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68 phrases by Frida Kahlo about art, love, life and death

Frida Kahlo was a very influential Mexican painter in her time, and her work and memory remain so today. Her art loaded with sensitivity, very naive and metaphorical of it has served as inspiration for many artists, both Mexican and foreign.

But not only her paintings are wonderful, since she was an extraordinary woman in all aspects. Her life, very particular and somewhat stormy, was the main source of inspiration for her work. And it is that she had to suffer from poliomyelitis, a traffic accident that made her go through 32 operations, in addition to a love-hate relationship with her husband, the artist Diego Rivera.

In this article we collect a selection of the best phrases of Frida Kahlo, which are a reflection of your life and your thinking.

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68 Frida Kahlo phrases for inspiration

Her reflections and her thoughts on life, love, death and art They have transcended and they continue to inspire us and help us to know a little more about who this great woman was.

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Below you have a selection of the great phrases of Frida Kahlo; words as wonderful and particular as herself.

1. I feel that from our place of origin we have been together, that we are of the same matter, of the same waves, that we carry the same meaning within

With this phrase, Frida describes the connection that she feels, she has always had with Diego Rivera, the great love of her life.

2. I paint self-portraits because I'm alone a lot. I paint myself, because I am the one I know best

The most representative paintings of the artist, and that we still see replicated in different formats today, are her self-portraits. With this phrase by Frida Kahlo we understand why they are.

3. If I could give you one thing in life, I would like to give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then will you realize how special you are to me

Beautiful reflection that Frida makes about the way she sees Diego. It is very easy for all of us to identify with this phrase, because people never see themselves in the same way that those who love them do.

4. Feet, why do I want them if I have wings to fly?

One of the most famous phrases of Frida Kahlo that we can see written in books, publications, decorative elements. Did you know that he wrote it when she had to go a long time without being able to get out of bed?

5. Each (tick-tock) is a second of life that passes, flees, and does not repeat itself. And there is so much intensity in it, so much interest, that the problem is just knowing how to live it. Let each one solve as they can

A very successful phrase about time in relation to life And the way we live "Let each one solve as he can."

6. Where you can't love, don't delay

This phrase by Frida Kahlo reminds us that we came into the world to love and be loved, that is why we should not stay where we cannot give that love.

7. Although I have said "I love you" to many, and have dated and kissed others, deep down I have only loved you

This is how we feel when we finally find the love of our life, to that person we have always been looking for and who finally arrives and changes everything we knew about love.

8. I don't really know if my paintings are surreal or not, but I do know that they represent the most frank expression of myself.

Frida never wanted her painting to be pigeonholed into artistic currents, for her her art was always a means of expressing her reality.

9. Why do I call him my Diego? It was never and never will be mine. It is from himself ...

Frida's reflection on love that she feels for her husband Diego Rivera, who was unfaithful to her several times during her relationship.

10. I wanted to drown my sorrows in liquor, but the damned learned to swim

Surely many of us like Frida have tried in the past, but the truth is that alcohol does not solve anything, it only postpones suffering and pain.

11. I used to think that she was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought, there are a lot of people like that in the world. world, there has to be someone like me, who feels bizarre and damaged in the same way that I feel I feel. I imagine her, and I imagine that she must be out there thinking about me too. Well I hope that if you are out there and read this you know that, yes, it is true, I am here, I am as strange as you

Many times we feel like weirdos in the world, perhaps to some more than others, but remember that each person is unique and is walking their own path. How strange we are is where we are all united.

12. I feel like I always loved you, since you were born, and before, when you were conceived. And sometimes I feel like you were born to me

Another phrase from Frida Kahlo expressing the great love and connection she had with Diego Rivera, which, as she herself says, was since Diego was born.

13. Everything can have beauty, even the most horrible

Remember that in reality, beauty is in who looks and not in what we look at.

14. Can you make up verbs? I want to tell you one: I love you, so my wings spread enormously to love you without measure

The unlimited creativity of this Mexican artist was also reflected in the world of words. Love for Diego Rivera was always one of his greatest inspirations.

15. It is so unpleasant to feel that a woman is able to sell every bit of her convictions or feelings just for the greed of money or scandal.

Frida Kahlo, in addition to being an artist, was also a promoter of the struggle for women's rights and always very critical of the role of women in our society.

16. Mexican women (like me) sometimes have such a silly view of life!

With this other phrase she alludes to the custom of women of her time and acceptance of their role in society as a lack of vision about their own lives.

17. Fall in love with yourself, with life and then with whoever you want

As this phrase by Frida Kahlo says so well, it is not possible to love someone else if we do not start with ourselves and with life itself.

18. I want to build. But I am but an insignificant but important part of a whole of which I am not yet aware

For Frida it was always very important to be able to contribute to the world, as she says, to build. In this sense many of us can identify with this phraseHowever, we must know that each contribution we make, no matter how insignificant we may see it, has a huge effect on the world and on us.

