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The 23 best poems of Sant Jordi

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Sant Jordi's day, or Saint George's day, is one of the oldest, folkloric and creative traditions of great importance in Barcelona, especially throughout the autonomous community of Catalonia. After all, it has been its patron since 1904, although the tradition of this festival is as old as the 15th century.

Over time, this tradition has been modernized and now an extra addition is added to the celebration and that is the celebration for the day of the book that also takes place every April 23, commemorating the occasion between books, romantic letters and flowers. Nothing better than a day to celebrate romance in the true style of a fairy tale.

  • It may interest you: "The 20 best poems for children"

Just as the streets of Catalonia (and other parts of the world, such as England or Portugal) are transformed into a work of art amidst the verses and decorations of love, we bring below the best poems of Sant Jordi so that you can add to your collection and dedicate them to someone special, both in Spanish and Catalan.

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23 most famous poems of Sant Jordi

What makes a Sant Jordi poem more special is not only its magical or romantic character, but it also commemorates the beauty behind the art of writing and the teachings in books.

We are going to know below a selection of the best poems dedicated to the legend of Sant Jordi, the rose, the dragon and the princess.

1. The fair of Sant Jordi -fragment- (Jacint Verdaguer)

At the fira de les roses

to fix-me antany aní,

the roser de què em firí

in fa enguany of so beautiful

that n'he fet 'stop here.

Hi ha the Alexandrina rose,

la vera i la d'esbarzer,

also from Palestine,

let it bloom, xen sense thorn

of Jericó in the roser.

  • One of the most iconic poems of Sant Jordi, which shows the beauty and magic that exists behind this celebration and more importantly, behind the history of Sant Jordi itself.

2. To spring (José Manuel Pagán)

To spring

he watches the garden,

pot ser hi ha Sant Jordi

a about d'un pi;

he is wearing ear flaps,

flors and Roma.

To spring

watch the garden.

To spring

if he surts for a bosc,

pot ser hi ha Sant Jordi

look at a flower;

she takes care of them,

els rius and els rocs,

to spring

if you surts per un bosc.

To spring,

if I went to the city,

pots fer a visit

als arbres del parc;

pot ser hi ha Sant Jordi

assegut on a bench,

to spring

if i went to ciutat.

  • Sant Jordi and the peak of spring together in the same beautiful poem that alludes to the grace of life that is represented by the flowers that adorn every street.

3. Poems of the gifts (José Luis Borges)

No one comes down to tears or reproach

this statement of mastery

Of God, that with magnificent irony

He gave me both the books and the night.

  • A short but very intense poem about the deep emotions that we can feel thanks to the messages and knowledge that we can receive from books.

4. Perquè has vingut (Joan Salvat-Papasseit)

Perquè has vingut han florit els lilàs

i have dit llur joia


to the roses:

look at the noia that guanya l'esclat used,

beautiful and pubilla, and she is bruna de rostre.

So much that she is young she falls in love with her the seu pas

-I didn't know her when I saw her fall in love with her.

Because you have vingut jo ara around estimating:

I'll say the teu nom

and he will sing l'alosa.

  • An ideal romantic poem to celebrate in Sant Jordi, where the birth of the beauty of spring is joined by the appearance of that special person.

5. Strange book (Rubén Darío)

Strange books that flatter the mind

in a language unheard of and so rare,

and that the purest and the most expensive

you make the mysterious fountain spring up.

  • What is a book to you? The wonderful thing about them is that they contain so many passages that. we can enter different universes just by reading.

6. The diada of Sant Jordi (Joan Maragall)

The day of Sant Jordi

it is diada assenyalada

per les flors que hi ha al mercat

i l'olor that in fan els aires,

I see you that go pel vent:

"Sant Jordi kills l'aranya".

L'aranya that he is going to kill

he had molt bad bava,

he terenyinava les flors

i se'n xuclava la flaire,

i the month of April was sad i els nens i nenes ploraven.

Quan el Sant do passat

tot garden would return:

perxò every any per Sant Jordi

it is diada assenyalada

per les flors que hi ha al mercat

i l'olor que en fan els aires.

  • Another of the traditional Sant Jordi poems where the importance of this celebration for Catalan culture is praised. To welcome the liveliest time of year.

7. The cavaller in love (Montse Ginesta)

Sóc a cavaller de ferro,

from ferro, coure i llautó,

but tinc the cor de nata,

of cream, mèl i cotó,

i avui et porto a rose,

a rose, i a petó!


  • A short poem that you can give to the little ones, so that they start to get excited about participating in the celebration and can feel like knights and princesses for a day.

8. Els amants (Ausiàs March)

There were two amants com nosaltres to València.

Feroçment ens amàvem del matí a la nit.

Tot ho remembers while you're going stenent steals it.

They have passat anys, molt anys; have passat moltes coses.

Too much face in that vent or love

i rodolem per terra between hugs and kisses.

