Education, study and knowledge

The 80 best phrases about education

Everything we achieve is possible because we educate ourselves about it, there is no other way to do it. Education is the most important pillar of life of any person since it allows the necessary preparation to the world that surrounds us and to find our place in it. Every door that is opened to us is thanks to what we know and the skills we master, but none of us are born being a teacher, rather it is a long educational process.

With that in mind, we decided to honor education with the best phrases and quotes about this fundamental pillar of life.

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Phrases and reflections on education

Although the process is difficult and often exhausting, the results are always going to be worth it.

1. Plants are straightened by cultivation; to men, education. (Jean J. Barthélemy)

People need education to grow.

2. Education helps the person learn to be what he is capable of being. (Hesiod)

Only through preparation do we know what we are capable of.

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3. Common sense is not the result of education (Victor Hugo)

Education teaches us to sharpen our senses, but we must not believe that this is all.

4. A child can teach an adult three things: to be content without reason, to be always busy with something and to know how to demand with all his might what he wants. (Paulo Coelho)

Everyone has something to teach, both wise adults and innocent children.

5. Teaching those who are not curious to learn is to sow a field without plowing it. (Richard Whately)

Only the people who want to learn are the ones who can get the knowledge.

6. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)

The road is difficult, because we question our abilities, but we end up with the assurance that we can do what we love.

7. Never consider study as an obligation, but as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge. (Albert Einstein)

If you see studying as an obligation, it will always be a punishment and you will never be able to enjoy it.

8. If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are willing to learn, no one can stop you. (Chinese proverb)

Things are achieved when people want to.

9. Education is the lighting of a flame, not the filling of a container. (Socrates)

Education awakens our sense of curiosity. Therefore, even when school ends, we must always seek new knowledge.

10. Blessed is he who begins by educating himself before dedicating himself to perfecting others. (Juan C. Abella)

Before judging someone, you must judge yourself.

11. The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)

The first teaching for children is that they learn to be happy.

12. It is the mark of a truly educated man to know what not to read (Ezra Taft Benson)

Not only do you have to open the doors to knowledge, but reject the one that will have no benefit.

13. Any man who reads a lot and uses his own brain little falls into lazy habits of thought. (Albert Einstein)

It is useless to soak up thousands of knowledge if it will not be used in something profitable.

14. Children have to be taught how to think, not what to think. (Margaret Mead)

Education for children must be towards their independence.

15. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. (Benjamin Franklin)

The best investment we can make is in a good education.

16. The teacher who tries to teach without inspiring in the student the desire to learn is trying to forge a cold iron. (Horace Mann)

Much of the desire to learn comes from the motivation received by the teachers.

17. Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. (Nelson Mandela)

By knowing the problems, it is more possible to find a solution.

18. A good father is worth a hundred teachers. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

The most important education is the one we receive at home.

19. Each one must apply himself to his own education until the last day of his life. (Massimo Taparelli d'Azeglio)

Being self-taught allows us to move forward every day, because we can learn something new at different times.

20. The teaching that leaves a mark is not the one done from head to head, but from heart to heart. (Howard G. Hendricks)

The teaching is impressed when it is given with emotion and humility.

21. The key to education is not teaching, it is awakening (Ernest Renan)

Each teaching should open our minds a little more.

22. The University should insist on what is old and what is foreign. If he insists on his own and the contemporary, the University is useless, because it is expanding a function that the press already fulfills. (Jorge Luis Borges)

Something that the author considers important to teach. What do you think?

23. The highest activity that a human being can achieve is to learn to understand why understanding is to be free. (Baruch Spinoza)

No one can control the amount of things you learn. That is the best sample of freedom.

24. The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Each student learns in a different way and know what is the key to his success.

25. There is someone so smart that he learns from the experience of others. (Voltaire)

Our own and other's experiences can teach us things that no one or nothing else can.

26. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. (Joseph Addison)

Education can shape our soul.

