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The 50 most famous cinema phrases (that everyone should know)

How many times does it happen to us that in the middle of a conversation with friends, a famous line from the cinema comes out of an anecdote and, As a common energy source, we all start talking about one movie or another, and a new climate is generated with a flow positive connection between all.

If you are one of those who enjoys savoring those unforgettable moments of your favorite movies Or it just makes you smile when someone uses one of the most famous phrases in cinema in the middle of a conversation, you will surely enjoy the list that we have prepared for you.

The most famous phrases of the cinema

Could you recognize the movie behind each sentence?

1. There are no unanswered questions, only poorly formulated questions (Matrix)

With that said, before you ask, ask yourself what answer you are looking for.

2. I don't want to need you... because I can't have you (The bridges of Madison)

If you've reached that point in the movie you haven't cried yet ... is that you fell asleep.

3. Today is the first day of the rest of my life (American Beauty)

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Literally. The moment when everything begins its way to its final outcome.

4. They are already here... (Poltergeist)

When a girl stands in front of the television to communicate with the spirits, even the most innocent phrase becomes terrifying.

5. We bury our sins, wash our consciences (Mystic River)

Or how one sentence could summarize an entire movie.

6. I have crossed oceans of time to find you (Bram Stoker's Dracula)

When love is true, the time to wait is secondary.

7. Good morning princess! (Life is Beautiful)

When life can only be understood by looking at it from the most optimistic side, beauty can be found even in horrors.

8. My house... phone... (E.T.)

Iconic phrase from the eighties that everyone has repeated as he raised his index finger.

9. I do not remember to forget you (Memento)

Even knowing that the protagonist "reset" his memory every time he woke up, or perhaps knowing it with much more For this reason, we raised this quote to the category of love verse and reserved a place for it among our most famous phrases of the movie theater.

10. You are the true messiah, I know what I am talking about, I have followed many! (Brian's life)

Well, hey, if the expert says so ...

11. Keep your friends close, but even closer to your enemies (The Godfather II)

It could not be missing from our selection of the most famous cinema phrases.

12. Carpe diem, seize the moment, make your life extraordinary (The club of dead poets)

Oh, captain, my captain... If there was a teacher who inspired a whole generation That was Mr. Keating.

13. Show me the pasta! (Jerry Maguire)

Neither more nor less than what motivates some.

14. Play it again, Sam (Casablanca)

When a song is capable of transporting you to the happiest moment of your life.

15. To infinity and beyond! (Toy Story)

That he, Buzz Lightyear, was a toy wasn't going to stop him from going as far as he wanted.

16. Interested to know how much you hate? I hate you in such a way that he would seek my perdition to destroy you with me (Gilda)

If someone hates you like that, ask yourself to what extent he came to love you ...

17. Money never sleeps (Wall Street)

Always attentive and with their lives revolving around him.

18. Mrs. Robinson, you are trying to seduce me… aren't you? (The graduate)

And when the graduate was seduced, Mrs. Robinson became an erotic symbol that endures 50 years later.

19. do you know what happens to you? you have no courage, you are afraid, afraid to face yourself and say it's okay, life is a In reality, people belong to each other because it is the only way to get the true happiness. You consider yourself a free spirit, a wild being and the idea that someone might put you in a cage scares you. Well baby, you are already in a cage, you have built it yourself and in it you will continue wherever you go, because no matter where you run away, you will always end up tripping over yourself. (Breakfast with diamonds)

If anyone dared to disarm the lovely Holly like that and wake her up, it was Paul Varjak, or Fred.

20. My treasure... (The Lord of the Rings: the two towers)

When someone looks at you with wide eyes while saying one of the most famous phrases in cinema with these two words, ask yourself whether to give him what you have or run away.

21. The contracting party of the first part will be considered the contracting party of the first part (A night at the opera)

Will there be someone who knows how to say it straight away? That is why we do not go beyond the first three words.

22. Sometimes I see the dead (The sixth sense)

Two phrases were repeated ad nauseam during the premiere year of this film: sometimes I see dead people and Bruce Willis was dead!. The second, for whom he had not yet seen, was much less funny.

23. Lawyer... are you there, lawyer? (Cape of fear)

It has served as a parody so many times, it has managed to download with laughter one of the most tense scenes in this film.

24. In dreams we find a world entirely ours. May it plunge into the deepest ocean. Let the highest cloud fly overhead. (Harry Potter)

We will always have to dream.

25. All those moments will be lost like tears in the rain (Blade Runner)

One of the most famous phrases in cinema and the most timeless futuristic films in history.

26. Fool is the one who does foolish things (Forrest Gump)

This quote is as simple as it is true.

27. No matter what they say, words and ideas do change the world. (Dead poets society)

And so we believe all of us who got excited about this movie.