I do not understand love as a kind costum,

with a peaceful costum of compliment and teles

(Let the cast senor López-Picó forgive you).

It is awake, to spare, like a hurricane vell,

i ens took in terra els dos, ens ajunta, ens empeny.

Jo desitjava, a voltes, an educat love

i on marxa the record player, negligentment besant-te,

For a muscle and after the peço d'una orella.

Our love is a brusque love i salvatge

i tenim l'enyorança amarga de la terra,

d'anar a rebolcons between kisses and arraps.

What a volley what a hi faça! Elementary, ha ho I know.

Ignore the Petrarch and ignore moltes coses.

Les Estances de Riba and les Rimas de Bécquer.

Després, tombats in terra de qualsevol way,

Comprenem that som barbars, and that aixòno deu ser,

that I am not in l'edat, i tot això i there.

No hi havia to València two amants com nosaltres,

car d'amants com nosaltres en son parits ben pocs.

  • Romance and passion are entangled in the lyrics of these verses, showing the deepest side of Sant Jordi, where soul mates unite and lovers celebrate their love.

9. I would like my book (Juan Ramón Jiménez)

I would like my book

was, as is the sky at night,

all present truth, no history.

That, like him, it happened at every moment,

everything, with all its stars; without

that, childhood, youth, old age, will take away

nor put charm on its immense beauty.

Tremble, glitter, music

present and total!

Tremble, glow, music on the forehead

-Heaven of the heart- of the pure book!

  • A beautiful way to wish that books last forever, so that they continue to fill our lives with wonders and emotions.
Juan Ramon Jimenez
Juan Ramón Jiménez.

10. The Comedies (Calderón de la Barca)

Discreet friend is a book:

What is he talking about

always in what I want,

always in what I don't want…!

  • A book is an unconditional friend, which can brighten your day in the midst of fatigue and. twilight.

11. Princess or cavaller

Cal disguises herself as a princess

or from cavaller valent

per triomfar com llum encesa

to the capvespre sota the cel.

  • Another short poem for children, where for a day they can use the magic of a tradition. To find her bravery

12. Dear Marta, I (Miquel Martí i Pol)

Mira'm els ulls that cap fosca does not win.

Vinc d'un estiu amb massa pluges,

però duc foc a l'arrel de les ungles

i no tinc cap sangtraït pels racons

of the record pell.

Per l'abril farà anys del desgavell:

set anys, cosits amb una agulla d'or

to the sorra of temps,

platges enllà perquè la mar els renti

i the sun i the vent in facin diademes.

Mira'm els ulls i oblida el cos feixuc,

la cambra closa, els grans silencis;

from tot això só ric, and from més coses,

but not in tempta the front of the glass

i sobrevisc, aigües damunt del somni,

tenaç com semper.

Mira'm els ulls. Hi pots come the return.

  • A romantic and passionate poem ideal to value the love that couples profess in Sant Jordi, in a month where spring and love go hand in hand.
Miquel Martí i Pol
Miquel Martí i Pol.

13. Winter Garden (Pablo Neruda)

Winter comes. Splendid dictation

they give me the slow leaves

dressed in silence and yellow.

I am a snow book

a spacious hand, a meadow,

a waiting circle,

I belong to the earth and to her winter.

The rumor of the world grew in the foliage,

then the constellated wheat burned

by red flowers like burns,

then autumn came to set

the writing of the wine:

everything happened, it was passing heaven

the summer drink,

and the sailing cloud was quenched.

I waited on the balcony so mourning,

like yesterday with the ivy of my childhood,

that the earth spread

his wings in my uninhabited love.

I knew the rose would fall

and the transitory peach pit

I would go back to sleep and germinate:

and I got drunk with the glass of air

until the whole sea turned night

and the red was turned to ash.

The earth lives now

reassuring the interrogation of him,

spread the skin of its silence.

I go back to being now

the taciturn who came from afar

wrapped in cold rain and bells:

I owe to the pure death of the earth

the will of my ruin.

  • Perhaps this poem is not about spring, but it reminds us that love (even if it has its festive days) must be lived intensely every day, even in winter.

14. Desglaç (Maria Mercè Marçal)

I estimate that you are like a girl,

with a badada, with an agut claim

I will have to em cridés from a new branch,

com a peix that oblidés that exists in the hams.

Com un peix esglaiat with a ham in the mouth.

Com l’estrall in els ulls de l’infant mutilat

in the somni, in the meat. Com la sang que s’escola.

Nua com un sang.

T’estimo quan et se nua com la navalla,

with a live fulla and offer, with a phone call

that calcines it, cec. Com l’herba, com la pluja.

Com la meva ombra, nua rere el mirall glaçat.

So nua com a pit enganxat als meus llavis.

With the key desclòs d’un vell from the whole

faced the mort. Com l’hora disarmed

i oberta del desglaç.

  • A beautiful poem that denotes the sides of love, both softness and innocence, as well as the danger and sensuality that inhabits it.
Maria Mercè Marçal
Maria Mercè Marçal.

