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Xhekpon (anti-wrinkle cream): is it really effective?

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Have you ever heard of xhekpon? It is a widely sold anti-wrinkle cream and well known for its effectiveness. But is it really as effective as they say?

In this article we answer this question and, in addition, we explain what ingredients are part of xhekpon, and what are its properties. To do this, we have turned to two pharmaceutical experts who share their opinion. Finally, we also reveal why it only costs less than € 10.

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Xhekpon - what is it and what is it used for?

Does the term "xhekpon" sound familiar to you? You may have heard it, or you may not, but without a doubt, it is a very repeated concept in recent months. Xhekpon is a famous anti-wrinkle cream sold in pharmacies, which many people talk about.

An interesting fact about the xhekpon is that its price is quite cheap, if we compare it with that of most anti-wrinkle creams; Thus, while the latter have prices that range between € 25 and € 45 in pharmacies (we are talking about creams with a minimum of quality), xhekpon costs less than € 10 (in fact, a little less; there are even pharmacies that sell it for € 5.80 per 40 ml).

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There has been a lot of talk about the effectiveness of xhekpon, but is it really as effective as they say? What is it for? Xhekpon is used as an anti-wrinkle cream for daily use. It is applied to the face, décolleté, hands and neck.


Xhekpon comes from Vectem pharmaceutical laboratory. Some of its ingredients are common to many other anti-wrinkle creams, such as: aloe vera, hydrolyzed collagen and gotu kola. Let's see what each of them consists of:

Xhekpon contains aloe vera gel; its properties are various: softening, soothing and moisturizing. On the other hand, aloe vera is also beneficial to accelerate the skin's healing processes.

2. Hydrolyzed collagen

Collagen consists of a molecule with a large molecular weight. The fact that it is hydrolyzed means that it can be absorbed (and that it can act). In addition, when it is hydrolyzed, its molecular weight is reduced, a fact that makes it better able to penetrate the skin.

Collagen makes our skin nourished, look more hydrated and appear smoother. Anything that hydrates the skin makes it age more slowly. Actually, what we do when we hydrate is fill the wrinkles superficial skin.

3. Asiatic spark

Xhekpon also has gotu kola extract. Gotu kola is a plant of Asian origin, as its name suggests. This plant helps our skin to form more collagen. The main properties it has are the properties that stand out from xhekpon: regenerating and renewing the skin.

Thus, gotu kola makes our skin look smoother and softer, and also helps us prevent wrinkles. On the other hand, the effect of gotu kola has also been talked about to improve acne marks; However, experts such as the pharmaceutical company Gema Herrerías, do not recommend xhekpon for oily skin.

Xhekpon Properties

The main properties of xhekpon, already mentioned through its ingredients, are two: tensile and regenerative properties. That is, xhekpon reduces wrinkles through these two effects, making the skin look tighter and firmer.

Due to these properties and its effects, xhekpon can be used both to prevent the signs of aging (i.e. wrinkles) and to treat them (reducing their appearance).

How is it used?

According to experts, ideally xhekpon should be applied day and night (it can be used daily). ** apply on clean skin, in areas such as: décolleté, hands, neck and face **, through a gentle massage. The massage will last until absorbed.

As we mentioned, it is better for people with oily skin not to use xhekpon; This product is ideal for people with normal or dry skin. On the other hand, the application of the product should not be excessive, that is, only small amounts of it.

In addition, because xhekpon does not have a sunscreen, it is advisable to apply a cream with sunscreen afterwards (in the morning). The latter can be a make-up base, for example fluid or compact.

Experts say

Xhekpon has a somewhat dense texture. That is why some experts, such as Aurelio Montesinos (pharmacist for A. Montesinos, a leading pharmacy in Madrid), believe that this anti-wrinkle cream works better for neck and décolleté wrinkles than for facial (face) wrinkles.

Another expert on the subject, Gema Herrerías, also a pharmacist, on her blog A5 Farmacia, wrote that xhekpon is a cream that hydrates the skin, and is effective in brightening the complexion as well as reducing fine lines.

Furthermore, G. Blacksmiths also find xhekpon to be effective in preventing the signs of aging. The pharmacist recommends, also on her blog (where she dedicates a post to xhekpon), to use this anti-wrinkle cream in the morning, before applying a cream with a sunscreen.

Why is it so inexpensive?

As we mentioned, xhekpon is a fairly inexpensive cream, much more than most anti-wrinkle creams on the market. But why?

Experts point out that it is due to its texture and composition, which turns out to be simpler compared to others. As we saw, three ingredients are concentrated at its base: aloe vera, gotu kola and collagen. The other wrinkle creams (more expensive) also have other components (this has to do with the Galenic).

On the other hand, the smell and color of xhekpon are also very "basic" (the smell is not too sophisticated, and the color is whitish). In fact, its smell is quite unpleasant (due to collagen), although it disappears minutes after applying the product. It seems silly but these two aspects (smell and color) also raise the price of other anti-wrinkle creams.

Myths and sales

At the time, the myth spread that Isabel Preysler herself used xhekpon, although it was never confirmed. This fact, logically, increased the sales of the cream, as Aurelio Montesinos assures us.

On the other hand, word of mouth and the fact that so many women have recommended this product, stating that it really brings luminosity and firmness to the skin, and that reduces wrinkles, have helped make it a product located in the "top sales" of pharmacies (and the Internet) for as long weather.

So, based on the opinions of many clients, and in the opinion of the experts, it is very likely that xhekpon does really work. The price should not deceive us, as there are many products on the market at a good price that are really effective and of quality. Surely, then, the same thing happens with xhekpon.

Bibliographic references

  • Herrerías, G. (2011). Xhekpon cream, low cost collagen. A5 Blog. Dermopharmacy.

  • Ramírez, G. (2003). Aloe (Aloe vera). Natura Medicatrix. Phytotherapy, Monographic Reviews, 21 (1): 26-31.

  • Silva, T.F. and Penna, A.L. (2012). Collagen: Chemical characteristics and functional properties. Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz.

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