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80 phrases about time, the passing of the years and memories

Time is that unit of measurement that sometimes feels eternal and other times it seems like it only lasts for an instant. It determines the moments that we live and, regardless of what we may think about its proportion, it is an immutable constant in our lives.

Everything we live is determined by time, and it is time itself that can change our perspective; for this and many other things is that it has been one of the favorite reasons for reflection by thinkers and philosophers Throughout our history, those who have given us the best phrases about time.

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80 reflections and phrases about time

Here is a selection of the best quotes, thoughts and phrases about the weather With which you will surely be able to identify, which will also make you reflect on the use we give it and how to take advantage of it without wasting a single moment.

You will find phrases about time and love, life and death, which can inspire you depending on the moment you are going through.

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1. Five minutes is enough to dream a lifetime, that's how relative time is.

Has it happened to you? There is nothing better explanation about the relativity of time that this one that Mario Benedetti gives us.

2. The distinction between past, present, and future is just a stubbornly persistent illusion.

Albert Einstein tells us about the perception we have of the temporality of the same instant, since every second that we live is past, present and future in itself.

3. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

This phrase of Leo Tolstoy is very true, because perseverance, for example, is made up of these two warriors.

4. It is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter the time, the greater our ability to wait.

Elizabeth Taylor makes this interesting reflection on how the value we place on time changes as we get older.

5. Love is space and time measured by the heart.

The definition of time according to the French writer Marcel Proust

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6. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Steve Jobs invites us to reflect on the way we live our life according to our own parameters or trying to satisfy those of others.

7. The problem is that you think you have time.

This phrase about the time of Buddha shows us the other side of the coin, when we procrastinate and stop doing things because we think we have a lot of time ahead of us.

8. In all our actions, the correct value and respect for time determines success or failure.

Malcom X is a faithful believer in the importance of time.

9. The way we spend our time defines who we are.

According to Jonathan Estrin, another way to get to know people is by observing how they spend their time.

10. There is no memory that time does not erase or sorrow that death does not end.

Miguel de Cervantes talks about one of the faculties that we give the most to time, this is, that of healing wounds.

11. How foolish is the man who lets time pass sterilely.

Goethe considered that time is a limited and unrepeatable resource.

12. Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who maintains the ability to see beauty does not age.

Franz Kafka talks about two stages of life that determine the passage of time: youth and old age.

13. The only thing that really belongs to us is time: even those who have nothing else can count on that.

Very successful phrase by Baltasar Gracián because as human beings, whatever our time, it is next to life, the only possession we have.

14. Remembering is the only way to stop time.

And is that from memories we can go back in time, to live again a moment that has already passed and to stop our present time while we think about it. Phrase by Jaroslav Seifert.

15. Time is the measure of motion between two moments.

This is how the philosopher Aristotle defines time.

16. Time is the best author; always finds a perfect ending.

According to Charles Chaplin and although we can deny it, moments end in the perfect moment, just as it should be thanks to time.

17. You can ask me for anything you want, except time.

Napoleon Bonaparte was quite clear that time is not a gift.

18. Old age and the passage of time teach all things.

The Greek tragic poet Sophocles left us this teaching that has endured over the centuries.

19. Let's not waste any of our time; maybe there were more beautiful but this is ours.

Jean Paul Sartre reflects on nostalgia for other times and the importance of loving ours.

20. When we say that all past times were better, we are condemning the future without knowing it.

Francisco de Quevedo also reflects on nostalgia for time, the judgments we make of the past on the present and how these determine what our future will be.

21. Time is said to be a great teacher; the bad thing is that she is killing her disciples.

With a little irony Hector Berlioz talks about the passage of time, lessons and death.

22. All my possessions for one more moment of time.

A wise phrase from the one who was Queen of England Elizabeth I, since nothing is more valuable than time, which, in addition, not even the greatest of riches can buy.

23. We must use time wisely and realize that the time is always right to get it right.

Nelson Mandela talks about the present moment and how we should use it.

24. Time is nothing but the current in which I am fishing.

Beautiful metaphor of time by Henry David Thoreau.

25. Until you value yourself you will not value your time. And until you value your time you will not do anything with it.

M. Scott Peck believes there is a direct relationship between self-love and the value we place on our time. What do you think?

