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Why do they puncture my belly? 12 possible causes

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From time to time we can feel stomach upset in the form of pricks that appear regularly and spontaneously, in different frequencies and levels of pain, that is, sometimes they feel more acute and intense and other times it is more pain bearable.

They usually occur when we have abused our food intake, when we consume junk food, fat or fried foods, due to intestinal discomfort or accumulation of gases. It is a way in which our gastrointestinal system alerts us that there is something that is not quite right within us.

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However, there may be other reasons why you can get these stomach punctures or twinges. If you want to know what reasons are behind these annoyances that you have surely felt more than once, then stay in this article where we will show you some possible causes.

Types of abdominal pain

Did you know that there are different types of abdominal pain or discomfort? Although we can feel them differently or with varying degrees of intensity,

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these are actually different types of abdominal pain, like the ones you will know below.

1. General pain

This is the most common of all and is felt more concentrated in the middle of the abdomen and whose causes are due to gases, indigestion or a stomach virus.

These are sudden, intense pains that appear intermittently, but do not reduce the amount of pain with which the episodes appear. These are very common during the female menstrual period, although they also present as gallstones or kidney stones.

3. Localized pains

As the name implies, they are pains that can only be felt on one side of the abdomen and this is commonly an indication of a discomfort in an organ.

4. Cramps

These types of pain are also the most common and of the least medical concern, as they are treated from a reaction to gas and muscle strains, which are usually accompanied by diarrhea. Although if these cramps occur for a long time greater than 24 hours, it may be a bigger problem.

12 causes of stomach pains

These are the most common causes of stomach painsRemember that if the pain is too intense and begins to expand or lasts more than 24 hours, you should attend a medical consultation so that they can explore you and start treatment if necessary.

1. Food poisoning

This is perhaps one of the most frequent causes of stomach ache discomfort, it appears when we eat some type of food or liquid that is in bad condition or that causes an allergic reaction, affecting the sensitivity of the tract digestive. This is because food has pathogens, germs or bacteria that can become toxic substances and therefore affect our stomach.

These infections manifest as stitches, irritations, severe pain, vomiting and even skin rashes or in more severe cases, fever.

2. Intestinal gas

Another common cause of stomach punctures, intestinal gas occurs quite regularly in people, due to the abuse of food consumption (so general junk food), from carbonated drinks, from a reaction to carbohydrates, poor digestion of lactose, or just from eating foods that are more prone to produce gases. Such as some legumes, greens, vegetables or spicy.

These gases originate both in the stomach and in the intestine, so the discomforts are felt both in the middle region as the lower abdomen, in addition to stitches, irritations, swelling, belching, flatulence and chest pains are manifested.

Many people suffer from constipation both due to poor eating habits and biological conditions, but in fact, who does it? sufferer knows how painful, uncomfortable and distressing it feels, because there is constant discomfort in the lower abdomen, swelling and pain when evacuate. What Causes Constipation? A combination of accumulation of gas and feces in the intestine, which harden and make it difficult to pass, reaching the point where you can only go to the bathroom a couple of days a week.

This condition is usually reversed by changing some habits, such as adding more foods rich in fiber, increasing the amount of fluid that is ingested, starting to do physical activities and having an evacuation routine so that the body acquires it as a habit..

This is a quite serious medical condition since it alters the regular rhythm of life of the person, which experiences altered episodes diarrhea and constipation, which do not necessarily appear at the same time, but manifest gradually and sporadic. Presenting with symptoms of extreme need to evacuate quickly, rectal mucus, bloating and abdominal distension.

This syndrome does not have an apparent cause, but it is related to a high sensitivity of the intestine to some specific foods.

5. Menstrual cramps

This is another of the most common cases of stomach pains and occurs in the female public when they are in their menstrual period. Which, due to contractions or spasms of the uterus and which are felt in the lower part of the stomach.

They are normal and expected colic that are usually relieved with antispasmodics, but if you present these kinds of colic for more than 72 hours and with intense pain, it is necessary that you go to your gynecologist to rule out any problem.

6. Ectopic pregnancies

This is one of the less common causes of stomach pains, but they are an important alert that needs to be heeded. Ectopic pregnancies are an unusual but not impossible type of pregnancy, it occurs when the fertilized egg is implants elsewhere outside the uterus, such as the fallopian tubes usually, ovaries, or cavity abdominal.

These pregnancies are extremely painful and dangerous, since as the pregnancy develops, present ruptures of tissues or of the ovum itself and significant bleeding, so they must be stopped righ now. Similarly, these pregnancies are not viable because they cannot develop properly.

7. Endometriosis

This is a female medical condition that can also be quite dangerous to your health, considered one of the regular gynecological disorders. It occurs when the endometrium (tissue that lines the inside of the uterus) grows irregularly outside the uterus. Bringing some significant consequences such as acute and constant pelvic pain, as well as infertility in some more serious cases.

8. Appendicitis

Appendicitis is one of those stomach pains to which you must pay close attention and take immediate action to avoid its aggravation. So if you have a sharp pain in the right part of your abdomen that is increasing and intensifies when raising the right leg, While your abdomen seems to swell, you feel nauseous and start to have a fever, then we recommend that you go quickly to your doctor.

Appendicitis occurs due to inflammation of the appendix due to its obstruction by accumulation of stool, as it is a tiny organ that is found in the lower part of the large intestine. The problem is that with this accumulation the appendix expands and there is a risk that it ruptures, bringing dangerous consequences such as infection of the rest of the organs.

Urinary infections are quite common, surely you have ever experienced them and you know that it is not pleasant at all, not only is it uncomfortable but it can have negative consequences on the health of the sexual organs as well as the tract urinary. This is caused by the urinary ducts becoming contaminated with bacteria, resulting in sharp to severe pain when urinating, burning, and pain in the stomach and lower back.

10. Pancreatitis

This disease is caused by inflammation of the pancreas, which is an organ located in the upper part of the stomach, so you can feel pain in the middle and upper region of the abdomen. It is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, heartburn, and pain that worsens after eating.

11. Diverticulitis

This disease refers to the appearance of small lumps in the inner region of the lining of the digestive tract, especially within the large intestine. These lumps are very common and generally do not cause any discomfort except in cases where they become inflamed or infected, which is where diverticulitis occurs.

12. Cholelithiasis

Also known as 'gallbladder stones' it is a significant medical condition, it occurs when the bile that is located in the gallbladder It comes with an excess of contained fats that originate in the liver and therefore cannot be processed correctly, obstructing the functions of the gallbladder. Severe, stabbing pains in the stomach and vomiting occur.

The only way to solve this problem is with surgery and antibiotic treatment to eliminate the infections and prevent them from spreading through the remaining organs.

Now you know that many causes of stomach pains are common, but if these pains become very intense and frequent, it is time to see your doctor.

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