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Gifts for Father's Day: original ideas to get it right

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One of the most special days of the year for parents is approaching, one of the occasions in which we can let them know with a gift how much we love them.

If you are looking for gift ideas for Father's DayIn this article we give you a few options so that you can surprise him with an original and special gift this coming March 19.

  • Related article: "10 gifts for your father at Christmas and Kings

Gift ideas for father's day

These are some gift proposals for Father's Day according to your possible tastes and hobbies.

1. New parents

These Father's Day gifts are perfect to surprise new parents or those who have just had a baby. If in addition to being a new dad, he is a lover of technology or lives hooked on the mobile, a perfect gift for him is this wireless baby monitor camera, which you can control from your smartphone.

Another good option to give newcomers on Father's Day is this coloring book, ideal for parents who need to relieve the stress of their new life. A personalized book It is another cute and original idea to give to parents with young children.

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Ideal books for new parents or with young children.
Ideal books for new parents or with young children. Fountain:Available at: /

2. Travelers (or about to retire)

If your father is an inveterate traveler or is about to retireAnother of the gifts for the ideal father's day will be one that invites you to go on a trip. Encourage him to travel the world and discover new places with this scratch map the countries you are visiting.

If you also like to document your travels, what better gift for Father's Day than that reflex camera you've been wanting to buy for a long time. For a more adjusted price you can also try with cameras mirrorless, which have a similar quality for a lower price and are also smaller and easier to transport.

A world map to scratch the countries visited is ideal for travelers.
A world map to scratch the countries visited is ideal for travelers.

3. For drinkers

If you are looking for gifts for wine-loving parents, forget about going to buy his favorite wine and present him with this wine case with personalized label. Another of the most original gifts for Father's Day if you like to drink is this fun inflatable beer bucket, so you can always keep it cold.

And if you want to leave him amazed with your gift, choose to buy this useful fast beverage cooler, which will allow you to chill a bottle in less than 4 minutes.

Original and fun gift for beer lovers.
Original and fun gift for beer lovers. Fountain:Available at:

4. Geeky parents

For those more geeky parents, especially if they are Star Wars fans, one of the gifts for Father's Day with which you can surprise him is this fun and original darth vader toaster.

Another original gift to give your father (or your husband if you have children in common) is this fun Jorge Vesterra picture book kit. This also comes with a notebook with games and ideas to do between father and son.

Themed gifts for Star Wars fans.
Themed gifts for Star Wars fans. Fountain:Available at:

5. For the most modern

Another of the best gifts for father's day is this Xiaomi brand electric scooter, One of the best on the market. An ideal gift for the most urban men and that will allow your father to move around the city comfortably.

What if your father is one of those men who still feels like a child? Give him this original slush machine so that it returns to childhood.

Give this electric scooter to dominate the city.
Give this electric scooter to dominate the city. Fountain:Available at:

7. For the most active

There are always those parents who like to keep fit. An ideal gift that cannot be missing is a Garmin activity tracker, one of the best brands on the market.

Another good gift for the most athletic parents are these wireless headphones that work by bluetooth, perfect so that you can enjoy his favorite music while he runs or practices sports.

A pair of wireless headphones and a Garmin fitness tracker.
A pair of wireless headphones and a Garmin fitness tracker. Fountain:Available at:

6. For the most homemade

If instead your father is home and spends a lot of time at home, a perfect gift for him will be this mini projector compatible with smartphones, to be able to project movies or your photos anywhere.

Another more classic gift are these elegant house slippers with crowns, to remind your father that he is still the king of the house.

Let him know that he is the king of the house with these slippers.
Let him know that he is the king of the house with these slippers. Fountain:Available at:

8. For music lovers

If your father is a music lover, a good gift are these elegant wireless bluetooth headphones from the Marshall brand, so you can enjoy the best possible sound quality.

If you like the classics, this classic wooden record player is another good option. Accompany it with a vinyl record by his favorite artist to finish off this gift for Father's Day.

Ideal gifts for music-loving parents.
Ideal gifts for music-loving parents. Fountain:Available at: /

9. For the kitchens

Is your father the classic little kitchen? If you want me to continue innovating in the kitchen, be original and give him this awesome molecular kitchen kit, so that you can enjoy one of the best gifts for Father's Day by experimenting with new techniques with his dishes.

If he is learning to cook but not yet ready for molecular cooking, try a tablet stand, so you can easily read the recipes on your device as you prepare them.

Surprise him with this original molecular kitchen kit.
Surprise him with this original molecular kitchen kit. Fountain:Available at:

10. Updated classics

You can always go for the classic gifts for parents, such as a watch, sneakers and a sweater. Give them an original touch by changing the classic watch for this so original from Swatch or the classic shoes for this modern model of Dr. Martens Oxford.

Now that the good weather is approaching, you can also choose to give him some sunglasses, like these classic Ray-Ban Clubmaster sunglasses, that they become any parent.

Some classic shoes but with a renewed touch.
Some classic shoes but with a renewed touch. Fountain:Available at:

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