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The 80 best phrases of Salma Hayek

Not only does Salma Hayek have an exotic and charming name, but these elements carry over to her charismatic personality of hers that helped earn her place in Hollywood, being a famous actress on the big screen and has also helped pave the way for Latin American talent in the American film industry.

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Great quotes from Salma Hayek

Here is a compilation with the 80 famous quotes by Salma Hayek that bring us closer to her life.

1. An important factor for happiness is constant change.

Staying stagnant does not allow growth.

2. Every day I define myself.

Every day you have to live it to the fullest and make the best of it.

3. When I first came to Hollywood, they told me to date an agent because it was good for my career.

A personal anecdote as a first-time actress.

4. Life can start to get exciting when you are in your 40s and 50s. You have to believe that.

Each stage of life has its charm.

5. I have a friend that I have had since I was born, and she is from Coatzacoalcos. She is not really impressed or interested in the life of the actor. My family really isn't, either.
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Find friends who love you for who you are and not for what you have.

6. I wanted to have a voice, and it was okay if it wasn't going to be so famous or so rich.

His goal within Hollywood.

7. Happy people follow their passions, so another tip: Dive in, soak up what you are passionate about!

Never stop looking for your dreams. Fight for it.

8. As soon as you start worrying about age, it starts to have a damaging effect on you.

Don't focus on age. What matters is your essence.

9. I intend to explain to people that a sensual woman is a woman who thinks, feels and has dignity.

Looking sexy doesn't have to be at odds with decency and decorum.

10. Your kids may not listen to you, so you also need to be brave enough to respect their dreams.

Everyone has their own tastes and goals.

11. We are a combination of extremely feminine girls who have a strong sense of justice.

Make your femininity a strong point.

12. I think it's important for children to have responsibilities and understand the value of things, but I think it's great to be able to travel the world with my daughter.

Children must have responsibilities, but also a moment of family union.

13. Yes I am beautiful... I am beautiful and famous, and yet the things I like about myself have nothing to do with it, because I don't use wealth and beauty to define myself

Beauty and money do not define who we really are.

14. I am convinced that you should never, never be discouraged.

Even if the situations are very difficult, you always have to move on.

15. I know what I am today. I don't promise you anything for tomorrow.

We will not be the same tomorrow, that we are today.

16. My driving skills from Mexico have helped me get through Hollywood.

Put your skills and talents to work to conquer the world.

17. Constant evolution allows you to be happy.

Study, prepare and evolve constantly, if you want to be really happy.

18. This is not Love. It's a crime... You cannot look the other way just because you have not experienced domestic violence in your own flesh.

Domestic violence is a shameful act that should not exist. Do not stay silent.

19. At one point in my life, I was very involved with social causes.

Helping those in need is a duty that we all have.

20. Dreaming big doesn't necessarily mean imagining becoming the biggest movie star in the world.

Work hard to make your dreams come true.

21. Following a healthy lifestyle is the best thing you can do.

Staying healthy is a wise decision.

22. Find your own style.

Do not imitate anyone.

23. I'm going to tell you something: there is an element in that passion that I always leave out and that I have recently learned to understand, and it has helped me a lot… It was fine if it didn't happen.

In everything you do, put all your passion.

24. You can find love, success, and whatever you want at any time in your life.

No matter what stage of life you are in, he loves and fights for what you want.

25. The key is that you like what you do, the process, regardless of the result.

Do what you really like, regardless of other people's opinions.

26. I'm still hoping to meet a man who has more balls than me.

Stay with someone who shares a similar spirit.

27. There are many people interested in fame, but it is something subconscious, because once you start to be part of this work, fame is in the background.

Do not seek to do something for recognition, but for pleasure.

28. I live a wonderful life and I do not lack anything.

You have to have a positive outlook on life.

29. You are not more important, smart or beautiful for wearing a designer dress.

Clothes can be like a costume, hide your true nature.

30. You can be a thousand different women.

We can be that person we decide to be.

31. The success of each one is measured from the ability to enjoy what you do in each moment, fighting against the adversities that come your way.

The secret to a happy life is to live fully regardless of the problems we encounter along the way.

32. People always underestimate me.

Don't let anyone belittle you.

33. I am a country girl, I have to be in nature, so my daughter is very exposed.

Enjoying nature is something that is priceless.

34. Dreaming big is about taking the simplest thing in life and enjoying it, and seeing it as the greatest thing that can exist.

In simple things you find true happiness.

35. How I would describe my characters is absolutely different from how I would describe myself.

The characters played by the actors have no relation to their real life.

36. As an actor or as an actress you have the opportunity to live many lives.

It refers to how wonderful acting is.

37. If I go on a diet and exercise, I am always in a bad mood. I prefer to be heavier, but kind.

Living a healthy life is not about restricting yourself.

38. Maybe that makes it easier for me to say, "I know who you are," but I always tell people that they shouldn't be too impressed with wealth and fame.

