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Farewell phrases: 55 beautiful and sad quotes to say goodbye

Saying goodbye to someone is never easy, especially if it is a loved one, be it a relative, a friend or a loved one. In those moments it is difficult to express what we feel, but these goodbye phrases can help you.

We collect a list of 60 goodbye phrases, beautiful or sad, so you can say goodbye to that special someone with the best words.

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60 goodbye phrases to say goodbye in a beautiful way

We share with you the best farewell phrases, to be able to say goodbye to someone in the best way and with beautiful messages to dedicate.

1. Never say goodbye because goodbye means leaving and leaving means forgetting.

We start with one of the most beautiful farewell phrases, by the hand of J.M. Barrie, the playwright creator of Peter Pan.

2. There is no kiss that is not the beginning of farewell, even the one of arrival.

A farewell phrase from George Bernard Shaw, which reminds us in a bittersweet way that everything has an end.

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3. Goodbye is always painful. I prefer a see you soon!

A short but beautiful phrase to say goodbye that conveys a message of hope and reunions.

4. They said goodbye and in the goodbye there was already the welcome.

Mario Benedetti leaves us this phrase in which he reflects on the new opportunities that some farewells may bring.

5. Don't cry because it ended, smile because it happened.

This cute short farewell phrase from Dr. Seuss also conveys a positive message, despite the sadness that is saying goodbye.

6. It's time to say goodbye, but goodbyes are sad and I'd rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.

Again another phrase that tells us about farewells as new opportunities to leave something behind and face a new stage with energy. This reflection is by Ernie Hardwell.

7. If you are brave enough to say "goodbye", life will reward you with a new "hello".

Paulo Coelho also expresses in this sentence the new opportunities that life can offer us after a goodbye.

8. The worst goodbyes are those that were not said.

And that is why we help you to be able to choose some parting words with this compilation of phrases and quotes about goodbye.

9. And when I leave, these will be my last words: I'm leaving, I leave my love behind.

The thinker Rabindranath Tagore always has beautiful and inspiring words.

10. You see that the pain felt is so deep, that nothing is sadder than the last goodbye.

The poet Mariano Melgar expressed thus the sadness of having to say goodbye to someone whom we know we will never see again.

11. Nothing and no one can prevent them from suffering, from advancing the hands on the clock, from deciding for them, from making mistakes, from growing and one day from saying goodbye to us.

The singer Joan Manuel Serrat expressed in this beautiful way that our children will have to fire us one day.

12. Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and sometime in between we became best friends.

A farewell phrase that we can dedicate to those good friends who have to leave.

13. History never says "goodbye". What he says is always "see you later."

A phrase by the writer Eduardo Galeano that conveys a hopeful message.

14. The world is round and that place that seems an end could also be a beginning.

Again this phrase by Ivy Parker reminds us that a goodbye is also accompanied by something new, which can be positive.

15. The pain of separation is nothing compared to the joy of meeting again.

Charles Dickens expresses in this sentence that the positive feeling of a reunion later outweighs any goodbye.

16. You want to preserve a sweet memory of this love... Well, let's love each other a lot today, and tomorrow let's say goodbye!

A phrase by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer about fleeting loves, which invites us to live the present moment without thinking about the end.

17. Love is so short and oblivion is so long.

The poet Pablo Neruda leaves us this short phrase, which talks about how sad it is to have to forget someone after a love affair.

18. Among the flowers you left. Among the flowers I stay.

Miguel Hernández left us this beautiful verse about goodbyes.

19. Every night, after goodbye, my heart freezes ...

And it is that a goodbye can get to paralyze our heart, according to this phrase by Mercedes Crowe.

20. It takes courage to say goodbye. To look at a lost thing and know that it is gone forever.

It's hard to acknowledge that something will no longer come back in our lives, that's how this quote from Jay Kristoff puts it.

21. We will meet again, I do not know where, I do not know when, but I know that we will meet again some sunny day.

This beautiful phrase by Vera Lynn conveys a message of hope and future reunions.

22. Goodbyes always hurt, even when they have long been longed for.

Goodbyes are always tricky, even when they involve something good, according to this quote from Arthur Schnitzler.

23. Life has taught me to say goodbye to the people I love, without removing them from my heart.

Charlie Chaplin reminds us that even if there is a farewell, the memory and love of the person remains with us.

24. Goodbye is a beautiful and soft word, yet it is something horrible and heavy!

It's never easy to say goodbye, even if it is such a short word. Quote by Mehmet Ildan.

