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The 50 best famous phrases of Marie Curie

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. And not only that, she achieved this distinction twice. Her work focused on the study of radiation and this led her to occupy an important place in the scientific pantheon, being her inspiration for many future women who dedicated themselves to science.

Furthermore, she was the first female professor at the University of Paris. From her childhood she showed great intelligence, she went to a clandestine institution together with her sister and when she met her husband, Pierre Curie, she joined her research on physics.

The 50 best phrases of Marie Curie

Marie Curie is undoubtedly a woman who left an extremely interesting legacy. Her presence, her work and her voice were very influential and revolutionary in a time when there were still many restrictions on women who were dedicated to learning.

For these reasons we have compiled some of the most interesting famous quotes from Marie Curie. Her intelligence was not only limited to the scientific field, so knowing her philosophy of life is very interesting.

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1. "In science we have to be interested in things, not in people."

This great phrase by Marie Curie should remind everyone who does science that their most basic goal should be the well-being of people.

2. "You have to feel gifted to do something and that thing you have to achieve, whatever the cost."

If we find our true talent, we must exercise it.

3. "Life is not easy for any of us. But… what does it matter! "

Marie Curie did not have a simple life, but she was always resilient.

4. “It took us several years of hard work to finish that task. There was not a single new item, there were several. The most important was the radius, which could be separated in its pure state. "

In various interviews and lectures, Marie Curie explained the process that she followed to crystallize her greatest discovery: the radio element.

5. “I am going to give up what little gold I have. To this I will add the scientific medals, which are useless to me. "

Marie Curie was a woman of simple tastes and pleasures who did not seek the accumulation of wealth or titles.

6. “I have no dresses except the one I wear every day. If you'll be so kind as to give me one, let it be practical and dark so I can wear it to go to the lab. "

She was a very practical woman who was totally focused on science and her family, the rest was inconsequential to her.

7. "Throughout my life, new visions of nature made me rejoice like a child."

Marie Curie had a concern for nature and science from an early age that she maintained throughout her life.

8. “I used my work to know all the elements and their compounds, and I found that uranium compounds are active. The same was true of thorium compounds. "

A phrase that is actually a brief introduction to the path of how she and her husband discovered the radio element.

9. "It was like a new open world for me, the world of science, which I was finally allowed to explore with complete freedom."

Marie Curie discovered that she could practice science shortly before meeting her, also a scientist, her husband, Pierre Curie.

10. "You should never be afraid of what you are doing, when it is right."

Her philosophy of life was to always stay honest and handle herself righteously.

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11. "Lies are very difficult to kill, but a lie that attributes to a man what was actually a woman's work has more lives than a cat."

Marie Curie was very clear that plagiarism is something very difficult to prove, especially in her time, especially when the victims were women.

12. “In most schools too much time is spent teaching reading and writing, and they are sent to children too much homework, while hardly doing practical exercises to complete their training scientific. "

This continues to happen to this day.

13 “You never realize what has been done; He can only see what remains to be done. "

You have to focus on what is coming and what we can do.

14. "You have to persevere and, above all, have confidence in yourself."

Marie Curie was a very confident woman and she was convinced that we should all be like this.

15. "It is important to make a dream of life and a dream come true."

A phrase to reflect on how we want to live our life.

16. "The best life is not the longest, but the richest in good deeds."

A philosophy of life to understand that the time we are alive must be profitable and our actions must be as kind as possible.

17. "Life does not deserve to worry so much."

Marie Curie insisted that we should not give so much importance to certain situations.

18. "They taught me that the path of progress was neither quick nor easy."

Achieving our goals requires perseverance.

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19. "Humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the development of a task is so captivating that it is impossible for them to turn their attention to their own benefit.

Science also has to be full of dreamers who think not only of themselves but of the common good.

20. "I am among those who think that science has great beauty."

Marie Curie was a lover of science and with this phrase she proves it herself.

21. "You should be less curious about people and more about ideas."

This great phrase rethinks how we should live together and think more about ideas than about people's trials.

22. "There are sadistic scientists who are quick to look for errors rather than establish the truth."

The method of many scientists is to point out errors, this Marie Curie rejected.

