentimental bond, of commitment, intimacy, reciprocity and dependence.

Our family is the first nucleus in which we learn to relate socially as children and what the more it influences us in our growth and the way in which we relate and coexist in the world. Families are therefore

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especially necessary to educate children, since they need adults for a long period of time to be able to survive and grow healthily.

Our family nucleus is what educates us and prepares us for adult life, teaches us values ​​and moral principles, so that we live in society with respect and love for others, and helps us to strengthen our personality and to believe in ourselves so that in the future we have emotional security and economic; or at least this should be the goal.

Clearly, families are not exempt from problems or difficult circumstances and there is no perfect family that he has never had to deal with any difficulties. What makes us a normal family, regardless of the types of families, is the way we function normally and our ability to adapt, restructure and transform in the face of problems to continue running.

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Types of families in our society

Families have evolved at the same rate as society, for which they have been transforming and diversifying over the years into new types of family that have been adapting to our lifestyle; before divorces were not allowed and there was only one type of family. We are currently a freer society and therefore our basic structures (the family is the best example of these) have changed.

These are the types of families we live with in our society today.

1. Nuclear families

It is the classic type of family and the only one that was accepted by society in the past. It is also called biparentalIt is the family that is made up of a mother and a father who take care of their biological children.

2. Single parent families

This is one of the types of families that we also had in the past, but that we still have today for different reasons such as divorce. When only the mother or only the father takes over the family unit, we call them a single parent family. In this sense, the most common case is that of the mother who stays with her children, but there are also families in which it is the father who takes care of her children.

It also happens in this type of family that, due to the great burden that comes with raising a family, other close relatives can intervene and help, such as grandparents and uncles. Formerly the most common cause for this type of family was widowhood or children out of wedlock, but currently divorce is one of the main reasons so that single-parent families are formed.

In the other side, many more women today are choosing to have children without a partner through assisted reproduction methods, so we will see more and more of this type of family.

3. Adoptive families

Adoptive families are those in which an established couple decides to adopt a child and educate him with love as if it were his own, either due to the sterility of one of the members of the couple or by his own decision.

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4. Families without children

They are families made up of only one adult couple, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual, who do not have children by choice or impossibility.

5. Families of separated parents

Families of separated parents are those in which the parents have ended their love relationship and have separated, however, and unlike single-parent families, both parents continue to fulfill their commitment to raising their children and share functions. Another of the most common types of couple in today's society.

6. Composite families

These are those families that are formed as a result of the union of two adults previously separated from another couple, so the children are made up of several nuclear families. For example, the children live with her mother and her new partner and at the same time with her father's new partner and her children.

7. Homoparental families

It is one of the most controversial types of families of our time and it has not yet been accepted in all countries; Are the families that are made up of two homosexual parents adopting a child.

Even today, homosexual people continue to fight for their equal rights, the acceptance of marriage as a consolidation of the couple and the possibility of starting a family through adoption so that children without parents grow up in a home full of love.

8. Extended families

In this type of family, several members of the family live together and take care of the children. It can be the example of grandparents living in the same house with their children and grandchildren, or also the case that it is the grandparents or uncles who take care of the children because the parents are not present.

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