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The 4 types of liposuction to remove fat from the body

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Having a perfect body is the dream of many women and men. Due to this search to mold the figure, a balanced diet Y proper exercise they are the tools most used to achieve this. But it is not always enough.

When the fat accumulated in some specific parts of the body such as abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck or calves, among other areas, it is not possible to reduce... What can be done? For these cases, choosing between the types of liposuction is one of the best alternatives. Of course, as long as our doctor advises us and other ways to lose weight have not worked.

The 4 types of liposuction and their characteristics

Liposuction is an aesthetic type surgery. It consists of extracting fat deposits in specific areas of the body. It is a highly specialized procedure, so it must be carried out by a plastic surgeon in an operating room.

There are 4 types of liposuction and each of them offers different advantages, disadvantages and characteristics. Choosing between one or the other will depend on the clinical history of the person who requires it and the suggestions of the surgeon who carries out the procedure.

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1. Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is also known as fluid injection. In this type of liposuction, the surgeon injects a solution composed of a local anesthetic, usually lidocaine, epinephrine to constrict the blood vessels and a saline solution which is what helps to remove the fat.

Once this saline solution has been applied, small cuts are made in the area to insert a thin tube under the skin. This tube is called a cannula and is connected directly to a vacuum cleaner that is responsible for removing the fat and saline solution that was previously injected from the body.

During this procedure, the surgeon analyzes and determines how much fat is left aspirating and if it is necessary to inject even more solution to facilitate the removal of deposits adipose. Tumescent liposuction requires between 1 and 3 hours to complete depending on the amount of fat or the part of the body that is being treated.

The advantages of this liposuction technique is that it does not usually require general anesthesia, for so post-operative effects such as nausea and disorientation are minimal or simply not occur. However, the indications about post-operative care must be followed to the letter.

A special girdle is often required to help the skin tissues contract. Another recommendation is to rest and this indication should not be underestimated, as it is necessary to give the body enough time for liposuction to have the expected results.

2. Ultrasound assisted liposuction

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction can be used in conjunction with tumescent liposuction. The surgeon will determine, based on the clinical history and the characteristics of the body and the fat accumulation, if ultrasound-assisted liposuction is the type of liposuction that the person required.

In this technique, ultrasonic vibrations are used to transform fat into liquid. That is, the saline injection is replaced by ultrasound. For this, a metal rod is inserted under the skin in the area where the test is to be performed. liposuction, this rod is the one that transmits the ultrasonic energy that dissolves the deposits of grease.

It can also be used externally, that is, the ultrasound frequencies can be emitted topically and with this it is enough to liquefy the fat and be able to extract it later. In the way of removing fat from the body, it relies on the tumescent technique, since a cannula and a vacuum cleaner are commonly connected to remove the fat.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is sometimes used when the fat to be removed is found in dense and fibrous areas of the body such as the upper back or breast tissue in mens. It is also often used as a secondary procedure after tumescent liposuction has been performed.

Although it is a painless procedure, it usually takes longer than other types of liposuction. It is necessary to follow the instructions of the surgeon to minimize the risk of later complications and for the results to be as expected.

3. Laser assisted liposuction

Laser-assisted liposuction is used to remove fat from small areas. It is a minimally invasive type of liposuction, since the tube used to apply the laser is much smaller than the one used in the other techniques. The laser fulfills the function of dissolving fat, which can be removed later.

To begin, this type of liposuction makes a minimal incision through which the cannula that emits the laser is inserted, it liquefies the deposits of fat that can be removed by the suction method or by connecting small tubes so that the fat is drained there gradually.

Because this type of liposuction is very precise thanks to the fact that the tube is very small, it is common that it is used to remove fat from areas such as the jaw, cheekbones or chin, which require greater accuracy and precision and where large amounts of fat do not accumulate, so it can be drained and not aspirate.

Laser-assisted liposuction also has a great advantage that the rest of the techniques do not have and that is that it stimulates the production of collagen. This is one of the properties of the laser in cosmetic uses so it helps the skin not sag once the fat is completely removed.

This technique is widely used today, especially when the objective of liposuction is to shape the body and for this it is only required to remove small amounts of fat that have not been eliminated with diet and exercise. In addition, it requires less post-operative care, although we must not forget to follow the surgeon's instructions to the letter.

4. Powered liposuction

Powered liposuction is often used on the arms, knees, or ankles. This type of liposuction uses a cannula that is inserted under the skin through one or more incisions. The cannula applies vertiginous movements back and forth, thereby causing the removal of fat.

This technique has the advantage that it allows the surgeon a greater precision in the area that is being worked on. It is likely that several incisions will be required to introduce the cannula and to be able to remove the fat more accurately from different points of the body area.

Powered liposuction is one of the least painful techniques, as it also causes less subsequent swelling. As with the rest of the types of liposuction, it is usual that only local anesthesia is required, Although it is the surgeon who will determine according to various factors if it is necessary to apply anesthesia general.

Antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatories are usually prescribed to alleviate the normal discomfort after these types of interventions. Following the care indicated by the doctor and keeping due rest, the results after powered liposuction are very effective and rarely require surgical procedures. tracing.

Bibliographic references

  • Hanke, William and Sattler. (2006). Liposuction Aesthetic dermatology. Editor Elsevier Spain.
  • Khan, MH. (2012). Update on liposuction: clinical pearls. Skin. 90 (5): 259–65.

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