The 90 best famous phrases of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, known as the father of the 'Consciousness of modernity', he was one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century since his postulations spoke about logically explaining the process that exists for real things and the truth that they constitute.
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Great phrases by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Here is a compilation of the best inspirational quotes from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel on different life topics.
1. Welcome to pain if it causes regret!
Every affliction brings pain with it.
2. If we affirm that God is unknown, we are no longer Christians.
For Hegel, God lives in each one of us.
3. Reading the newspaper is the morning prayer of modern man.
Speaking of people's need to know the new news every morning.
4. Knowing the limitations is already being beyond them.
The way to become better is to recognize our failures.
5. Have the courage to be wrong.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong, they are lessons to do better next time.
6. The drama is not choosing between good and evil, but between good and good.
For the philosopher, good and evil are nothing more than two sides of the same coin.
7. Nothing great has been done in the world without great passion.
Passions are what propel us towards success.
8. Man is what he should be, through education, through discipline.
Education is the main pillar by which a person is constituted.
9. The philosopher must do philosophy when life has already passed.
His reflection on the work of philosophers.
10. Universal history is the progress of the consciousness of freedom.
Every little and great progress brought the overthrow of oppression.
11. A building is above all an internal end and purpose.
All construction starts from an idea.
12. He for whom thought is not the only true thing, the highest, cannot judge the philosophical mode at all.
We cannot criticize what we ignore.
13. We learn from history that we do not learn from history.
Unfortunately, many great mistakes are repeated throughout human life.
14. He who overcomes anger overcomes enemies.
We must know ourselves before facing others.
15. The man is valid because he is a man, not because he is Jewish, Catholic, representative, German, Italian, etc.
A great reflection that today also counts.
16. Whoever wants everything does not really want anything, and gets nothing.
A reality that many do not want to understand.
17. He who aspires to something great must know how to limit his wishes; who, on the contrary, wants everything, does not ambition, in reality, nothing and achieves nothing.
To achieve our dreams it is necessary to set realistic goals.
18. Belonging to the State is one of the greatest possible duties that can be assumed by the individual.
His opinion on matters of politics.
19. Beauty is defined as the sensible manifestation of the idea.
The real core of beauty resides within each person.
20. Whoever looks at the world rationally sees it rationally.
We see the world according to the openness of our mind.
21. Contradiction is the root of all movement.
Differences make us emerge and move forward.
22. Everything rational is real; and everything real is rational.
Hegel tries to explain his philosophy with this phrase.
23. A man who has a job that suits him and a wife whom he loves, has settled the score for him with life.
Life is made up of accomplishing things that make us happy.
24. For in reason is the divine.
Our reasoning skills are invaluable.
25. An idea is always a generalization, and generalization is a property of thought. Generalizing means thinking.
The value of generalizing, according to the philosopher.
26. Thought, as well as will, must begin with obedience.
We are the ones who control our thoughts.
27. Art and religion can only exist in this area, that is, in the state.
For Hegel, the state is made up of multiple areas and human qualities.
28. Man is an end in himself, because of what is divine in him; It is for this reason that we have called reason from the beginning and, since it is active in itself and self-determining, freedom.
What makes us special is our ability to think.
29. The people are that part of the state that does not know what it wants.
The people always have different needs.
30. History is the progress of the consciousness of freedom.
Freedom has changed a lot since the beginning of humanity.
31. The truth is found neither in the thesis nor in the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis that reconciles the two.
The place where the truth dwells.
32. The spirit, on the contrary, consists precisely in having the center itself.
The spirit must remain in balance.
33. Law and justice must, however, have their place in freedom and will and not in the lack of freedom to which the threat is directed.
Freedom is in the will of each person and not in fear.
34. Since God is omnipotent, he is in all men and appears in the conscience of each one; and this is the universal spirit.
Another phrase that affirms his belief that God is in each one.
35. Men are but the instruments of the genius of the universe.
A spiritualistic vision of the human being.
36. Being independent from public opinion is the first formal condition to achieve something great.
Foolish ears must be turned to the insane criticism of others.
37. Faith is not apt to develop content.
Faith is a will that everyone possesses in his own measure.
38. If you want to love you must serve, if you want freedom you must die.
To have something you have to be aware of giving.
39. Producing oneself, becoming an object of oneself, knowing oneself, is the task of the spirit.
The spirit is where all the information about ourselves resides.
40. The rule of law is: be a person and respect others as a person.
A precept that no matter what, we should all follow.
41. The rejuvenation of the spirit is not a simple return to the same figure; it is a purification and elaboration of oneself.
Rejuvenating implies being in harmony.
42. In each particular case, men pursue their particular ends against universal law; they act freely.
This is what is known as free will.
43. I have the courage to be wrong.
It is brave to recognize when we have made a mistake.
44. With existence comes the particularity.
Everything that exists is questioned.
