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Cosmetic surgery for men: which are the most common?

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The human being is less and less limited by the characteristics with which he is born, since from concepts as important as gender change biological to a small retouch in the nose, they allow us, with a series of procedures, to show ourselves to the world as we really perceive ourselves.

Stigmatizing cosmetic surgery is a thorny issue, because as long as it does not become a psychological problem, Every citizen has the right to self-fulfillment in the way he or she sees fit. Whether you are a man, a woman or a person of non-binary gender, it is up to you to undergo surgery for any adjustment.

Cosmetic surgery has historically been associated with women, since gender roles often impose a "perfect" and canonical vision of the female sex, while men are not so subject to judgment popular. However, over time these dynamics are changing, and it is increasingly common for men to undergo surgery. Here we show you the most common cosmetic surgeries for men.

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The importance of cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is on the rise and is an important part of operating room income today. Next, we present a series of data that contextualize these processes at a global level:

  • Breast augmentation accounts for 27.3% of all cosmetic surgeries in people under 35 years of age globally. Liposuction follows.
  • The market value of cosmetic surgeries worldwide reaches 9,050 million euros.
  • In the United States, 18.7% of all global aesthetic interventions are performed. This translates into almost 18 million inhabitants operated.

Nearly 18 million people undergo cosmetic surgery annually in the United States alone. Incredible true? Of course, these data show us an irrefutable paradigm shift at the social level. Many are no longer satisfied with the "I am like this" and, of course, we leave the implications and personal judgments of this to the interpretation of each reader.

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The 10 most common cosmetic surgeries in men

Once we have described the importance of cosmetic surgeries globally, it is time to look at the 10 most common procedures in men. Go for it.

1. Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a frequent consultation entity and is characterized by pathological enlargement of the mammary glands in man. This is a very common issue, since it is estimated that 30 to 70% of adult men suffer from it (since it is closely linked to obesity and hormonal imbalances).

In most cases, gynecomastias are due to increased levels of free estrogens in the patient, but they do not usually cause complications or cause pain. Despite this, it is an aesthetic issue that is complex to many affected, which is why the operation for breast reduction in men is the most common cosmetic intervention (up to 20% of all cosmetic surgeries in countries like Spain).

2. Liposuction

In a world where more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million of them are obese, no It surprises no one that liposuction is also one of the most common interventions in the genre. male. Liposuction is based on the extraction of fat and localized adipose tissue to reshape the figure. Sometimes this procedure can also be the solution to gynecomastia.

In any case, the experts warn us: it is not a treatment for obesity. In liposuction, specific areas with fat are removed, but its usefulness is not medical. Faced with eating disorders, stomach reduction, gastric balloons and psychological therapies are the ways to go.

Liposuction men

3. Rhinoplasty

Approximately 25% of rhinoplasties are performed in men, and it is estimated that in some countries it is up to 13 % of aesthetic interventions in the male gender, thus occupying the third position after gynecomastia and liposuction. The purpose of this surgery is to "smooth" certain aesthetic roughnesses present in the nose.: a protruding hump-shaped bone, deviations to the left or right or certain congenital malformations, among others.

4. Mentoplasty

As its name suggests, consists of chin corrections, through the introduction of a small prosthesis or the relocation of body fat. The "jawline" or mandibular profile is usually a clear aesthetic component of masculinity to use, which is why it is common for many men to opt for this cosmetic surgery.

5. Tummy tuck

Similar to liposuction, it is about removing localized fat from the abdominal area, but it is also used to remove excess skin from the area. We are facing a complex intervention, since a restructuring to a greater or lesser degree of the abdominal wall is sought. For this reason, it is indicated above all in men with morbid obesity and not in patients who are slightly overweight or uncomfortable with their image.

6. Otoplasty

Consists in perform certain touch-ups on the ears when these are too large or are too far from the rest of the head. It is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in young people, as it is a very minimally invasive procedure and does not require a period of hospitalization.

7. Pectoral augmentation

This surgery aims to enhance the volume of the pectorals in men through the introduction of silicone prostheses with a muscle appearance. This procedure may solve, in part, the frustration of those men who can't gain mass in the gym, but the portals dedicated to it warn us of the following: 70% of the result depends on the initial physiology of the individual. Of course, no cosmetic surgery works miracles.

8. Blepharoplasty or eyelid rejuvenation

It is, in some places, the fourth most common cosmetic intervention in men, second only to gynecomastia, liposuction and rhinoplasty. This surgery consists of remove excess skin and fat deposits that appear on the eyelids eye with age, a clear sign of aging or tiredness.

This surgical intervention has a certain psychological component, because according to experts, it can help to eliminate the feeling of fatigue in the patient, as he will receive far fewer questions regarding his sleep routine and state psychic. Of course, questioning your individual routine on an ongoing basis can be very upsetting.

9. Capillary graft

In a world where up to half of 50-year-old men are bald, it is clear that grafting Capillary is one of the most common aesthetic interventions, which has been on the rise in recent years.

We have not named this intervention before because it can hardly be considered as a surgery, since the intervention is minimal and does not require general anesthesia and passing through an operating room at use. Even so, it is a delicate, slow procedure whose results are not observed even in the first months. Results can take up to a year to be visible. Despite this, the transplanted follicles in the bald area are for life.

Capillary graft

10. Increasing of buttocks

Although it seems a typical surgical intervention of the female gender, the "Have a nice butt / ass" it is something more and more valued among men. In many cases it is not about making it bigger, but about defining its shape and giving it a more muscular appearance.

Although buttock and breast augmentation are not among the 5 most requested cosmetic surgeries, more and more men are deciding to tone their body through the use of prostheses.


As we have seen, the queen of cosmetic surgeries for men is gynecomastia, as it can become very complex to the patient, presenting breasts that resemble those of a person of the gender feminine. Undoubtedly, it is a more than justified intervention, since physical well-being is completely correlated with individual mental health.

Beyond this, the rest of aesthetic surgeries usually deal with small defects or defects, which the patient will perceive as more or less relevant. The decision to undergo surgery is personal, but it is a fact that more and more men are encouraged to do so.

Bibliographic references

  • Aesthetic surgery of the male pectoral, Picked up on November 3 at
  • Male and Female Cosmetic Surgery: Basic Concepts and Techniques, Picked up on November 3 at
  • Gynecomastia: clinical and etiological aspects. Retrospective and multicenter study, journal of endocrinology and metabolism (2015). Picked up on November 3 at
  • Obesity and overweight: facts and figures, World Health Organization (WHO). Picked up on November 3 at
  • Rhinoplasty, wikipedia. Picked up on November 3 at
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