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26. Time is our best friend and the one that better than anyone else teaches us the wisdom of silence.

Another phrase about time in relation to learning from Amos Alcott.

27. If you count the years, time will seem short; If you ponder the events, it will seem like a century.

Pliny the Younger makes a very correct reflection, since the moments of life, our memories and the lessons learned are always more intense than what might seem like a year.

28. Everything happens to everyone. Sooner or later, there is enough time.

George Bernard Shaw leaves us this phrase about events and time.

29. The future is something that everyone achieves at a rate of sixty minutes per hour, whatever they do and whoever they are.

This phrase by Clive Staples Lewis shows us that regardless of any factor, for everyone one hour has 60 minutes.

30. The law, democracy, love... Nothing has more weight over our lives than time.

Reflection on time and its role in our life what Winston Churchill does.

31. What is a thousand years? Time is short for those who think, and endless for those who wish.

Émile Chartier gives us this beautiful phrase about time and the importance of desire as the way we create dreams and illusions.

32. Time is both the most valuable and the most perishable of our resources.

John Randolph is another person who talks about time as a unique and limited resource that we have.

33. Love is intensity and for this reason it is a relaxation of time: It stretches the minutes and lengthens them like centuries.

Octavio Paz and his beautiful reflection on the relationship between love and time.

34. Without time there is no future, but with time you can miss the present.

The singer Frank Sinatra makes this reflection in which he makes us see how we allow the present to be diluted by thinking that we have time ahead.

35. Death as the end of the time that is lived can only cause fear to those who do not know how to fill the time that is given to them to live.

Viktor Frank talks about death as the end of time and the fear we feel of reaching it.

36. A young man in years can be old in hours, if he has not wasted time.

Sir Francis Bacon emphasizes the importance of education and wisdom. Although they say that there are things that only with age are learned, there are many others that can give us wisdom as young people, such as books.

37. Many people do not turn eighty because they try too long to stay in their forties.

The surrealist artist Salvador Dalí reflects on the fear we have of reaching old age and therefore not be young.

38. Time is a moving image of eternity.

Definition of what time is for Plato

39. Clocks kill time. Time is dead as long as it is being marked by the little wheels; only when the clock is ticking does time come to life.

William Faulkner gives us this interesting reflection that makes us see that it is the need we have to measure it and live according to that measure, which limits the amount of time we have.

40. Time is a child who plays like a child. I am one, but opposed to myself I am young and old at the same time.

Carl Jung explains how time allows us to return to the past while being in the present, as he puts it, to be young and old at the same time.

41. Choosing your own time is buying time.

Sir Francis Bacon invites us each of us to decide our own temporality and live according to it.

42. Time is nothing but the space between our memories

Henri-Frédéric Amiel refers to the fact that they are the moments we live those that really give time a measure.

43. The car, television, video, personal computer, cell phone and other passwords of happiness, machines born to <> or << pass the time >>, take over time.

For the Latin American writer Eduardo Galeano, technology and everything that we have invented as a means of entertainment is taking our time.

44. Those who love deeply never grow old, they may die of old age but they die young

Arthur Wing Pinero believes that the secret of youth to avoid the passage of time is love.

45. To be with you or not to be with you is the measure of my time.

A very romantic phrase by Jorge Luis Borges that takes love as a unit of measurement.

46. Time is an illusion.

Definition of the meaning of time according to Albert Einstein.

47. They always say that time changes things, but in reality you have to change yourself.

Andy Warhol speaks to us with this phrase about the responsibility we have for our actions and the passage of time.

48. Let's give time to time: for the glass to overflow it must be filled first.

And how to leave out of this list of phrases about time, these famous words of the poet Antonio Machado.

49. Count your age by friends, not years.

John Lennon, the member of the band The Beatles, preferred to count the passage of time by the friends that he had instead of by the years.

50. Some are willing to do anything but live in the here and now.

John Lennon also spoke about what it costs us to live in the present, in the only moment that we own.

51. Those who share our childhood never seem to grow up.

Graham Greene refers to how our essence is maintained since childhood and we can continue to see it in those we met at that age despite the passage of time.

52. Time to time and each footprint will find its sand.

Another phrase about time said by the Uruguayan singer-songwriter Jorge Drexler.

