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45 dating phrases (and how to use them correctly)

You are at a private party. You see people you know and people you don't know. You hear “cool” music, people are in a good mood, and you feel that you are comfortable there, with that pleasant atmosphere and people having a good time. A group preparing drinks for, another group dancing over there,... you go forward by the place where you are and, suddenly... Waw! Who is that attractive person?

You stand there stunned for a few milliseconds, your heart rate starts to rise. It seems that right now he has no company. Are you showing up in front? Without more? But if right now you don't have phrases to flirt with, I'll point ... and if you take too bad What are you going to tell him? How to use the words correctly?

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The best 45 phrases to flirt

The situation described above is sure to be familiar to you. Let's not fool ourselves. Something similar has happened to everyone. Well, or almost. Apart from a small percentage of the population that acts naturally, most mortals do not have this innate ability to trigger phrases to flirt.

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But do not worry. Below you will find a large selection with the best phrases to flirt and an explanation to know how to use them correctly. Next time everything can go very differently!

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1. How long will you stay with me? Do I prepare a coffee or prepare my life?

We started out strong with a funny but also very direct phrase. It suggests that we are very clear about our intentions, which are none other than seriously exploring the possibility that a special connection may arise.

2. I'm new to the city, can we meet and show it to me?

This is an applicable phrase when we are new to a city or anywhere really. Having such an excuse is always a great resource, while at the same time showing our security and interest in the person without detours

3. Me, here, trying not to fall in love and you leave me with that smile and that look.

An ingenious phrase that expresses the great attraction we feel for whoever is accompanying us. It is a rogue device that conveys a lot of intention.

4. I swear that I am... Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuir

This is a phrase that we can use to have a little joke. It is recommended to look into the eyes with energy and a fun attitude. It helps to gain confidence but keeping the tone fun while we are meeting someone.

5. My excuse, I don't speak Spanish much, I want to meet you ...

Pretending to be from a country with such fame in the league area as Italy is undoubtedly a technique suitable only for smart people. If you do not do it very well in the second sentence they will be able to discover you, but either way it can ensure a good laugh. And by the way we have the opportunity to meet who interests us.

6. Hello, I wanted to introduce myself because I liked your (attribute, characteristic, etc.)

A good way to start a conversation is to convey to the person in question that we like something we see in them. Saying that his beard, his gaze, his non-verbal language or a tattoo has caught our attention is going to be a good opportunity to talk to this person.

7. I'm going to call you Google, because I find everything I'm looking for in you.

This is a funny joke when comparing with this search engine that has it all.

8. I was also thinking of buying that book, would you recommend it to me?

It is a very suitable phrase to flirt in contexts such as a bookstore, a supermarket, etc. Sometimes not everything is flirting at the disco, we can meet very interesting people at the place where we do the shopping.

9. The heart has reasons that reason does not understand

In this case the phrase is by Blaise Pascal. Paraphrasing a well-known author can be a good idea if we want to be intellectually interesting. Quotations from great characters tend to treasure wisdom.

10. Excuse me, can I help you?

This simple question can be very timely in situations where we see that someone we like may need a hand. For example, it may be useful for someone leaving the supermarket and arriving at the car carrying shopping bags. It is a way to open a conversation with someone unknown and show our most attentive face.

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11. Hello, I had to gather the courage to come and meet you because I am a bit shy. What is your name?

In the end, everyone knows that starting from scratch is not easy, and this is a phrase that can make the other person really value courage and sincerity. It is an option to flirt in a humble way.

12. Hello, we are looking for a name for my dog, what names do you recommend?

This is the type of phrase that goes very well to flirt with friends in a fun way. Go with your great friend to tackle groups of the opposite sex and have fun!

13. Sorry, my friend and I are not agreeing and we need a male / female opinion. Who lies more, men or women?

A debate opener that is indeed a classic for group flirting. This type of phrase ensures answers that are not "yes" or "no", beyond the interest of who is asked. There will always be someone willing to play the game in a group of friends.

14. I love my singleness, but if it is for you I am capable of leaving it.

A phrase that can be said in a funny way and that will make whoever is in front laugh for its possible exaggeration. It can also be used in a more serious way (if it is not the first time we see the person, of course).

15. You are like to invite yourself to sleep and not sleep.

This phrase is only suitable for daring people and if we are in front of a person who likes the march. If we have a prudent person in front of us who likes to go little by little, he may find it funny, but also that he thinks that we are going too fast.

16. Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to pass more times?

A classic that is no less good for that. With this cool and funny phrase we give way to a possible funny and even bawdy interaction.

17. Oh what a pretty little dog! As it is called?

This phrase is very useful if we find a person who attracts us and who is accompanied by her pet. Dare to ask her about her, talking about that loved one is a good opportunity to get people in a good mood.

