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The 10 consequences of World War II

History is full of feats of the actions carried out by thousands of risky people dedicated to making a change and leaving us a valuable lesson for the future. But, unfortunately, there are teachings that take place in a very negative environment for humanity.

One of those events that have marked the world in a more traumatic way, in short, have been the world wars, since they have not only result in human losses but affect the culture of the nations involved and forever alter the vision of security in the people. Even today, it is possible to see the remnants of what was World War II, in the painful silence of the survivors and in the streets that were scenes of brutalities, which are now clean but keep an unalterable memory of what happened there.

Precisely taking that into account we have written this article where you will know what are the consequences that were derived from the Second World War and that its shadows can still be felt in the memory of the nations involved.

What was the Second World War?

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Considered the worst war conflict event in history, It took place for almost a decade (1939-1945) and countries from almost every continent were faced with, divided into two large groups: the allies and the axis powers. In total, an estimated twenty countries participated to end what was the most devastating war of all that have taken place on our planet.

Starts after the result of the acquaintance Treaty of Versailles, which was signed after the end of the First World War, where peace was declared between the nations involved. However, this brought tragic consequences to the economy of Germany and the Central Powers, as they were forced to accept full responsibility for the war that took place. after the assassination of the Astro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, for which they had to pay a large compensation to those affected, release all their weapons and accept concessions territorial. All of this left Germany in a vulnerable situation and a little resentful because its economy could not rise after this assumption of responsibilities.

Some time later, a new ideology arises with the National Socialist German Workers' Party, known as ‘Nazi Party’, which seeks to return the lost status of the country and whose leader was Adolf hitler, an idealist with great charisma who would not rest until he saw his dream come true. This is how they became a fascist force that attracted the attention of Italy and Japan, forming the Pact Tripartite, with the clear intention of spreading across the globe and to which other Eastern European countries would unite.

With the latent threat and the invasions towards the countries of the rest of Europe, the army of the allied forces would be formed, to which Russia would later join in 1941, after that Hitler violated the non-violence agreement between both nations, after invading Soviet territory, as well as the United States after the Pearl Harbor base was attacked by Japan. The fusion of these great forces was what finally ended the war in 1945, thanks to the surrender of Italy, the invasion of Berlin by the Red Army and the fall of Japan after the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Most significant consequences left by the Second World War

Now that you know a summary about what happened in WWII, It is time for you to know some of the most important consequences that it left both at the human, political-economic level, and in other areas.

1. Birth of the UN

One of the immediate consequences was the emergence of the United Nations (UN), in order to promote and maintain peace between the countries annexed to it, thus avoiding a new war.

Its purpose is to resolve internal conflicts that are generated between two or several nations, in addition to having the power to interfere and take actions against tyrannies and countries in conflict. In addition, it offers humanitarian aid services (food, health, education) to territories in difficult conditions and manages different programs, funds and agencies that work to solve any type of problem that affects the quality of people's lives.

The UN building in New York.

2. Cost of human lives

This is perhaps the most painful, shocking, and well-known consequence of WWII. Total human losses are estimated to be approximately 50 to 70 million people between civilians and military forces, but they can even be more.

These losses originated both from the result of the confrontation between the Allies and the Axis Powers (bombing, crossfire, nuclear attacks), due to persecutions, genocide and concentration camps and the shortage of food, health resources, poverty and loss of homes in all places affected.

2. Greatest discrimination in history

World War II is considered one of the greatest acts of discrimination and promotion of hatred of all time. As one of the objectives of both the Führer and the fascist leaders was the elimination of certain cultural groups, resulting in the persecution, imprisonment, torture and execution of thousands of people: Jews, blacks, gypsies, homosexuals ...

Among these cultures the most notable is the Jewish, with a total of approximately six million human losses, in turn also the groups of the gypsy ethnic groups and the Armenian culture, the homosexuals, the people who differed of the Aryan race, communists, rebels, intellectuals, artists and people in general who did not share the vision of the Nazis.

An image of Jewish children held in a concentration camp during the Third Reich.

3. Human experimentation

In the Nazi concentration camps there was not only forced labor for the prisoners, who only knew pain, effort and hunger. The most heinous acts of human experimentation were also carried out known throughout history. From vivisections to the creation of gas chambers for a better execution of people. All the inmates were subjected to participate in medical experiments that sought supposed medical and scientific advances for Aryan society.