25. I say goodbye to you for life, even if I keep thinking about you all my life.

A beautiful farewell phrase by José Ángel Buesa, ideal to dedicate to your loved one.

26. He who is used to traveling, he knows that it is always necessary to leave one day.

A reflection by Paulo Coelho that reminds us that there is always an end.

27. The hands that say goodbye are birds that are slowly dying.

One of the saddest and most beautiful farewell phrases that Mario Quintana leaves us.

28. Saying goodbye is like dying.

Marjane Satrapi expresses in this quote the pain of having to say goodbye, because with some goodbye something dies inside us.

29. There are no goodbyes between us. Wherever you are, I will carry you in my heart.

Other ideal phrase to dedicate to a loved one that we have to say goodbye to, to remind you that you are with us.

30. How am I to find rest after your departure? When you left, my heart went with you.

This sad phrase is also to express to someone you love how painful your farewell is.

31. How do you look at the person you love and tell them that it's time to go?

Another of the saddest goodbye phrases, which reminds us how painful it is to say goodbye to a loved one.

32. Only what is lost is acquired forever.

A phrase by Henrik Ibsen to remember that what goes away remains with us as a memory.

33. It is always more difficult to be left behind than to be the one to leave.

This phrase by Brock Thoene can be applied in situations of heartbreak, when someone leaves another person.

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34. Despite the kilometers between us, we are never apart, friendship is not counted in meters, it is measured by the heart.

Good friendships are maintained despite the distance and despite the goodbyes.

35. Whoever invented distance never suffered the pain of longing.

François de La Rochefoucauld reflects on this phrase about the pain of goodbyes and absences.

36. You are the goodbye that I never wanted to say. You are the most painful of goodbyes.

Another deep phrase to say goodbye that expresses a lot of pain.

37. I'll be back so soon you won't have time to miss me. Take care of my heart, I've left it with you.

And this farewell phrase is ideal to dedicate to the loved one when we have to separate for a while.

38. Only in the agony of saying goodbye are we able to understand the depth of our love.

Sometimes we don't appreciate how much we want something until we lose it, according to this reflection by George Eliot.

39. Maybe part of loving is learning to let go.

We have to do some goodbyes for love, according to this famous anonymous phrase.

40. Saying goodbye creates a kind of disgust for those who say goodbye; this hurts and you feel like it shouldn't happen again.

Elizabeth Bowen reminds us how painful it is to have to say these parting words.

41. It is not the days that we remember, but the moments.

Walt Disney is credited with this phrase that we can dedicate to someone to say goodbye remembering the moments we have spent together.

42. Man's feelings are always the purest and the brightest in welcomes and goodbyes.

Deep phrase by Jean Paul Richter about what goodbyes make us feel.

43. Great is the art of beginnings, but greater is the art of endings.

Knowing how to say goodbye can be an art, but these goodbye phrases can help inspire you.

44. You left without warning, today I live on the happy memories you left me.

A sad phrase but with a positive message, about remember with love the loved ones who have left us.

45. Goodbye, pity me and don't stop loving me.

The picturesque and controversial Marquis de Sade said goodbye in this original way.

46. Goodbye! Goodbye forever, my good friend, sweet and sad memory of my childhood!

And this other farewell phrase belongs to Edmondo de Amicis.

47. The two hardest things to say in life are 'hello' for the first time and 'goodbye' for the last time.

Moira Rogers compares again what welcomes and goodbyes are.

48. If we meet again, I hope it will be in a better world.

And this other phrase to say goodbye conveys a message of hope.

49. Goodbye my friends, I'm going to glory!

And this phrase to say goodbye was pronounced by the dancer Isadora Duncan.

50. No more words. We know them all, all the words that should not be said. But you have made my world more perfect.

Terry Pratchett leaves us this beautiful phrase to say goodbye is ideal to dedicate to the loved one.

51. How lucky I am to have something that forces me to say goodbye.

And is that the great farewells are preceded by great stories. Quote by Carol Sobieski.

52. Never leave without saying loving words during your absence. You may not say them again in this life.

According to this phrase by Jean Paul Richter, it is important to convey our love by saying goodbye in any circumstance.

53. They both sighed the same and today they are part of a rain away, make no mistake, resentment is useless, they are spasms after goodbye.

Phrase about farewells from the song “Adiós” by Gustavo Cerati.

54. This is not a goodbye, but a "thank you".

Nicholas Sparks leaves us this other original way of saying goodbye without saying it.

55. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.

We finish the list with some beautiful farewell words from Mahatma Gandhi, to remember that some absences will only be physical, since the absent person can remain in the heart.

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