18. I have a hard time meeting women who love me for myself and not because I am the only heir to Bill Gates. Oh, it has escaped me. Anyway. Keep the secret.

A funny phrase to laugh at the fact that there are people who are interested in money and the victimhood of those who have it.

19. Pablo… Hey, you are nailed to my friend Pablo!

This is a way to start talking to someone who has a lot of mischief. Obviously it is equally applicable with a girl's name if we want to flirt with a girl.

20. You know? I know what to order for Reyes. I'm going to ask you.

A funny phrase that we can apply especially if we are close to the date of Kings.

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21. Where do you sell the numbers to win this prize?

It is clear that you express that you are serious about the prize and that you need to know a little more about how to win it.

22. I like you unconditionally... with or without clothes.

A mischievous phrase that seeks to make the sexual desire part visible beyond the general attraction.

23. When I'm with you I feel nervous (the other person will then ask you why). I'm afraid that at any moment you want to eat me with kisses.

A joke that will disarm the person you are flirting with. Without a doubt you will show signs of security and humor, and you will set yourself apart from other people by being "cool".

24. There is something about your face that blows me away (the other person will ask what it is about). I see the most beautiful smile in the world.

A most beautiful compliment that will surprise the person you like.

25. Hello! How are you going?

A simple and direct way to approach someone in a social context. Sometimes it is not necessary to think so much about things and go directly to talk showing interest.

26. Hello, I wanted to know if, in addition to being attractive, you are also nice. You are?

Bold phrase for people with an attitude when it comes to approaching those who find it interesting. It must be accompanied by a smile to transmit good vibes.

27. It's amazing that it took me 25 years to get to know you.

When saying this phrase, the number must obviously be adapted to our age. It may sound like an exaggeration but at the same time it can be liked. Everyone likes to feel special.

28. I love it so much when you smile at me that for me it's like the sun rises.

A little poetry to say that this person makes our day with his smile.

29. I was going to tell you that I like you, but the truth is that I love you.

This is a way of emphasizing the attraction we feel towards someone.

30. The problem is not your presence in my dreams, but your absence in my reality

A poetic phrase that takes on a dramatic tone, but it sure makes those who listen to it feel special.

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31. I have read my horoscope this week and she has told me that she would find someone special and suddenly I have crossed paths with you.

Believe in the horoscope or not, it is still a romantic idea.

32. A crazy person like me needs a screw like you (or a crazy person like you needs a screw like me otherwise).

This phrase is witty and a bit risque, considering that the screw can be interpreted as a phallic element.

33. If being sexy were a crime, you would spend your life in jail.

Clearer the water. We are telling the person that we cannot be sexier.

34. I have forgotten what I wanted to say when I was distracted by your beauty.

In case you go blank for this reason, or not, this is a great phrase to say who you are attracted to.

35. Forgive my lateness, I would have liked to come into your life earlier.

A phrase that seeks to create a bit of humor but also expresses how precious it is to be with the person who attracts us.

36. Hey! You always go with Carlos Gutiérrez (to say a name) from Córdoba (or any nearby town), right? Oh no? What do you say? Well, I must have been confused... well, since we are... tell me about yourself.

A very insightful technique to start talking to someone you care about. You have to have some acting skills to use this resource.

37. I want to kiss you.

This is a funny combination of two quite obvious words, but that generates a funny expression. The person is also being hinted that we would like to sleep with her and get up next to her and share kisses. Bold, spicy and romantic at the same time.

38. The first kiss is not given with the mouth, it is given with the look.

The author of this phrase is Tristán Bernard. We have already mentioned that paraphrasing a famous phrase can be an interesting resource. And if the poetic touch surprises you, we can always reply with a "in contact with love, everyone becomes a poet." This is from Plato.

39. Tell your mother for me that I can't wait for her to be my mother-in-law.

A funny phrase about our intentions with that person.

40. I need to get some practice kissing, can you help me?

Here, too, our intentions are clearly visible. It can also be used without the final question. Sometimes it is better not to ask these types of questions and act, as it shows determination and security. We must avoid doubt as much as possible.

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41. They say that love can appear at any moment.

A very suggestive phrase if it comes from the mouth of someone with whom you can have a potential romance.

42. Until a moment ago I was homosexual / heterosexual.

A witty and funny comment that shows that someone attracts us a lot. Obviously if you are heterosexual you must say homosexual and vice versa.

43. I like your style…

This phrase can be left in the air or supplemented with some additional information. Ideal if our objective is to have a slightly particular style that stands out from the most “trendy” fashions.

44. You must be very tired because you have been going around and around my head all day.

Take advantage of the expressions that we have in Spanish, it is always fun in the art of seduction. Here is a clever play on words.

45. Hello, I have seen you and I could not avoid having to introduce myself. What is your name?

The freshness that being sincere, safe and direct can convey can be perceived as a source of high value for the person we are interested in.

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