45. The sun, the moon, the stars, the Ganges, the Indus, the animals, the plants, everything is a God for the Indian.
Each culture has its own idea of who God is.
46. The man thinks, even when he is not aware of it.
Thinking is an inherent act of being alive.
47. I have seen the Spirit of the World, sitting on a horse.
Reference on Napoleon Bonaparte.
48. By punishing the offender, he is honored as a rational being.
A strange Hegel paradox.
49. Philosophy is the world upside down.
In short, there are things in philosophy that do not seem to agree with the world.
50. The man who is not capable of fighting for freedom is not a man, he is a servant.
A harsh phrase that denotes a great truth.
51. When speaking of a people, we must expose the powers in which its spirit is particularized.
Culture is the soul of each people.
52. One hundred years of injustice do not make right.
A reflection on justice.
53. An individual piece only has meaning when it is seen as part of the whole.
The whole is made up of thousands of functional parts.
54. Freedom is the need understood.
Freedom is an innate right of every person.
55. The State considers the universal as a natural world.
The State watches over the majorities.
56. God is God, only insofar as he knows himself.
Reflection on divine omnipotence.
57. Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.
Not everyone sees rights in the same way.
58. (...) You have to take refuge in philosophy if you want to know God.
Philosophy and the divine go hand in hand according to Hegel.
59. The beautiful is essentially the spiritual, which is materially externalized and appears in the material being.
A very interesting way to see beauty.
60. It is necessary to refer first of all to family morality.
It is within the family nucleus where values are established or are denatured.
61. The story must begin with the Chinese empire, the oldest of which it reports.
Where civilization begins, for Hegel.
62. To keep abstractions in reality is to destroy reality.
Abstractions cannot be part of reality.
63. The realm of the spirit encompasses everything; it contains everything that has interested and still interests man.
Our soul is where all our passions dwell.
64. The simple behavior of the naive soul consists in sticking, with a confident conviction, to the truth publicly recognized, and build on those solid foundations a way of acting and a firm position in life.
Society has a strong effect on the way we act.
65. The independence of man consists in this: that he knows what determines him.
Freedom is also making ourselves responsible for our actions.
66. Courage that fights is better than weakness that endures.
A phrase that can become a mantra.
67. But it is absurd to believe that something can be done, without wanting to receive satisfaction in it.
It is normal to expect a result after any given action.
68. The system of law is the realm of realized freedom.
Rights are a fundamental part of freedom.
69. The family is a person; its members, or have reciprocally alienated their personality and therefore also the legal relationship and other interests individuals and selfishness (parents), or have not yet acquired it (children, who are still in the state of nature indicated before)
Hegel's vision of the family.
70. Thinking and loving are different things. Thought itself is inaccessible to love.
Differences between love and thinking.
71. Class differences are universal.
Apparently they are things that must exist.
72. You can dream of yourself many things that are nothing but exaggerated representations of your own worth.
It is important to have high esteem at all times.
73. Nothing lives that is not in some way the idea.
Things originate from ideas.
74. The self is therefore the existence of totally abstract universality, the abstractly free.
Reference about the 'I' of each person.
75. Every individual is the son of his people, at a certain stage in the development of this town.
A phrase that shows us that we are all part of society.
76. The duration of the trip must be supported, since every moment is necessary.
The journey is as important as the destination you want to reach.
77. The spirit, on the contrary, resides in itself; and this is precisely freedom.
The spirit is free.
78. The idea of law is freedom, and in order to truly apprehend it, it must be known in its concept and in the existence that its concept adopts.
Freedom not only implies being free, but being responsible.
79. For this reason, the I is thinking as a subject and being so I am equally in all my sensations, representations and subjective states, it turns out that thought is present everywhere and passes as a category all these determinations.
Subjectivity is as relevant as objectivity.
80. And when one thing disappears, another comes instantly to take its place.
Every ending is a new beginning.
81. The courage of the truth is the first condition of philosophical study.
The primary goal of philosophy is to find the truth.
82. It places the ideal, the thought, between the violence of the impulse and its satisfaction.
You always have to weigh the alternatives before doing something.
83. The man who does something great puts all his energy into it. You don't have the pettiness of wanting this or that.
The only way to fully accomplish anything is to give it one hundred percent.
84. What man really is, he must ideally be.
We are what we think we are.
85. Only when individuals know their ends does true morality exist.
A great phrase to ponder.
86. Only one man understood me and he did not understand me.
Nobody is really capable of understanding us, more than ourselves.
87. Religion was, according to the descriptions of the prophets, a gross and sensual idolatry.
The hidden side of religion that cannot be hidden.
88. Sentiment is the lowest form that content can have; in it there is as little as possible.
The feeling is not entirely logical.
89. Minerva's owl spreads its wings only at dusk.
The night has great mysteries.
90. The limitation of freedom is unacceptable in the moral order.
Oppression is the antithesis of morality.