In turn, in Japan this same scenario would be seen with Asian prisoners of war, although American and European soldiers were also imprisoned, who were forced to forced field labor and would then find themselves being test subjects for the terrible 731 Squad, a clandestine group whose main objective was the development of weapons biological.

4. Devastation of Europe

Another of the most notorious consequences was the evident territorial havoc suffered by the European countries due to the bomber attacks, which led to the loss of thousands of buildings, green areas, educational and political institutions, urban park, streets and civil works. In order to recover this natural and patrimonial legacy, the largest investment to date in the reconstruction of Europe was required, including economic aid from the United States with Marshall plan.

5. End of the fascist regime

This is, in fact, a very positive consequence for the countries involved in the war since, after the overthrow of the Third Reich, the Musolini mandate and the fall of the fascist regime in Japan, these nations succeeded in establishing a democratic political system for their countries, which prevails to this day. This greatly helped to enlist the help of the allies and other nations to lift their socio-economic positions and avoid being tempted again by totalitarian ideals.

6. Decolonization process

This is another of the most positive consequences behind the war. At the beginning of this, the countries of the axis powers managed to conquer different territories, turning them into colonies for themselves and depriving these former cultural freedom nations. But with the cessation of the war and the help of these colonies to the cessation of the war, finally managed to regain their independence, especially those regions of Asia and Africa, as was the case with Korea, which was previously converted into a Japanese colony.

7. Start of a political division

Unfortunately, one of the consequences of the cessation of the war was the greed for power between those who became the two great superpowers at that time: the United States and the former Soviet Union, which began a competitive conflict to implement their own political ideology (considering that each was the best for the resurgence of Germany).

Since then the notorious gap is created between communist and capitalist systems of government over countries recovering from war. Giving the subsequent origin of the Cold War and the war that would separate Korea into two regions: the north and the south.

8. Germany Division

As a product of this political conflict, Germany was forced to separate its territory into two parts: the German Federal Republic (West Germany) controlled by the capitalist system American and European and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) under the command Soviet communist. Thus giving way to what became known as ‘the Berlin Wall'Which divided both German territories, again separating families and forcing people to remain on their side of the wall, unable to cross the borders of their own country.

This wall finally fell on November 9, 1989, after almost 30 years of its construction by the hands of the Germans themselves, armed only with spikes and hammers, thanks to the influence of Mikhail Gorbachev (last leader of the Soviet Union), whose policy focused on eliminating political strategies Stalinists. This would cause a short time later the total fall of the Soviet iron curtain.

While, at the same time, the first democratic elections were being held in Poland and Hungary was opening its border to the Germans for the first time Orientals, who suffered a more strict and dictatorial regime than Westerners, so that they could cross into Austria in search of a better life.

Berlin Wall

9. Cultural and educational changes

Culture and education had great repercussions during the first years after the war. I know you think that in the war everything was worse and maybe it was, but you must remember that after finishing the things were not going to get better overnight, with nations bankrupt and human losses and materials. It would be a slow and difficult process and there was also something important left, to change the perception of some people towards a new future.

Starting with the Nuremberg trials, where it was tried to the best possible extent to grant justice by punishing the Nazis implicated in acts against humanity. Some time later, education began to be given greater importance, allocating funds to create better institutions, so the decrease in illiteracy and admission to universities was present in a massively.

Meanwhile, the United States was risking a little more to promote and expand its film and film talent. animation, as well as the fashion industry and cultural expressionism, giving way to freedom of expression and pop culture.

Another important point to highlight is the notable change in the role of women in society, who went from being rescued mostly housewives to being an intellectual and empowered force to take on account. Without going further, Margaret Thatcher she was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Ethnic and cultural minorities, for their part, were slowly emerging again and resuming his work and freedoms.

10. Emergence of new technologies

Despite the fact that there was an important and very notable growth of the military force in these countries, there was also this time served as a catapult for technological ambitions and the improvement of old tools through new developments that made humanity advance by leaps and bounds. It was as if they had been submerged in shadows for so long that every second turned into a close-up futuristic vision.

With this came color televisions, the invention of the computer, advances in military weaponry, atomic energy, sonar, and jet flight.

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