53. When we think that tomorrow will never come, it has already become yesterday.

Henry Ford refers to the immediacy and energy we spend thinking about a future that in an instant becomes the past.

54. The time you have spent with your rose is what makes it important.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry writes this beautiful phrase in his book The Little Prince, teaching us that we are the people who give importance to the moments.

55. What we can do is decide what to do with the time we have been given.

Nothing more true than these words of J.R.R. Tolkien, we are the ones who decide what we do with our time.

56. Time takes everything, whether you want it or not.

Stephen King also spoke about what for him, time ago.

57. There are times when I wish I could turn back the clock and make all the sadness go away, but I feel like if I did, all the happiness would go too.

A reflection by Nicholas Sparks that talks about balance and cause - effect in time.

58. Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.

Do you agree with this statement about the time of the famous 1984 writer, George Orwell?

59. It is never too late to be who you want to be. There is no time limit.

Eric Roth invites us to that the passage of time is not an excuse, because doing and being what we have always dreamed of depends only on us.

60. Books have a unique way of stopping time at a particular moment.

Like Dave Eggers, it has surely happened to you that you can't stop reading that book that caught you, or, for For example, how literature has been able to transport you to other moments, while you are sitting there in the armchair.

61. Time is a boss who gives everyone the same opportunities. Every human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day.

Excellent phrase about time and how we use it by Denis Waitley.

62. Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

William Gibson states that memories work differently at time.

63. What makes old age difficult to bear is not the failure of the mental and physical faculties, but the burden of our memories.

Phrase about time by W. Somerset Maugham.

64. At three it is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.

Jean-Paul Sartre talking about the relativity of time.

65. Time is kept long enough for those who use it.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a true believer that those who keep busy always have more time to do what they want.

66. Time changes everything, except something in us that is always surprised by the change.

Does Thomas Hardy mean by this phrase, that immutable essence of each one of us?

67. Spring passes and one remembers innocence. Summer passes and one remembers the exuberance. Fall passes and one remembers the bow. Winter passes and one of perseverance is remembered.

Yoko Ono, John Lennon's partner, gives us this thinking about how she sees the passage of time.

68. If time could be killed without hurting eternity.

Henry David Thoreau on the consequences of killing time.

69. Men talk about killing time, while time silently kills them.

Dion Boucicault on his side, expresses in this sentence about time how we think we have the control by killing time when in reality, time is killing us as it goes going.

70. They say that I am old-fashioned, that I live in the past, but sometimes I think that progress progresses too fast.

Another phrase about the passage of time from the writer Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel.

71. Time and memory are true artists; they reshape reality closer to the desire of the heart.

John Dewey has a very beautiful vision about time and memory based on our heart.

72. Unfortunately, the clock keeps ticking, the hours keep ticking. The past increases. The future retires. Chances dwindle, regret piles up.

Haruki Murakami writes in this sentence about time about how each passing moment takes us away from one stage and brings us closer to another.

73. Sometimes, I feel that if you look at things, if you sit still and look at the world in front of you, I would swear that time stops for a second, just for a second.

Lauren Oliver gives us this thought with which we can identify, because surely we have had this same feeling at some point in our lives.

74. Time is what prevents things from happening at the same time.

Ray Cummings states that time is in charge of regulating the moments, the situations we go through.

75. Human time does not rotate in a circular fashion. Run forward in a straight line. This is why people cannot be happy: happiness seeks repetition.

Milan Kundera reflects in this sentence on time, on the incompatible nature of time and happiness.

76. Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't expect something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think about how precious time you have to spend, whether at work or with your family. Every minute must be enjoyed and savored.

And to finish this list of phrases about time, nothing better than this invitation from Earl Nightingale to be happy now, in the present moment.

77. If time did not pass quickly, we would hardly be able to appreciate it.

The Spanish psychologist Bertrand Regader tells us about this curious paradox.

78. Take care of time, because it, although it heals, can end up escaping from your hands.

Double-edged weapon.

79. Pythagoras, when he was asked what time was, he answered that it was the soul of this world.

A great phrase from Plutarch.

80. I don't have time to be in a hurry.

Beautiful paradox masterfully synthesized by John Wesley.

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