28. I put God as a witness that I will never go hungry again (Gone with the wind)

Although many were left with only the beginning of the sentence, many others were left with the determination of Scarlet O'Hara challenging the most ruthless fate with her promise... and seeing how she fulfilled.

29. Do you believe in fate, that even the powers of time can be modified for a single purpose? The luckiest man to walk on this earth is the one who finds true love. (Bram Stoker's Dracula)

With the shocking images that made up this film it is curious that one of the most unforgettable was this, while Dracula formulated these words, spellbound by the imminent reunion with his beloved after a wait of hundreds of years.

30. He who said "better luck than talent" knew the essence of life. (Match Point)

The key phrase and thread of the plot of one of the best Woody Allen films.

31. I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills (Out of Africa)

For those who fell in love with the story of Karen and Denys, hearing one of the most famous lines in cinema is as evocative as if the memory of that love were their own.

32. I have seen things that you would not believe (Blade Runner)

In a future world where the impossible is a reality, hearing those words the less invites you to believe in something else.

33. I want you to live with me, to die with me, to do everything with me. (Lolita)

With those last words to the one who went from being his obsession to the true love of his life, Humbert declared his last surrender to his Lolita.

34. I'm not bad, it's just that they've drawn me like this (Who framed Roger Rabbit?)

An authentic femme fatale phrase, even if it was a cartoon.

35. Frankly dear, I don't care (Gone with the wind)

The expression of resignation made a phrase for those who were waiting... When it's too late

36. - I'm a man!

- Well, nobody is perfect (With skirts and crazy)

Difficult to choose a phrase or stay with a scene from among so many great ones. We stay with this one for being one of the funniest and most unexpected endings of the time.

37. It is better not to know what instant will be the last, each particle of one's being is exposed to the infinite mystery of existence. (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Without a doubt, to discover yourself before the favorite pirate of moviegoers; Only Captain Jack Sparrow is able to keep you waiting for each sentence he utters and create such sublime endings with them.

38. Advertising makes us want cars and clothes, we have jobs we hate to buy shit we don't need. We are the cursed children of history, uprooted and aimless. We have not had a war or a depression. Our war is spiritual warfare, our great depression is our life. We grew up with television that made us believe that one day we would be millionaires, movie gods or rock stars, but we will not be and little by little we have realized and we are, very, very pissed off. (Fight club)

Many of us were not expecting a plot as great as this when we heard the title of this movie for the first time. One of the most famous cinema phrases that serves as a preview in case you have not yet encouraged to see it.

39. My name is Lester Burnham. This is my neighborhood. This is my street. This is my life. I am 42 years old. In less than a year I will have died. Of course I don't know that yet. And, in a way, I'm already dead. (American Beauty)

Overwhelming, and that is only a excerpt from the introduction of this mythical film.

40. Good morning… and in case we don't see each other again: good morning, good afternoon and good night. (The Truman Show)

A whole declaration of intent with a single greeting.

41. Quid pro quo, Clarice. (The silence of the lambs)

As much as there was a safety glass and the television screen in between, who did not have their blood run cold as Hannibal Lecter watched Clarice speak those words?

42. It never rains forever (The raven)

One of the many precious unforgettable phrases from the legendary movie, with which we will remember that bad times also happen.

43. Classes dull the mind, take away the creative potential of the student. (An amazing mind)

I wish many students had found a teacher with such a motto.

44. Who watches the watchers? (Watchmen)

Very good question, let's get it out of the movie and keep thinking about it.

45. The people should not fear their rulers, it is the rulers who should fear the people (V for Vendetta)

Among the most famous phrases in cinema could not miss the emblematic conclusions of someone who has known too well the darkest shadows of the system.

46. You say I don't have a project? Yes, I have a project!: Find her and marry her (Big Fish)

If we all had the clarity of ideas and the attitude of the protagonist of this beautiful film, we would probably also have a magical story to tell about our lives.

47. Buildings burn, people die, but true love is forever (The Raven)

One of the many fragments of the dialogues that seem to be made from poems.

48. Happiness can be found even in the darkest moments, if we are able to use light well (Harry Potter)

For those wondering what resilience is, that they stay with this reflection.

49. I am William Wallace, and the rest of you are forgiven. Go back to England and tell everyone that the sons and daughters of Scotland are no longer yours. Tell them Scotland is free (Braveheart)

When through a film we witness how one word, freedom, becomes the motto of a people shouted with one voice.

50. A magician is never late or early, he arrives exactly when he proposes it (The Lord of the Rings)

Because getting the occasion right also sometimes seems like a thing of magic, we give this quote the opportunity to be the last of our selection of the most famous cinema phrases.

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