19. Who would say that spots live and help to live? Ink, blood, smell… What would I do without the absurd and the fleeting?

One of the most emblematic phrases of Frida Kahlo in which the artist summarized in spots what marked her life: her art and her illness.

20. I am free to give myself the mother

She never allowed anyone to tell her what she had to do or how she had to live. Frida was a woman who lived under her own mandates.

21. I take care of you what you take care of me, I talk to you how you treat me and I believe what you show me

Excellent phrase by Frida Kahlo to talk about respect and reciprocity in relationships of any kind.

22. I don't need to buy dresses or other similar things, because as a "Tehuana" I don't even wear panties or wear stockings.

Frida Kahlo never worried about dressing in fashion or changing clothes all the time. In fact she always kept her style very authentic hers from the region of Mexico she came from, because dressing like that made her happy.

23. Perhaps they expect to hear from me lamentations of "how much you suffer" living with a man like Diego. But I don't think the banks of a river suffer from letting it run

Diego Rivera's infidelities and his weakness for women were well known, to which Frida had to respond with this phrase, to clarify the reason for her acceptance of the life that Diego he carried.

24. I would like to give you everything that you would never have had, and even then you would not know how wonderful it is to be able to love you

Love is the most generous and unconditional thing we can feel.

25. Pick a person who looks at you like you might be magic

It could not be anything less than this, the person next to us must see and highlight how wonderful we are.

26. Why would I be so mule and rejega not to understand that the letters, the messes of petticoats, the teachers of... English, the gypsy models, the "goodwill" assistants, the Disciples interested in "art of painting" and "envied plenipotentiaries from far away places" mean only hesitant, and deep down you and I love each other Fed up?

Although Frida accepted and knew Diego's weakness for women, there were moments in her life when she suffered for her and had to explain to herself the difference between the nature of her relationship with Diego and that of the others women.

27. Do not let the tree of which you are the sun make thirsty

We ourselves must take care of taking care of our relationshipsWhen we love and know that we are especially loved, it is when we must most nurture that love and take care of that person.

28. I'm still crazy as always; I've already gotten used to this dress from the year of the soup, even some gringachas imitate me and want to dress up as “Mexican”, but the poor women look like turnips, and, the truth is, they look freaky at a glance

Comment made by Frida during her stay in the United States and her identity that she always remained just as authentic.

29. At the end of the day, we can take a lot longer than we think we can

With this phrase, Frida invites us to trust and be aware of our strength. For better or for worse, we have a great capacity to endure, we just have to distinguish when it is good to use it and when we should rather stop holding.

30. I don't want a love that is half, torn and split in half. I have fought and suffered so much that I deserve something whole, intense, indestructible

Frida Kahlo gives us great advice with this phrase so that we do not resign ourselves to a love that is not like the one we deserve.

31. If you act like you know what you're doing, you can do whatever you want

Is Frida referring with this phrase to the famous saying "confuse and you will reign"? What do you think?

32. I need you so much that my heart hurts

Another phrase about the love he felt for her Diego.

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33. Many times I like carpenters, shoemakers, etc., more than all that herd of so-called civilized stupid, talkative, called "cultured people"

With this phrase Frida towards a criticism of those people who felt superior to others, for being born in a different social class.

34. This fucking Paris hits me like a kick in the navel

Frida Kahlo was in Paris invited by the group of surrealist artists, among them André Breton, who were fans of her art. Apparently, Frida not so much from Paris.

35. So many things to tell you and so few come out of my mouth. You should learn to read my eyes when I look at you

We have all had those moments of wanting to say a thousand things without knowing how to do it. Next time you can do it with this phrase by Frida Kahlo.

36. Walling off your own suffering is risking being devoured from the inside

Saving the pain only causes more pain. We must face what we suffer from in order to move on without being haunted by life.

37. Many times in pain are the deepest pleasures, the most complex truths, the most certain happiness

Pain was always a theme and source of inspiration for Frida Kahlo, she because she accompanied her throughout her life.

38. And you well know that the sexual attractiveness in women ends by flying, and then they have nothing left but what they have in their head to be able to defend themselves in this filthy life of hell

An invitation from Frida Kahlo to the women of her time to cultivate her mind instead of her beauty, since it is what we really carry inside that lasts over time.

39. I will never take money from any man until my death

Frida Kahlo always worked and lived by her own means. He considered that receiving money from a man was tantamount to losing a little of her own worth and giving that man rights over her.

40. Who gave you the absolute truth? There is nothing absolute, everything changes, everything moves, everything revolutionizes, everything flies and goes

That's right, we and everything around us is in constant transformation so there is nothing absolute in our life.

41. The most powerful art in life is to make pain a talisman that heals, a butterfly that is reborn, blooming in a festival of colors.