23. "You will never have me believe that women were made to walk on stilts."

Marie Curie was a practical woman in her dress who sought the most comfortable. She did not think that wearing heels was suitable for women.

24. “You cannot hope to build a better world without improving people. To this end, each of us must work for his own progress and at the same time bear a general responsibility towards all humanity. "

She insisted that the development of science should always be at the service of the people.

25. "Stability can only be achieved by inactive matter."

She was referring to chemical elements, but well that goes with life itself.

26. "There is no need to fear in life, you just have to understand."

When we understand the nature of things and situations, we stop being afraid of them.

27. "It is always good to marry your best friend."

Marie and Pierre Curie had a stable, loving and equal relationship.

28. “The older you get, the more you feel like you should enjoy the present; it is a precious gift, comparable to a state of grace. "

A phrase to reflect on living in the now.

29. “You can only analyze the data that you have. Be strategic about what to gather and how to store it. "

You have to be cautious and strategic to work effectively in science.

30. "The most important property of radiation is the production of physiological effects in the cells of the body."

After the discovery of radium, Marie and Pierre gave multiple interviews and lectures explaining the importance of this new element.

31. “The radio is not to enrich anyone. It is an element; it is for all people. "

Marie Curie always expressed and demonstrated that her job was to benefit humanity.

32. "Our particular duty is to help those who we believe we can be most useful."

With this phrase she reiterated her commitment to humanity.

33. "Our society does not realize that science is one of the most precious parts of its moral heritage."

She frequently insisted that the importance of science in our lives be looked at with different eyes.

34. "I spent some time studying how to make good measurements of uranium radiation, and then I wanted to know if there was any other element that had the same behavior."

A phrase that explains the beginning of the work on the radio.

35. "I have never believed that a woman should have special treatment, to believe it she would be recognizing that I am inferior to men, and I am not inferior to any of them."

She believed in absolute equality between men and women.

36. “I have often been questioned, especially by women, about how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it hasn't been easy. "

A woman icon of science who comes out to say that combining family life with professional life is difficult, but possible.

37. "It has not been sufficiently assumed that science is at the base of all progress that lightens the burden of life and lessens its suffering."

Science has brought and will continue to do so, many benefits to humanity to make life easier.

38. "It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while mankind does not listen."

Marie Curie, she loved nature and realized how humanity does not value and does not care for the environment.

39. “When strongly radioactive substances are studied, special precautions must be taken. The dust, the air in the room and the clothes become radioactive. "

Marie Curie had an abortion that was apparently caused by working with radioactivity.

40. "It can be easily understood that there was no place in our lives for worldly relationships."

When Marie Curie talked about her everyday life, she showed that her whole world revolved around science.

41. "A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena that impress him like a fairy tale."

To do science, we must let the curious child that lives in us come to the fore.

42. "I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will extract more good than evil from new discoveries."

Marie Curie had faith in humanity, as did Alfred Nobel.

43. "The day man realized his profound mistakes, the progress of science would have ended."

This phrase makes us reflect on the fact that man's ignorance and mistakes have cost humanity dearly.

44. "We must not forget that when radium was discovered no one knew that it would be useful in hospitals."

When Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium, they did not envision all the many applications it would have.

45. "First principle: never let yourself be put down by people or events."

Marie Curie was undoubtedly a woman of bulletproof strength and will.

46. "She just remembers that you will find that special love that you know is right, but for some reason it just doesn't last."

Marie Curie, in addition to talking about science, could have talked about love relationships, since her marriage was solid.

47. "I don't know if writing scientific books could do without the laboratory."

She certainly didn't see herself outside of a lab.

48. "I fervently wish that some of you will continue this scientific work and maintain in your ambition, the determination to make a permanent contribution to science."

This phrase is a strong message to all generations to come and who show interest in science.

49. "After all, science is essentially international, and only for lack of historical perspective have national qualities been attributed to it."

Marie Curie defended the fact that science and her works are a good of humanity in general and are not limited by borders.

50. "There is nothing more wonderful than being a scientist, nowhere would I rather be more than in my laboratory, staining my clothes and getting paid to play."

Another phrase from the great scientist that shows that for her there was nothing more important than work for science.

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