Don't let money and fame dazzle you.

39. It is your choice which one you want to be. It's about freedom and sovereignty.

You are free to choose who you really want to be.

40. For me, I have to say that I also like to work a lot, but I like not working more.

We all have that urge to do nothing for a while.

41. With each movie you can become better. It is a profession that offers many opportunities to grow as a human being.

Seek that your profession makes you a better person.

42. Life is hard and if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it.

Accept with a smile every situation that life throws at you.

43. They shouldn't worship it. I am in this machine, but I have not completely given my soul to him.

Talking about how we shouldn't adore Hollywood life in the extreme.

44. You celebrate who you are. You say, 'This is my kingdom.'

Give the value that your achievements deserve.

45. The perfect scenario is when you just get off work and you know something is coming, then you have four, five, six months off. But you know you're going to have a job later.

Don't lose hope and keep faith in what you do.

46. You have to love my dogs for you to love me.

Our pets are also part of our family.

47. If we repeat what is already possible we will never evolve.

We must dare to do new things to improve.

48. Before doing anything, think.

Analyzing situations help us make better decisions.

49. When it is important for you to say something and find a vehicle to say it, then do it.

Don't be silent. He expresses what you feel.

50. For my gift, Colin Farrell gave me a first-edition book.

Books are an excellent gift.

51. I think it's good for women to try to be sexy for their man.

There is nothing wrong with getting ready for your partner, if that is what you want to do.

52. Money is useless if you have no one to share it with.

Wealth is meaningless if we do not have the beings we love by our side.

53. If you do something to try to impress someone, to be loved, accepted, or even to get someone's attention, stop and think.

Don't do anything just to be liked by others.

54. I believe that every minute spent fighting is always worth it. Even if nothing ends up happening, it is still worth fighting for.

Always fight, even when nothing makes sense.

55. I got so involved with this character and was so sad when the movie ended that when I got home and tried to read the book I got really emotional and started crying.

The hard work of the artists to get more involved with their characters.

56. Pain sometimes helps you enjoy a great life.

If you have a bad time, learn from it and move on.

57. People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This gives us the power to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including within ourselves.

The beauty is in the things that you observe with an open mind.

58. So many people are busy trying to create an image, they die in the process.

Don't waste time creating an image of yourself that doesn't match who you really are.

59. You know how macho guys get when they're all together? Well, the set of 'Desperado' was like this.

Referencing his experience in one of his early films.

60. My English was limited to vacations and not really interacting with Americans.

Learning other languages ​​is very important.

61. Every woman who thinks that she is the only victim of violence has to know that there are many more.

Never remain silent in the face of domestic violence.

62. Now, many of those who start in this business come to ask me for advice and ask me: "How do I start? "And I have to say," I honestly have no idea. "

Sometimes asking for advice doesn't turn out the way we expect.

63. I would say that I am someone who did not leave anything by halves.

Finish everything you start.

64. They were all trying to bring me down and saying, "Bring the double, Salma can't do that." But I did it all.

Don't let anyone make you feel like you can't do something.

65. Don't spend your savings trying to be someone else.

Work to be your best version.

66. If you give me any problem in America I can trace it back to domestic violence. It is the cradle of most problems, economic, psychological, educational.

Domestic violence creates other problems for each member of the family.

67. I give myself body and soul to everything I do.

In this way we must face what we do.

68. I think it's a bunch of accidents that happen to you and you somehow survive and take advantage of them and something magical happens.

In every situation, look for the silver lining.

69. The important thing is to believe in something so strongly that you never get discouraged.

When you have a goal, don't let anything discourage you.

70. I have tried all my life to represent my Mexican roots with honor and pride.

We must feel pride in our origin and what we are.

71. I became obsessed with all these women who die without feeling that they did something extraordinary with their lives.

Put all your attention on leaving a footprint that is an example for others.

72. The first rule of life is that you always have to learn from your failures.

Failures can drive us to grow.

73. I'm not just going to be the pretty face that disappears.

Stand out for your skills, as that is what will take you far.

74. You can have a spiritual awakening and discover a new side of yourself at any age.

Don't put aside your spiritual growth.

75. I have never denied my background or my culture.

There is no shame about our ancestors.

76. I love being a wife and a homemaker - because it's my choice.

Whatever you decide to do, make it what you really want.

77. I learned to produce, to direct, to write. I am not so easily disposable anymore. When I am 60 years old, I will be able to continue directing.

Keep learning. Do not stop.

78. I taught my daughter to embrace her Mexican heritage, to love my first language, Spanish, to learn about Mexican history, music, popular art, food, and even Mexican sweets with which I grew up.

Don't let your traditions die. Your culture is also your identity.

79. Best of all, love can happen at any age.

There is no limit to finding our true love.

80. I have the potential to really have a voice that makes a difference.

Stand out in what you do and you will make a difference.

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