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14 jobs that will no longer exist in the next few years

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Nothing lasts forever in this world, a clear example of this is life itself that has an expiration date that one day will come.

However, more than for that reason, it is for the technological advance that every day is at the forefront at incredible levels that the most common jobs can disappear in a few years, for what reason? Well, simply because nowadays they are testing new, more automated and virtual methods that can more easily and quickly take care of some jobs done traditionally by humans.

So we can see in the future jobs that are directly related to the management of virtual issues, online business, big data and digital consumption. So we must be prepared to face this change, which, although it seemed to be a prediction a couple of years ago, is now a very tangible reality.

If you want to know what those jobs will be that will disappear in the coming years, do not miss the following article where we will talk about it.

Why are there jobs that are threatened in the future?

The answer to this question is very simple and somewhat harsh:

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it is because these jobs will become obsolete. Thanks to the advances in automated technology, where we can find more efficient, practical and quick management programs that previously could only be done manually. Which is an advantage for users and consumers who will not have to go to the site. specific to carry out their transactions, but they can do it from the comfort of their computers at home.

Also bringing benefits to public and private companies since they can save extra salary costs. Although of course, they will have to invest in the quality of the programs, maintenance and updates so that they can continue working efficiently.

So will we be replaced by machines?

The world dominated by machines is a vision that people keep in mind when they think about the future. Robots doing the common tasks, huge machines manufacturing and virtual assistants that will search everything for you. However, although this is a reality that many scientists consider, it has nothing to do with the replacement of human capacities, but with extra assistance to manage in a more functional way some sectors.

Although yes, this type of advance forces us all to have a preparation in new knowledge of areas that were previously unknown. So, as technology advances, we must advance with it to keep up with the day.

Jobs and jobs that will disappear in the coming years

Bearing in mind the above described, it is time for you to learn about some of the trades that will no longer be needed for the near future.

1. Real estate agents

Although this is a job that has been very competitive and respected in countries where the real estate sector is constantly dynamic. It is estimated that within a few years their services will no longer be required, as people will choose to contact directly the people who offer leases, rentals or sales of their properties for the Web.

2. Waiters

Have you seen restaurants with automated ordering systems on a TV show? That is the future that awaits all restaurants, cafes and fast food chains. What is it about? Well, from an electronic system where customers can request their order through a screen or tablet located on their table and which reaches the kitchen directly.

Once ready, an alert is issued for consumers to withdraw their order and in more advanced cases (such as the case of establishments in Japan) the order arrives through a conveyor belt, very similar to the one in the airports.

3. War pilots

Drones and refined drone autopilots are already replacing war pilots to keep them safe. So virtual piloting experts can do riskier and easier maneuvers efficiently and with less risk of loss.

4. Drivers

This theory is still under discussion, but it is anticipated that for a few years in the future they will be cars with autopilots, programmed robots and artificial intelligences, who lead the market. Therefore, drivers of any category of vehicle drivers will no longer be needed.

5. Store advisers

It is the same as in the case of waiters, that assistance by staff in department stores and sales chains will be greatly reduced by artificial intelligences and robots commissioned with assistance personalized. As is currently happening in Japan by including Pepper, an assistant who apparently can with everything.

6. Telephone operators

This is a job that was successful thanks to sales ads on television or even web platforms, where we should call to order a product and manage the relevant transactions of buy and sell. However, these have been effectively replaced with social media platforms, which have more functional predictive and management systems.

As is the case with Facebook, Instagram or even Amazon and Ebay where it is becoming easier for us to buy and see unmissable offers just by accessing the page. In addition, they have become the preferred site for sales announcements.

7. Customer services

And speaking of effective replacements for predictive and virtual management systems, in a few years they will no longer be necessary customer service services to register and operate problems, doubts or improvements in services acquired.

Because companies now have service chats on their website that are operated with bots programmed for frequently asked questions or to redirect your request to an expert in the theme. As well as the implementation of artificial intelligences as virtual assistants. Such is the case with Watson (from IBM), ALEXA (from Amazon) or Siri herself (from iPhone)

8. Intermediaries and arbitrage operators

This category includes various jobs, such as brokers, real estate agents (already mentioned), insurance intermediaries, banking operators, etc. They will be replaced by both artificial intelligences, cognitive agents and humanoid robots with the ability to carry out guided tours of the services and products they offer, as well as the possibilities of talks.

As is the case of the cognitive agent developed by IPsoft, Amelia, Toshiba's humanoid robot, Aiko or Insurify's virtual intelligence Evia.

9. Financial sector

Stock brokers, mutual fund managers, financial brokers or stock-market advisers, have been seen recently replaced by a series of virtual programs that run precise algorithms with the ability to analyze. interpret and even predict financial data. Another benefit of these algorithms is that they are able to prepare accounts or file tax returns in record time without the need for human intervention.

It is even envisaged that these virtual assistants and artificial intelligences may be able to issue quick alerts upon discover bank fraud, identity theft, suspicious transactions, as well as advising people to improve their own portfolios banking.

10. Factory and assembly line workers

For this sector the replacement will be given by the implementation of intelligent and automated machinery that will be able to lift heavy loads of equipment, materials or raw materials in more precise and fast. In order to avoid fatal risks to workers with an accident or injury.

11. Health sector

Will doctors also be replaced by machines? Not at all, but quite interesting and significant changes are coming in the health sector. As is the inclusion of robots that help complement the work of surgeons, such as the Da Vinci Systems robot, a machine operated by the doctor, from a cabin and which allows to perform cleaner procedures, with less risk and little invasiveness.

12. Toll booth operators

It may seem like a somewhat outdated job, but it is still current. However, it will not be for much longer because, in the countries of Europe, we can find that these workers have been replaced by automated systems that raise the barriers. Which helps people not to be exposed to pollutants from cars.

13. Supermarket cashiers

We can find several supermarket chains that have implemented automated payment systems, which allows people pay in a faster and more efficient way, as well as not needing people to take care of the boxes.

14. Translators

Many people offer translation or interpretation services to different companies, in order to have a wider range of expansion in their services. However, with the improvement and advancement of virtual simultaneous translators, it is possible to have interpretation, correction and translation in real time and in multiple languages.

Now you know which jobs are at risk of disappearing. Now you must consider the new options to improve and beat the race to technological advancement.
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