Powerful phrase by Frida Kahlo to learn to take the difficult situations that are presented to us in the way to turn them into lessons and be reborn from them being a better version of us themselves.

42. As always, when I get away from you, I carry your world and your life in my gut, and that's what I can't recover from

When we share our life with someone, we take things from that person that accompany us forever, regardless of the distance that separates us.

43.... I am more and more convinced that the only way to become a man, I mean, a human being and not an animal, is to be a communist

Frida Kahlo was also a fervent fighter for political causes and supported the communist party.

44. You (Miguel Alemán Valdés) have the obligation to show civilized peoples that you are not for sale, that in Mexico has fought with blood and it continues to fight to liberate the country from colonizers, it does not matter that they have many Dollars

With this phrase, Frida demands that the president of Mexico of the moment not sell himself to the proposals of the United States.

45. I paint flowers so they don't die

We know very well that Frida Kahlo loved flowers, not only in her paintings but that she wore them and put them on her head. The flowers in his paintings are immortal.

46. Doctor if she lets me have this tequila I promise not to drink at my funeral

Phrase from one of Frida's conversations with her doctor full of humor.

47. Pain is not part of life, it can become life itself

Frida Kahlo had to suffer a lot of pain between her illness, traffic accident, surgeries and recoveries. It is surprising what the artist managed to do with so much pain from which she suffered.

48. If you want me in her life you will put me in her. I should not be fighting for a position

It could not be in any other way our presence in someone's life.

49. Child of my eyes (Diego Rivera), you know what I would like to give you today, and all my life. If it were in my hands, you would already have it. At least I can offer to be with you in everything... my heart

Frida has always given the most precious thing to her Diego, hers, her heart.

50. I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality

Painting was a means of catharsis for Frida Kahlo. She always said it, she painted her life in its best and in her worst moments.

51. Never in all my life will I forget your presence. You welcomed me shattered and gave me back whole, whole

There are people who show up in our lives to help us get through the worst situations.

52.... I will learn stories to tell you, I will invent new words to tell you in all that I love you like no one else

Frida always looked for new ways to express the great love she felt for Diego.

53. The gringuerío from San Francisco doesn't quite like me. They are a very bland people and they all have the face of raw cakes (especially the old ones)

With this phrase from Frida Kahlo we can learn her opinion about her stay in the United States and what she thought of her people.

54. Man owns his destiny and his destiny is the earth, and he himself is destroying it until he has no destiny

Frida also showed great interest in protecting the environment as our source of life.

55. I, who fell in love with your wings, I will never want to cut them

A very beautiful phrase about love and freedom in the couple to always be who we are.

56. Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion inside a closet, where you are sure to find shirts

What for Frida surrealism means.

57. Beauty and ugliness are a mirage because others end up seeing our interior

Her phrase that she reaffirms what we already know but sometimes forget: the interior is what counts.

58. Here in Gringolandia I spend my life dreaming of going back to Mexico

For Frida Kahlo there was never a better place than hers adored Mexico hers.

59. What doesn't kill me feeds me

Nothing more accurate than this phrase by Frida Kahlo, complicated life situations do nothing more than teach us and make us stronger.

60. You deserve the best of the best, because you are one of those few people who, in this miserable world, are still honest with themselves, and that's the only thing that really counts.

This phrase by Frida Kahlo invites us to ask ourselves, how honest we are with ourselves. For Frida, she was the most important and difficult to find in people.

61. Give me hope, hope, will to live and do not forget me

In the end, Frida Kahlo wanted what we all want: not to be forgotten. Not in terms of fame, but because of that person we have loved.

62. Sadness is portrayed in all my painting, but that is my condition, I no longer have composure

Frida lived many years submerged in nostalgia and sadness. And like everything else in her life, it was a central theme in her painting.

63. She hate surrealism. It seems to me a decadent manifestation of bourgeois art

André Breton himself tried to convince Frida Kahlo that her art was surreal. With this phrase we can understand why she never saw him like this.

64. Here is your partner, happy and strong which should be; I look forward to your return soon to help you, to love you always in peace

As we told you, Frida Kahlo loved hers Diego Rivera hers intensely, but it was a relationship of loves and hates and of many disagreements. With this phrase, Frida said goodbye to Diego when he was leaving for one of his trips.

65. The atoms of my body are yours and they vibrate together to love us

Another beautiful phrase from Frida Kahlo to celebrate love.

66. Not a place is sadder than an empty bed

Why is it that empty beds remind us of loneliness? It makes sense if you share that bed with your partner.

67. There I leave my portrait, so that you keep me in mind, every day and night, that I am absent from you

A farewell phrase so that we always remember this wonderful artist and woman.

68. I look forward to the departure and I hope never to return

With this phrase by Frida Kahlo, the artist was referring to the moment of her death, of which she was always very aware and almost waiting for her to arrive.

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