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Mature people: 10 characteristics that define them

The human being goes through various stages of his life. All these phases have their own characteristics and are a necessary path for self-knowledge, self-improvement and eventually finding emotional and psychological maturity.

But... What are mature people like? They are distinguished by a series of traits, reactions, attitudes towards life, problems, people and about themselves, which are balanced, prudent, healthy and proactive.

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Who are mature people?

A mature person is not necessarily an adult person. Sometimes it is believed that by reaching a certain age, maturity has been reached. This is not like this. Life experiences, personality and the willingness to find balance are the elements that allow us to reach it..

This is not exclusive or age limitative. You also have to understand that maturity is not being serious, rigid and inflexible or a formal and sober attitude. On the contrary, they tend to have the ability to be flexible and relaxed. Mature people are distinguished by these characteristics.

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1. They know themselves

Knowing oneself is one of the first traits that distinguishes mature people. Self-knowledge is hard work that never ends, as we are continually evolving and learning. However, a mature person knows and recognizes himself continuously.

This means that you know and accept your flaws and qualities. For this reason, they are sure of themselves before others. They do not try to impose their points of view and before, when they make a mistake, they admit the mistakes without filling themselves with guilt or reproaches.

2. They control their emotions

Mature people control their emotions and not their emotions to them. This does not mean that they are cold people. Rather, they have the ability to acknowledge your feelings and reactions to situations and manage them appropriately.

They may feel angry, sad, and frustrated., but their ability to control them allows them to have the ability to process them properly and let them flow without hurting others or hurting themselves. The same goes for joy and euphoria. They are in control of them and manage them effectively.

Confident person

3. Accept reality

A person who accepts reality has the ability to transform it in their favor. A mature person understands that there are situations of reality that are beyond his reach. This does not cause him frustration, as he accepts it and assumes it.

However, they are not conformists. Accepting reality as it is allows them to find a way to adapt and live it in their favor; they are able to take advantage of the circumstances and feel comfortable and not frustrated.

4. They don't accumulate resentments

Living without resentment is liberating and contributes to a state of wholeness. That is why mature people have no hard feelings. We have all felt hurt or betrayed, but understanding that these situations are part of life and should be left behind is maturing.

Human relationships are complex, living with different personalities will often lead us to conflicts and difficult situations. But having the ability to understand situations, let go of blame, forgive and forget, is a characteristic of mature people.

5. They are patient

Patience is a virtue that mature people have. They know that things and projects take time to accomplish. They also understand that they require effort and discipline, so they do not rush times and know how to wait.

This trait characterizes them, unlike immature people. People with little maturity want to rush everything, and if they can't, they despair and have childish and infuriating attitudes. Patience is undoubtedly a sign of maturity.

6. They have a lot of empathy

Mature people have developed great empathy. Their own battles and their path to self-knowledge have made them understand that all of us go through our own processes, and they are understanding of this reality.

Although they know how to set limits so that they do not abuse them, on the other hand they are empathetic before the reality of others and their reactions and situations. This trait makes them people who, rather than criticize the other, understand it without judging.

7. They know how to set limits

Without being violent or hostile people, they know their limits very well and do not let others exceed them. That they are understanding, empathic and patient people with others does not mean that they allow others to abuse them.

They recognize very well the aspects that violate them and have the ability to be firm so that those who want to go beyond those limits do not go beyond them. They know how to stay dignified and make others respect them, without the need for violence or intimidation.

8. They are responsible for their lives and actions

A defining characteristic of mature people is responsibility. They do not “blame” others, on the contrary, they assume the consequences of their actions and whenever possible they seek to repair the damage or apologize if necessary.

They know this is not an act of weakness. The security they have in themselves allows them to assume their responsibilities, they are not afraid to feel vulnerable to this and are not filled with guilt or resentment of themselves for mistakes committed.

9. They don't like gossip

When other people speak or judge others, mature people do not participate in it. They have reached a stage of maturity where they are not interested in gossiping. They prefer to stay away from these types of situations, and whenever possible, stop them.

They know that lawsuits can do a lot of damage. They are aware that this only generates more problems, of which they obviously do not want to be part of. This mature attitude is sometimes not well accepted by others, however it does not affect them and they continue in their position.

10. They have no problem with being alone

Mature people have no problem spending time alone. They even have no problem spending a lot of time alone, or doing activities without being accompanied by anyone else. They like their own company and enjoy those moments without feeling sad.

This is a characteristic trait of mature people. They do not fear loneliness, nor do they see it as sad or negative. They take advantage of time alone and have no problem spending long periods without a partner. They know that it is better to wait to find someone with whom they feel comfortable.

Bibliographic references

  • Ardila, R. (2004). Psychology in the Future. Madrid: Pyramid.
  • Triglia, Adrián; Regader, Bertrand; García-Allen, Jonathan (2016). Psychologically speaking. Paidos.
  • Vidales, Ismael (2004). General psychology. Mexico: Limusa.

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