15. I will estimate fins to the limit (Francesc Garriga)

I will estimate fins to the limit

of the teva paraula.

I will return home soon.

i in the tunic

dels teus ulls by neguit

i love inhospits

I will close the joy that I remembered

l’aspra veu del desert de l’esperança.

  • Love without limit, without worry, love with everything and without doubts, is the message that this poem leaves us with.

16. Don Libro is frozen (Gloria Fuertes)

Mr. Book was there

Sitting in his chair,

with one eye he passed the leaf

with the other he watches television.

Mr. Book was there

Bored in his chair,

Waiting for him to come... (to read to him)

Some little reader.

Don Libro was a wise uncle,

who knew about the moon and the sun,

that he knew of lands and seas,

of stories and birds,

of fish of all colors.

Mr. Book was there,

shivering with cold in his chair,

a child came, took it in his hands

and the book warmed up.

  • A beautiful poem about the life of a book, which although it is a material object, is perhaps what can bring us the most happiness.

17. Aquest drac (Joan Josep Roca Labernia)

Aquest drac

fa bad face,

shut up, be angry,

I will not fly,

she faces sent

the great fiblada,

the cruel battle

she mai guanyarà.

Aquest drac

she did not fly princess,

she said that it does not diminish

nor is it to avenge.

  • Speaking of the legend of Saint George and the dragon, it seems that this dragon has run out of strength to continue fighting and is now seeking peace.

18. The vermella rose (Isabel Barriel)

Avui is Sant Jordi,

I look for spigues d'ordi;

the cavaller mor el drac

i the fica dins d’un sac.

Between him I gave a rose

greenish stem,

punxes com anells

i pètals vermells.

The cavaller to the princess

li vol give away

the vermella rose

so sols for her.

  • A poem that reflects the classic tradition of giving roses to princesses, as a sign of the bravery of knights, who face everything to make them smile.

19. Amb tots els tons del dolor i de l'atzar (Feliu Formosa)

If you vols,

I will keep an eye on them, wait for them.

If you vols,

constel·laré de flors el teu somriure.

If you vols,

I will return to alçar-me de les meves cendres.

If you vols,

faré que tot s'aturi in els teus pòmuls.

If you vols,

I will de-encrypt l'oracle dels teus ulls.

If you vols,

anirem carrer avall fins al mai més.

If you vols,

They will depend on the teu coll tots els viatges.

If you vols,

serem fills del capvespre fora vila.

If you vols,

I will wait for the teu mot: "vull".

  • In this poem the hope that always nests in our hearts to be reciprocated by our love is reflected.

20. Drac (Lola Casas)

Els answer and arrive

em deixen molt malament

tooth that menjo princeses

i tota mena de gent.

Jo sóc a bona bèstia,

I am very happy to come,

pass by the muntanya

i, quan up the nit,

sleep calm and happy

cotxadet al meu llit.

If you trobe the bon sant Jordi,

feu-me a favor,

yes us plau,

digueu-li that sóc pacífic,

do not have babau res

What would I be happy about?

relaxat i amb molta pau.

  • This is a nice message that tells us that not all dragons are bad and that because they are different it does not imply that they are in a certain way. What teaches us not to judge people by the first impression

21. Matí al bar (Francesc Parcerisas)

S'han vist sovint to the bar,

to the sunny hours of the migdia,

quan l'enrenou del carrer

challenge the piuladissa dels ocells,

i is fiten només amb un somrís

that created l'abisme de les taules.

Ah! If they lie down without plowing,

enderrocades you will sweep them apart!

Who goig dels cossos, who delit!

Però tot són cabòries.

No hi ha hagut mai res.

Mai did not create a paraula.

I face they will continue així dies i dies,

tot observant-se de lluny, undecided,

canviant només la timidesa del somrís

for this happiness of the distance:

a fil a punt de trencar-se.

  • An interesting poem that shows us how people let time pass and worry more, instead of being happy with those they love.
Francesc Parcerisas
Francesc Parcerisas.

22. By forts and borders (Luis Alberto de Cuenca)

What would be of me without you

tyrants and, at the same time, ambassadors,

of the imagination,

executioners of desire

and, at the same time, his messengers,

books full of deplorable things

and of sublime things,

to hate

or for those to die for.

  • Here we can see all the sides of the books, who can have all the information in the world, as well as the willingness to create new universes in our imagination.

23. Friend book (Jesus Pascual)

It's you, book friend,

window of the world

and in your pages I admire

what my sight could not.

It's you, book friend,

the adventure that I have dreamed of,

the poem that I recite,

the story that has calmed me down.

It's you, book friend,

company in my loneliness,

silence to get out of the noise

that surrounds my walk.

It's you, book friend,

who shows us new paths,

and opens new paths for us,

friend who relieves sorrows.

  • A book is to be admired, there is no doubt about it. Books always fill us up, we enjoy them, we miss them and they will never hurt us.
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