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The 75 best famous quotes of LeBron James

LeBron James is best known for his excellence in the world of professional basketball in the American NBA, getting the nickname ‘King James’, but recently he has reached a new level of fame thanks to his appearance in the next remake of the movie ‘Space Jam’, the one that he once catapulted (even more, if possible) Michael Jordan, becoming an equal not only on the court, but also in the big game. screen.

  • We recommend you read: "The 80 best Basketball phrases"

LeBron James best famous quotes

Being an example of humility and improvement, this athlete teaches us that we must never give up or let ourselves be marked by our origin. Therefore, we have brought a compilation with the iconic LeBron James quotes to enjoy.

1. You have to accept failure to improve.

If you fail, don't stay in it, just go ahead and carry on.

2. There are always people who ask you for something, but I feel like I have a base. I have a supporting cast that doesn't bother me too much.

It is good to always have the help of others.

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3. Strength, fight and courage.

They are key words to achieve success.

4. You have to chase what seems impossible over and over again, because giving up is not an option, and when you feel like you've reached your limit, it's just the beginning.

Even though dreams seem impossible, keep going and don't stop.

5. I like criticism, they make you strong.

Criticism must be seen as a teaching.

6. I have motivation, a lot of motivation.

Being motivated helps you go far.

7. This is work and we want to have fun. But it's a job and it should look like we're going to work.

Make your job fun.

8. I like to go out and up the court using my speed and my aggressiveness towards the basket.

Love what we do. It is the key to happiness.

9. When did I know I was talented? I think it started when I started playing sports, organized sports.

Sports practice helps clear the mind and focus on achieving goals.

10. That's when it's time to dig deeper, to find the courage to push a little more, because if you have the push, the discipline and determination to do whatever it takes to make you great, then the rewards are infinite.

Always look for what prompts you to continue.

11. My dream has come true now, and it's the best feeling I've ever had.

When dreams come true, happiness is infinite.

12. Maybe my pain was my motivation.

Along the way we may encounter difficult situations that cause us pain. Look for something positive in it.

13. We do not want you to feel frustrated that stays too much in your mind. We have to work on it and see what we did wrong.

When we fail at something, it is important to take a step back and see things from another perspective.

14. I went through a lot of battles in high school. But sports kept me from being in a gang or associated with drugs.

Doing some sport allows us to get away from the bad way.

15. I played like every day was my last day with a basketball.

We have to live in the moment, we don't know if we have another chance.

16. Mad. Karma is a bitch. It catches you all the time. It is not good to wish ill on anyone. God sees everything!

You should not wish anyone what you do not want in your life.

17. You cannot be afraid of failing. It is the only way you succeed, you will not always succeed, I know.

There are times when failure is inevitable.

18. I am confident that I am the best player in the world. As simple as that.

It is important to believe in our talents and abilities.

19. I think first of the team. It allows me to succeed, it allows my team to succeed.

Thinking of the common good makes us great.

20. Sport was my outlet.

Sport is a great alternative for those looking for a way out.

21. My father was not there when I was a child, and he always used to say: Why me? Why don't I have a father? Why isn't he around? Why did you leave my mother?

Growing up without the presence of the father figure is not easy for children.

22. A LeBron James team is never desperate.

Despair only leads to failure.

23. I don't need much. Glamor and all that doesn't excite me. I am just glad to have basketball in my life.

The simple things in life are what give you pleasure.

24. I like to laugh and joke, but I am not easily distracted.

Staying focused on the proposed goal is what will help us achieve it.

25. If a great opportunity shows up, I'd like to seize it.

We must not miss the opportunities that are presented to us.

26. This is a job for those who want to have fun. But it is a job in which they have to see us as workers.

Basketball is a profession like any other.

27. For me, even knowing that I was part of a single-parent family, where it was only her and me, sometimes I woke up thinking of her being next to me because she made sure that I was well taken care of and she could be there with her.

Mothers are fundamental in the growth of their children.

28. I don't want to be Kobe, I want to be LeBron.

Aspire to be the best version of yourself, not someone else.

29. But as I got older, I looked deeper and thought, 'I don't know what my father was going through, but if he was around all the time, would I be who I am today?

There are many children and young people who get ahead even when they do not have the presence of their father.

30. I think the reason I am who I am today is because I went through those difficult times when I was younger.

Problems always make us stronger.

31. Commitment is a big part of who I am and what I believe in.

You have to be very committed to what we do and believe.

32. Winning is something very big for me.

Aspire to win. That is the correct attitude.

33. The only thing that mattered was that she was home.

It is very important that mothers share with their children.

34. My mother and I have always been there for each other. We had some tough times, but she was always there for me.

It refers to how important her mother has been throughout her life.

35. Once you squeeze out the toothpaste, you can't put it back in the tube. The same is true of our words. Once we say something hurtful, we cannot take it back.

