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Unanswered Questions: 20 Hard-to-Solve Questions

Societies have advanced knowledge by trying to respond to deep and unknown questions for the human being. Some of those questions remain unanswered and remain a mystery to be solved.

In this article we collect 20 unanswered questions about life, both science and philosophy, that will make you think and reflect on existence.

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20 philosophical and scientific unanswered questions

These unanswered questions have so many possible explanations that solving them is a difficult or impossible task today.

1. What is there after death?

One of the unanswered questions that we can only find out after death. Or not? Do we cease to exist?

What comes to us after death is one of the great unanswered mysteries of the universe, which from the beginning of life has aroused curiosity and all kinds of theories in this regard, from those with a religious and spiritual focus to the most scientific.

2. God exists?

Another of life's great unanswered questions.

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Is there a higher being? The existence of a God or a divine entity that controls our world has also been the subject of debate over the years.

The figure of a higher being that controls our actions has served to give meaning to life and what happens in our day to day, but do we really depend on a God? Could there be multiple Gods?

  • Related article: "25 Discussion Topics (Interesting and Controversial)

3. What is the meaning of life?

Why we exist and what our purpose is on earth has also been the subject of musings for all kinds of thinkers, who they have wondered about what is the meaning of life. No one knows exactly where we come from, why we exist or if we have any purpose in this universe.

4. are we alone in the universe?

Another of the unanswered questions that human beings ask themselves is whether intelligent life can exist on other planets. Are we the only sentient beings in the entire universe? Is there life beyond our galaxy?

The possible existence of other beings similar to us or with reasoning capacity on other planets is something that generates a lot of curiosity and about which we really do not know anything.

5. What is the universe origin?

Thanks to advances in science, we have more and more knowledge about the universe that surrounds us, but this is still a great unknown to us.

Although the theory of the Big Bang exists as the formation of the observable universe, the origin of all this is not exactly known and the different theories could change. Some of the difficult questions to answer that are presented to us are: Has the universe always existed? How extensive is it? What is beyond the observable?

6. Are there other universes?

And another of the unanswered questions that these we ask about the universe is whether there can be others apart from ours. An undoubtedly deep and complex issue that we cannot answer for the moment.

Some scientists even believe in the possibility of other universes parallel to ours, this being one or millions; with a life similar to the one that takes place here but with multiple variations that would make it different.

7. What was there before the Big Bang?

The Big Bang theory is the one that explains in some way how the universe came to be formed and expanded as we know it, but what preceded it? There are many theories about it or about other formations in the universe, all speculative. Will we ever find out?

8. What is consciousness?

And if we put aside the universe around us and focus on ourselves as human beings, the unanswered questions that arise are different. Like for example, what is consciousness really? What makes us rational and conscious beings? Questions that are difficult to answer and that make us reflect about what is the human being.

9. Does the soul exist?

Many religions and philosophies speak of the existence of the soul, a spiritual and immaterial dimension that is part of us together with our body, although independent of it. The soul is considered the essence of the human being, what makes us feel and be, and is supposed to be immortal. Its conception varies according to each religion or belief, but really none can answer if it really exists.

10. Where do our thoughts come from?

In the same way that we wonder about the consciousness of the human being, we can ask ourselves where and how thoughts arise. Although science is responsible for studying the functioning of our brain and thinking, every day new knowledge and unanswered questions arise about this process so complex.

11. Why do we dream?

What are they really? Why do we have them? It is said that dreams can have a memory maintenance function, but as much as they can be studied, these remain unanswered questions to this day, a very deep question that has yet to be resolved.

12. Why are we good or bad?

Why is there good and bad in this world? Sometimes people act to do good and sometimes to do evil, but What makes us really good or bad? Is the human being by nature good or bad?

13. Is there a single moral?

And the previous question leads us to this other question to ponder and difficult to answer, that of the existence of a single morality. Each culture has its beliefs about what is right and what is wrong, and the Western morality with which we have grown up is part of one religion among so many. Are there universal ethical and moral laws? Can we really decide what is right and what is wrong?

  • Related article: "Ethical dilemmas: the 6 types that exist and examples

14. Why is there no justice?

And paradoxically, it may be that the previous question is what can lead us to answer this unanswered question. Why is the world such an unfair place? Why does inequality exist? Reflect on the dramatic events in the world It leads us to wonder if justice really exists.

15. Can we be objective at all?

Our experiences make us unique and each person sees and understands the world differently. So, is the human being capable of having objective ideas about events?

Our thinking is in constant transformation by the information we receive and is influenced by everything that surrounds us and happens. Our opinions depend on very personal factors and we do not know to what extent there really is a single objective way of looking at things.

16. Is there free will?

This question also leads us to wonder if human beings can become completely free or if the decisions we make depend on many other factors. Is there a free will by which we can act without any kind of influence? Or are our acts fated in some way?

17. What makes us human?

Another deep and difficult question to answer it's about what makes us human and what sets us apart from other animals. Is it our conscience? Is it our evolution to become superior to other animals?

18. What is the secret of happiness?

This is without a doubt one of the most asked unanswered questions in history. What makes us really happy? We see more and more clearly that no matter how much we reach states of high wealth and well-being, the happiness that this brings us does not seem to be enough or to last long.

Self-actualization does not seem to be a guarantee of happiness either. With which we ask ourselves, what is the true secret to be happy? Can we become it at all?

19. What is time really?

Time is a physical dimension through which all the events of life pass, without stopping and without being able to modify it. But does it have a beginning or an end?

Are there ways to understand it differently or can its course be altered? These are complex questions that many people have tried to answer. The passage of time is a subject that generates a lot of interest in great thinkers.

  • Related article: "76 phrases about time, the passing of the years and memories

20. Where is the human being going?

Questions about the future cannot be known or they can hardly ever be predicted, so this is another unanswered question posed by humans. Where is humanity headed? What does the future hold for us and how far will we be able to gain knowledge about our existence or our universe?

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