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The 70 most famous phrases of Eduardo Mendoza

Eduardo Mendoza Garriga was a great Spanish writer whose literary works are full of a simple and very direct style, with the presence of cultism, archaism, a very popular language and characters who struggle to survive in a very hard. What's more, He was considered one of the most outstanding writers in the world of universal literature of the last two centuries.

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Famous quotes by Eduardo Mendoza

Next, we leave these 70 phrases so that you know a little more about this extraordinary character in Spanish literature.

1. A novel is what it is: neither the truth nor the lie.

Every story has a part of truth and another that is not.

2. They are not reliable rumors, because it comes, as always, from envious or fanciful or stupid people, or all three at the same time, but The mere fact that these people have come up with such an infundity indicates that the truth must not be too far from the truth. lie.

Intrigues and rumors are, unfortunately, part of our life.

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3. It's actually me who has lost. I believed that being bad I would have the world in my hands and yet I was wrong.

There are people or situations much worse than those around us.

4. Touching the past is staining yourself with nostalgia, that is inevitable.

Memories are always important, some good and some not.

5. They were days of irresponsible plenitude, of imperceptible happiness.

Every moment has its reward.

6. There are always problems, and I think that making comparisons does not help to solve them. It only helps to the extent that lessons can be learned from the past.

Life is wonderful. It always comes with surprises.

7. What interests me is what happened and the characters I met.

The important thing about the past is the good things that we get out of it.

8. This cannot be fixed, here we are going from bad to worse, there is no one here who has the capacity to take initiatives that have the appearance of viability ...

This phrase refers to the situations we live in.

9. We did not realize that the press was going to become a very powerful thing that was going to change the development of the country, it was going to create public opinion, it was going to become a very considerable.

Mendoza reaffirms, with these words, the importance of journalism.

10. The early vocations are trees with many leaves, little trunk and less roots.

Not always what the young man wants is what he achieves.

11. Nostalgia is relative.

Not all people react in the same way to sadness and loneliness.

12. Upon reaching a certain age, one realizes that he has witnessed events that seemed momentous at the time and later turned out not to be.

Wisdom is essential in the human being.

13. Men are more obtuse: money and football have their hypothalamus blocked and vital fluids are not circulating. On the other hand, women, as soon as they disconnect the mobile, release the powers of the mind and the one that you neglect has already reached extrasensory perception.

Do you agree with these differences between the concentration of men and women?

14. The book talks a lot about that, about anecdotes that have become historical moments and historical moments that are later They have turned into a pure anecdote and have not left a trace, things that nobody considered to be phenomena and then they have been.

Here the writer summarizes one of his books.

15. When I arrived I found things that were ending, that had been very important and of which I saw their last blows: civil rights, the integration of blacks ...

With this sentence, he reviews what he experienced when visiting New York.

16. He inaugurated a stage in which terrorism began to play an important role.

A phrase that makes the situation very clear at the time of Franco's Spain.

17. But I want to believe that it is more a specific attitude than a reality. Someone will come out. It can't be that we've all gotten a little dumber.

Every circumstance has a solution.

18. Spain, a country characterized for many years by the real presence of a very serious terrorism that conditioned political life and the way of being and thinking of the Spanish.

Another phrase that gives us a glimpse of the Francisco Franco regime.

19. I don't have much thought about it now, because there is nothing more uncertain than a book. Maybe in the middle of the second I get stranded and the ship sinks.

Eduardo Mendoza gives us a sample of what the creative process is like for him when writing a book.

20. Things change. Nostalgia is a vice that I try not to have.

The melancholy, sadness and grief are feelings that do not produce major benefits.

21. Never start a book without the result being uncertain. Because if not, that is just taking the minutes. You have to gamble every day on every page.

Dreams are important in life.

22. I have to leave a monument here.

Referring to the fact that we must leave footprints on our way.

23. I always wanted to think that the book was a photo album, of Polaroids.

A book is a lived story.

24. We could not understand the nineteenth century in the same way without Galdós or Balzac.

With these words, a recognition is made of the work carried out by these two fundamental characters of universal literature.

25. I believe that Manuel Fraga was a personally authoritarian, haughty man, but he did have a vision of the State, like many politicians of that time.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

26. I have never practiced journalism, but I want to talk about it, because it is one of the most important things of the second half of the 20th century.

Journalism is a very important profession for society.

27. Now it seems that the press is diluted and no longer has that authority. The same thing happens with the novel.

The world of journalism has also deteriorated over time.

28. A very common characteristic of people is forgetting.

There are those who have a short memory and others who decide to forget to put aside what they felt at that moment.

29. The press had its moment of glory when the president of the United States is about to go to the guillotine because two journalists uncover what was Watergate.

It refers to the great scandal that emerged in the United States in the 1970s.

30. Television was responsible for making the Vietnam War as it was. Every night it was known what was happening thousands of kilometers away and people reacted. It is a profession that requires qualities that I do not have.

Television is a very important information medium that allows us to be informed wherever we are.

31. I remember very well how I thought and what the world was like when I was 20, 30, 50 years old. That is why I dedicate myself to writing novels.

A great way to keep the memories of each era alive.

