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The 30 best phrases against men

Throughout the history of humanity, the role of women has been fundamental for civilization, but men have not made it easy for us. Luckily there have always been people who are brave to speak up and tell the truth about men.

In this article we are going to find forceful quotes from brave women and even from a man who does not have hobbies when talking about men.

This selection contains phrases of all kinds, being a great selection of the best phrases with large doses of humor and harshness against men.

Top 30 Famous Quotes Against Men

For thousands of years the hegemony of the dominance of men over women has been evident. Luckily there have always been critical voices, and great historical figures have spoken and taken the opportunity to laugh at the miseries of men.

Next we will see witty quotes from famous people who have dedicated phrases to men with a great sense of humor and criticism. Quotes from actresses, writers, singers, lawyers, dressmakers... we will see this great selection of the best 30 famous feminist phrases against men loaded with meaning.

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1. I don't see why women want any of the things that men have, if one of the things that women have is men,

Coco Chanel she did not doubt that women have what men have when deciding on them.

2. I married a man inferior to me. Like all women.

Without hesitation. Nancy astor she did not hesitate to qualify her husband as inferior to her, and she thinks that all women do.

3. The Spanish man takes care of himself very little: some grow beards, others do not take care of their clothes, and others get fat very quickly.

Singer Lola Flores She believed that Spanish men are not the ones who take care of themselves the most in the world.

4. She had never seen a man hug another. She thought that the only thing they were allowed to do was shake hands or punch each other.

Rita Mae Brown she joked about the codes that seem to be established between men and the fact that men have such a hard time expressing affection to each other.

5. Men look only in one direction, women look in all.

The Spanish lawyer and politics Cristina Almeida think that men are not as attentive to what is happening around them as women do.

6. I only ask a man three things: that he be handsome, ruthless and stupid

Dorothy Parker she knew what she wanted in a man the ideal type of him had a very clear profile.

7. I find men today less virile than before.

The great actress Katherine Hepburn he missed more masculine character in the men of his time.

8. Can you imagine a world without men? It would be a world without crime and full of fat, happy women.

It seems that Marion smith she believed that men bring a lot of trouble in women's lives

9. Man is a domestic animal that, if trained gently and firmly, can be taught to do almost anything.

Jilly cooper she believes that it is within everyone's reach to teach and dominate a man.

10. Housework is the hardest job in the world. That's why men don't.

Edna ferber she makes this interesting interpretation about the fact that women take responsibility for housework.

11. I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it.

The immortal actress Marilyn monroe she was deeply proud to be a woman.

12. Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their own oppressors.

Evelyn cunningham considers that our way of life is a very contradictory situation

13. Men are very rare creatures: half censure what they practice; the other half practices what they censure; the rest always say and do what he wants.

Considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin it exposed the hypocrisy of man.

14. Women who seek to be equal to women lack ambition.

Timothy leary she does not doubt that women have much more potential than men.

15. Women are expected to do twice as much as men do, in half the time, and like someone who doesn't want it. Luckily, it is not too difficult.

Charlotte witton she also believed that women have many more capabilities than men.

16. Women are capable of faking an orgasm, but men can fake an entire relationship.

The great actress Sharon stone It alerts us to how miserable men can be when it comes to love.

17. The role of women in the advancement of civilization is much greater than that of men, so they should develop their skills according to their nature, without imitating men.

Alexis Carrel he believes that women are undervalued and that it is wrong for us to try to follow in the footsteps of men.

18. Men, what is wrong with you? Would your chest hair stop growing if you asked how to go to this or that place?

Erma bombereck he brings to the table the pride that men have for certain nonsensical things.

19. Married men are horribly boring when they are good husbands, and unbearably conceited when they are not.

There have also been great men like the Irish writer Oscar Wilde who hate their own kind.

20. Men claim that they like a woman to have a strong and intelligent character. But they don't take a second to destroy it bark by bark.

Candice Bergen regrets that men are so mean to women.

21. Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, because it consists mainly of dealing with men

The writer Joseph conrad she empathized with women; it was clear to her that supporting men is an arduous task.

22. A husband is what remains of a lover when the nerve has been removed.

Helen rowland he said this phrase, in which it can be interpreted that men lose all their ability to stimulate a woman once the marriage is contracted.

23. Exchanging one husband for another is nothing more than exchanging one problem for another.

In order to Kathleen norris there is no possible solution next to a man.

24. The woman is something while the man is nothing.

Well here we think that maybe Thucydides she went overboard.

25. Look for your better half in another woman, in a man you will only find your half lemon.

In order to Ana Cortes Men don't give us what we want, and only another woman knows how to give us what we need.

26. They are more selfish, shameless and abusive, they spend more impudence.

Carmen Rico-Godoy she also thought that men turn out to be undesirables in general.

27. Foolish men who accuse women without reason, without seeing that you are the occasion of the same thing that you blame.

Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz She implied with this phrase that men's understanding is limited, in addition to condemning the negative impact they have on us.

28. A fox is a wolf who gives flowers.

Ruth Weston she did not have a very good conception of men. We are warned.

29. The old theory was: marry an older man because they are mature; But the new theory is: men don't grow up, marry a younger man.

Rita rudner She was very sharp with this appointment, because given the same low maturity it is better to be with a younger man, right?

30. I like real men, that is, strong and childish.

Françoise Sagan she considered that there were certain qualities that men had to have.

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