We must take care of what we say.

36. I have short-term goals; improve every day, help my teammates every day, but my ultimate goal is to win an NBA championship. It is all that matters. I dream about it all the time. It would be awesome.

Every day you have to work to achieve your dreams.

37. I have a responsibility to lead and I take it very seriously.

Being the leader carries many responsibilities.

38. As a professional athlete, a lot is going to be said about you, but I'm just trying to move forward and try to achieve my goals.

They are always going to see both positive and negative reviews. The secret is not to let them influence your goal.

39. With that wardrobe I couldn't sleep after games.

Responsibilities must be assumed.

40. When we were kids, we drove north, that's our highway. There would be office buildings on the side of the road and I would say this is what my house will look like when I grow up. I'm going to start making my house look like this.

We must work hard to get what we want.

41. I want to get to a position where generation after generation doesn't have to worry about anything.

Helping those in need is a great way to live.

42. Now, being a parent, I come home, see my son and forget any mistakes he made or the reason why I am unhappy.

Coming home and being with the family makes us forget everything bad about the day.

43. Warren Buffett told me: follow your instincts.

It is in these moments that we must listen to our intuition.

44. Cleveland... this is for you.

Referring to the love for the city and its basketball team.

45. I like to be around people.

Contact with people makes us better individuals.

46. How much are you committed to earn? How much are you committed to being a good friend? To be trusted? To be successful?

Without commitment we will not achieve anything.

47. Being the only man in the house with my mother helped me grow.

Having responsibilities from a young age makes us strong people.

48. I am happy to be part of the Nike family.

Be grateful for the opportunities that come your way.

49. I come home and my son is smiling or comes running to me. It has made me grow as an individual and as a man.

Having responsibilities makes us great people.

50. The first time I stepped foot on a basketball court, I became a businessman.

When we make our dream come true, then we grow as people.

51. When you're on the playing field it's not about whether you like you or not.

When we do something even when we don't like it, we have to finish it.

52. I hate letting my teammates fall apart.

It is important to support our friends.

53. When you have that respect from your peers, you do things more comfortably.

Earning the respect of others is priceless.

54. Since I am a child I was always a winner.

It is necessary to foment in the children their self-esteem.

55. It was great to be there and share with Jr. Smith, a good friend and partner.

Sharing with friends makes life fun.

56. I don't know how tall I am or what I weigh. Because I don't want anyone to know my identity. I am like a superhero. Call me man-basketball.

It is essential to keep a part of our life private.

57. When I play badly I humble myself, but I know I still have a lot of work to do and a lot of people to impress.

When we make a mistake we have to face it, work on it and overcome it.

58. All that matters is playing at a high level and doing whatever it takes to help your team win.

If we work as a team, success will be easier.

59. I know I won't get every shot right. Sometimes I try to make the right play and it results in a fumble.

Things do not always turn out as we expect.

60. I have always been a leader. I've always been the tallest person on the team when I was younger. It seems like he knew what to do at all times.

There are people who are innate leaders.

61. There is a lot of pressure put on me, but I don't put a lot of pressure on myself.

Don't let the opinions of others influence the way you act.

62. God gave me other gifts to do other things besides playing basketball.

We always have many capabilities that we do not put into practice.

63. Once you become a professional athlete, you automatically become a role model. I have no problem being, I love it.

Being a role model requires many responsibilities.

64. It's difficult to win the league, because all the teams are good, they have good players.

To compete and win, you need to be prepared.

65. I don't feel terrible, because I have to answer questions about it. I feel terrible in the locker room because I could have done something else to help my teammates win.

We always have that feeling of having been able to do something more, even though we have given our best.

66. I always say that I live with the decisions that I make. There is always a way to correct them or better ways. At the end of the day I live with them.

Making the right decisions is never easy.

67. I've always been a selfless boy and that's the only way I know how to play on the court and I try to play to the best of my ability, not just for myself, but for my teammates.

We have to leave everything when working for what we want.

68. Basketball is not easy. All my life I have been striving to improve.

You have to work daily to be better.

69. Every night on the court I give my all, and if I don't give 100%, I criticize myself.

It is essential to be self-critical.

70. There are children looking at me and I am inspired by them to do good things.

Being an example to children leads to great responsibility.

71. It is much more difficult than in high school. It's competitive and that's what I like the most.

The world of sports is very competitive.

72. Maybe those who burned my shirts weren't Lebron James fans.

There will always be detractors.

73. I hear my friends and my mother say that I am special, but I honestly do not understand.

We have loved ones who think we are special.

74. It is a full time commitment. To be the best, you have to work harder.

To stand out, you have to be consistent.

75. I am going to use all my tools, my ability and make the best life I can.

Without a doubt, LeBron is a perfect example of how to achieve it.

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