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The 12 perfect scents for your home

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Scenting your home can make a difference so that everyone feels comfortable. Smells can provoke emotions and moods, so it is important to know how to choose the perfect scent for your home.

You can use incense, scent candles, natural flowers, essential oils, flavorings artificial, soaps or perfumes, among other ideas, to fill your home with the scent that best suits your dwelling.

The 12 scents to help you create the right atmosphere in your home

We can choose a scent according to our taste or what we want to convey. Just as colors communicate emotions, our personality or balance our moods, scents also achieve this effect.

It is better to choose a single scent for the entire space, since combining several produces an opposite effect to relaxation and harmony. Nor is it necessary for the smell to be intense, just a slight aroma that discreetly permeates the entire environment. We give you a list of 12 perfect scents for your home.

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1. Lavender

The scent of lavender it is a favorite to use at home. An advantage of using lavender to scent is that in addition to being pleasant it has various therapeutic properties.

Lavender is relaxing, so if you want to create a relaxed environment conducive to rest, it is ideal. Use an essential oil fragrance, diffuser, or candle in a break room or therapy office.

Lavender scents

2. Citrus

Citrus scents are great to lift your spirits. For a citrus scent, choose lemon, orange, bergamot, lime, or tangerine. A disadvantage of this type of fragrance is that they tend to have less permanence than the rest.

So if you want the smell to stay for a long time, you must be careful to constantly apply the flavoring or whatever you are using. Citrus scents are ideal for a living room or kitchen, helping everyone at home to be in good spirits and happy.

3. Jasmine

The smell of jasmine used to increase concentration. Although it is difficult to obtain jasmine-scented products due to the complexity of obtaining the essential oil, it is one of the most popular in the world.

In addition to being a very pleasant and subtle smell, has the advantage that it stimulates brain function, in addition to reducing the feeling of fatigue. Although it is ideal for any space in the house, in the study space or in the office, it is excellent.

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4. Lilacs

The lilacs, besides being beautiful flowersThey have a very pleasant fragrance. It is a flower from which it is difficult to extract the essential oil, but many people use it regularly because in addition to its great aroma it has relaxing properties.

If you want to create an atmosphere of calm and promote adequate rest, use the scent of lilacs. Make sure it has a subtle intensity and remember to apply it preferably in places like the rooms, or any place where the energy of the space is required to be balanced and in Calm down.

5. Vanilla

Vanilla has a penetrating and intense aroma, but very pleasant. Vanilla perfume has the ability that it requires very little to be noticed, in addition to being able to remain in the environment for a long time.

If you have a room where you require concentration, but also calm, apply vanilla scent. In addition to relaxing, it helps the brain stay alert. Be careful not to apply too much, it can become suffocating if we spend a bit.

6. Rosemary

Rosemary is not only used for cooking or as a hair treatment. Although it is not well known as a flavoring, rosemary provides a very pleasant aroma, in addition to all its therapeutic properties.

Apply some type of rosemary flavoring to improve memory and fill you with energy. If you want to start your day right, use the scent of rosemary in the morning throughout your home. It is also ideal for changing the atmosphere of a workplace.


7. Copal

If you want a mystical and spiritual environment, use copal to flavor. It is a difficult aroma to recommend, because of how intense it is, but it is undoubtedly one of the best to create a mysterious, ceremonial or magical atmosphere.

The use of copal it is common in some ceremonies dating back to pre-Hispanic times in Mesoamerica, but it has also spread to home use. If it is kept with a low intensity, the aroma of copal is very pleasant.

8. Apple with cinnamon

A pleasant mix preferred by many pastry lovers, is the apple with cinnamon. Although there are products and alternatives that offer this aroma, there are also many homemade ways to obtain the pleasant and comforting smell of apple with cinnamon.

Cinnamon helps reduce anger and anxiety, in addition to providing energy. Apple is a refreshing ingredient that lifts your spirits and brings a good mood. This combination is ideal to create a happy and stimulating space.

9. Cotton

A fresh scent that it is used a lot in the home, is cotton. Currently there are many cotton products and flavorings. It is a favorite for the house because it gives the feeling of cleanliness.

Although it is an intense and somewhat pungent fragrance, it is not unpleasant. For this reason it is recommended for the home, as just apply just once to enjoy its fragrance for many hours.


10. Roses

The scent of roses is one of the most pleasant and chosen. It is a fragrance that has always been very popular due to its simplicity, sweetness and characteristic aroma. In addition, it is very easy to have the fragrance of roses in the home.

A bouquet of these flowers it is enough to enjoy its smell, but if you let its petals dry, you can continue using them as small flavorings. There are also many industrial products that allow you to enjoy this aroma in a practical way.

11. Cedar

Cedar has a very particular and intense aroma. It is a very pleasant fragrance for the home, especially for those who are called by nature. It's a great way to evoke the atmosphere of a rainy afternoon in the woods.

But in addition to being pleasant, the aroma of cedar is used in aromatherapy to relax and reduce anxiety levels. It is ideal to combine it with the aroma of red fruits. Unless you have cedar shavings nearby, surely you need to buy a product made with this scent.

12. Sandalwood

The scent of sandalwood is excellent for decorating the living room. For a space as important as this we need something that gives us a balance between relaxation and energy. This is why sandalwood is so useful for the interior of the house.

There are many products on the market that offer us this pleasant aroma. Candles and incense are great for spreading the smell of sandalwood throughout the room, but they do exist. other options, such as diffusers, with which you can play to set your home in the way you prefer.

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