32. It is not that I have a good memory, it is that I do not forget, that it is important.

Forgetfulness is something that we should not let enter our lives.

33. I still recognize myself.

It is important to know who we are and to love ourselves as we are.

34. I want to believe that life has made me more tolerant, and I am more satisfied.

We will always have an opportunity to change.

35. Humor, when writing and conceiving situations, is present because it is part of my way of being.

With this phrase, Mendoza explains how fundamental humor was for him.

36. Literature will evolve into other forms.

With these words, this Spanish writer predicted where literature was heading.

37. If we talk about literature, Tolstoy was better than anything.

These words are a tribute to the great work of Leo Tolstoy.

38. When I started in Spain, nobody made a living from literature.

Here he recalled the beginnings of Eduardo Mendoza.

39. The four principles by which I have moved all my life have not changed.

The principles that we have should not be changed at any time.

40. Forget how it was, forget what happened, forget things and retell them, in other words.

Memories are always told differently.

41. Comedy is always for me, I was born with a clown nose on.

You always have to see how fun things are.

42. I like to start each day, and when I've been in one city for a long time, I go to another.

In this sentence, the writer reflects how important it is to accept change and flow with it.

43. To be able to write about a time with perspective, 25 years have to pass.

We cannot write about something, without soaking up the subject.

44. I am lazier, I have less ability to concentrate, but I still have the same discipline: none.

Each person has to live her life as he pleases.

45. To get a book out every three years, as I do, you have to be very lazy, but very lazy.

A phrase that shows us the importance of being dedicated and not underestimating the work behind writing a book.

46. Fiction writers have a regrettable working method, which consists of wasting a lot, but a lot of time.

Time is something we cannot get back.

47. If someone writes a page a day, which is nothing, after a year he would have a 365-page book.

Save your favorite moments as if it were a novel that you enjoy reading.

48. He has memory, he said. What do you want memory for? You already have yours.

We must count on our memories to tell our story.

49. It is the city that has changed the most of the ones I know, so much so that when I go I almost have to hire a guide.

New York is one of the cities most visited by this writer.

50. Journalism is the profession with the lowest productivity index.

Mendoza viewed journalism as a career in decline.

51. You have to see, so much time, so many hours, and how bad it has turned out for me.

After so many efforts, it may be that the result is not what you expected.

52. It is human nature to falter when dreams begin to materialize.

We will always find fear on our way.

53. You don't know who Franco was, with him there were no freedoms or social justice, but it was nice to watch television.

Talking about the disagreements that existed in the Franco regime.

54. Life has taught me that I have a mechanism inserted somewhere impervious to experience that prevents me from doing everything could be to my advantage and forces me to follow the most foolish impulses and the most harmful tendencies natural ...

Impulses govern our lives, so we must learn to control them.

55. Throughout my existence I have been forced to solve some mysteries, always forced by circumstances and especially by people when they were in their hands.

Life always takes us down mysterious paths.

56. With the same pleasure I would have eaten a portion of sardines, but I also had to give that up because spending money was not in my budget.

Managing money is one of the hardest things of all.

57. Oriental rhetoric, too subtle, I admit. Often you don't know what they're talking about and they've already put it into you, as Sun Tzu used to say.

Before speaking, you have to know what you are dealing with.

58. This is not a poor country. This is a poor country. In a poor country, everyone manages as best they can with what they have. Not here. Here it counts what one has or does not have.

Mendoza expresses here how he saw Spain.

59. From that time I remember joyfully throwing time overboard, hoping that the balloon would take flight and take me to a better future.

Sometimes we want to go to the past so that we can do things better.

60. You always think better on a full stomach, say those with a stomach.

It is a phrase that reflects poverty in many countries.

61. I believe I am a model of good sense and I believe that others are like a shower, for this reason I live perplexed and afraid of how the world is.

This shows us that it is never a good thing to copy someone else.

62. I wanted to do like Alonso Quijano: run the world, have impossible loves and undo wrongs.

Eduardo Mendoza longed to be like one of the characters in Don Quixote.

63. Literature can rescue dark lives and redeem terrible deeds; conversely, terrible acts and degraded lives can rescue literature by infusing it with a life that, if not possessed, would turn it into a dead letter.

Literature has a great impact on the lives of many people.

64. Life is like that and it is useless to call it unfair afterwards.

Life has many nuances.

65. Do like me: take advantage of being old. I am not old. Keep practicing. The secret to getting very old is getting old too soon.

Wisdom has no age, but it comes with experience.

66. Ancestors and descendants are important. Past and future. Without past and future, everything is present, and present is fleeting.

You have to know the past in order to build a better future.

67. The feeling is the root and the sustenance of the deep ideas.

All thought comes from what we feel.

68. In literature class they taught us some things that were not of much use to me then and today they have been of little use to me.

Not everything they teach us is what we need.

69. Have I ever wondered if Don Quixote was crazy or if he pretended to be so in order to transgress the doors of a small, uncouth and closed society.

It refers to the magnificent work of Cervantes.

70. And what is the truth? Sometimes the opposite of the lie; other times, the opposite of silence.

Defining the truth will depend on each one of us.

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