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5 foods that give heat but do not make you fat

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Whether you are very cold or if what you want is to activate your metabolism, what you need is the help of certain types of foods that give heat to the person who consumes them.

Contrary to what many will think, we are not referring to the high-fat mountain dishes to help us warm up, but to certain products that, even consumed in small quantities, have the ability to help us warm up even in the coldest months of winter.

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5 foods that give heat but do not make you fat

If you're a whopping... Include these foods on your shopping list!

1. Ginger

Among thermogenic foods (foods that give heat) that we can count on to mobilize the energy of our body, ginger is one of the best allies we have.

Its gingerol content is responsible for accelerating our metabolism up to ten percent, which is why we manage to increase our body temperature in a similar way to if we did some exercise, and also without the need to consume hardly any calories.

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It can be used as a powder to add to the stir-fries of foods, grated for salads or pieces of the root to make infusions. In addition, if you include them in the preparation of cookies you will find a delicious way to consume them with hot tea on long winter afternoons.

2. Pepper

The use of spices in countries like India also pursues the objective of activating the defense system that protects people from various infections. That is why the addition of these in the food turns what contains them into foods that give heat while not gaining weight.

Pepper contains piperine, a substance capable of producing heat on contact (due to its high content of essential oils), which is why it is also spicy when it comes into contact with the tongue, and also when swallowed.

When consumed with other foods, whether salty dishes or hot milk, manages to help us increase our temperature, which is an ideal help for the colder months, and the best... without adding extra calories to our diet!

3. Cayenne

Cayenne, chilli or chili pepper is a variety of pepper with a very high content of capsaicin, a natural chemical compound that, due to its thermogenic capacity per contact, It is one of the most powerful heat-giving foods that we can find. In fact, this active principle is even included as a therapeutic substance in the preparation of certain products to treat muscle pain.

But if what we want is a little help so that our metabolism is activated a little, we can prepare a macerate of extra virgin olive oil with some chillies inside a glass bottle, and use it conveniently on bread, to dress salads or dishes of pasta. Although that yes, for those people who suffer stomach discomfort or have a propensity to hemorrhoids, it is better to look for a more subtle alternative.

4. Cinnamon

In the Nordic countries, it is quite common to include typical sweets, herbal teas, even mulled wine in their Christmas preparations with spices, some amount of cinnamon, either powder or stick, with which in addition to flavoring and providing a flavor that enhances the flavor candy, helps to get rid of the cold when you come from the street.

If we want to benefit from the capacity that makes cinnamon one of the main foods that give heat without making us fat, it is enough to sprinkle a little amount on those drinks that we consume, such as a hot chocolate, a cup of milk or dispense half a teaspoon in the coffee tank when we prepare a coffee maker.

In addition to making coffee delicious and aromatic, its essential oil content will help us activate our ability to generate heat and it will be a great help if we want to burn extra calories without involving any effort.

5. Garlic

To check the calorific value of garlic, we only have to verify the sensation of heat that is invading our thoracic area when we eat a little of it in the raw state (for example rubbed on toast or in the form of Aioli). That is why garlic is perfect for treating chills, whether in the form of a raw preparation or in the form of a soup.

In any case, it is one of the foods that give heat easier to get and, therefore, to include in the daily diet, due to how much it is available in the preparation of the typical recipes of our diet.

For the bravest, you can consume a minced garlic clove on an empty stomach, helping yourself with a little water to make it easier to swallow. Not only we will be providing an increase in temperature to our body, but we will also be taking care of the health of our hearts.

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