27. Learning something in life through doing, develops, cultivates and strengthens much more than learning only through the communication of ideas. (Friedrich Fröbel)

Only through practice can knowledge remain forever in us.

28. With fair laws and efficient administration, it is possible to increase the income of the kingdom; with good teachings and good examples, the hearts of the subjects are conquered. (Confucius)

Offering a good education system is the best way to nurture the people.

29. In matters of culture and knowledge, only what is saved is lost; you only earn what you give. (Antonio Machado)

Knowledge should not be jealous, because by sharing it we can even learn something new.

30. What is learned from the roots is never completely forgotten (Seneca)

If you want to learn something, put all your effort into it.

31. Education is our passport to the future, because tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for today. (Malcolm X)

What you learn today can be your master key in the future.

32. He who refuses to learn in his youth is lost in the past and is dead to the future. (Euripides)

It is okay to enjoy youth, but making studying part of that enjoyment is what will make a difference for the future.

33. The competitive advantage of a society will not come from how well education is taught in its schools. multiplication and periodic tables, but on how well it is known to stimulate the imagination and creativity. (Walter Isaacson)

The stimulation of creativity and imagination is often neglected without knowing that these are the tools most used in working hours.

34. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. (John Dewey)

Education is an integral part of life.

35. The first task of education is to shake life up, but to leave it free to develop. (Maria Montessori)

Education should not be imposed to restrict, but should be a gift to be the best version of who we can be.

36. When you are an educator you are always in the right place in due time. There are not bad hours to learn. (Betty B. Anderson)

If you are an educator, be proud of what you have to offer.

37. A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom in students. (Ever Garrisson)

We should all be grateful to each of the teachers that was in our life.

38. A good teacher has to be able to put himself in the shoes of those who find it difficult to advance. (Eliphas Levi)

Devoting your attention to those who have the most trouble learning is never a waste of time.

39. The things I want to know are in the books; my best friend is the man who gives me a book that he has not read. (Abraham Lincoln)

A book is a new world waiting to be known.

40. Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. (B. F. Skinner)

Keep learning so you don't forget all the effort you have put into life.

41. Education exists to improve the lives of others and leave your community and the world better than you found it. (Marian Wright Edelman)

With education it is possible to make significant improvements in the world, since we can contribute a great grain of sand.

42. The height of stupidity is learning what to forget later. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

Dedicate yourself to learning the things you want to learn that will be useful to you rather than a future annoyance.

43. Whoever opens the door of a school closes a prison. (Victor Hugo)

Education is the best weapon against crime.

44. We must pay more attention to who teaches, not who gives orders. (San Agustin)

Whoever teaches always has better intentions than whoever imposes.

45. Giving love constitutes in itself, giving education. (Eleonor Roosevelt)

Education is a great act of love, as it is the best way to create a good life.

46. If you want creative workers, give them plenty of time to play. (John Cleese)

To demand creativity in the workplace, it is necessary to stimulate it at school.

47. Being self-taught is the only kind of education that exists. (Isaac Asimov)

The search for knowledge is in our hands.

48. Learning never tires the mind. (Leonardo da Vinci)

On the contrary, it nourishes it and ensures its long life.

49. Cultivating the mind is as necessary as food for the body. (Cicero)

Keeping our minds healthy means taking time to learn new things.

50. The mediocre educator speaks. The good educator explains. The higher educator demonstrates. The great educator inspires. (W. TO. Ward)

Be a good educator and surround yourself with good educators.

51. To teach others, first you have to do something very hard: you have to straighten yourself. (Buddha)

There is no more valuable lesson than this.

52. Books are the quietest and most constant friends, the most approachable and wise counselors, and the most patient teachers. (Charles William Eliot)

Always have good books on hand and read them.

53. The object of education is to train beings capable of governing themselves, and not to be governed by others (Herbert Spencer)

Again we are reminded that the purpose of education is to promote independence.

54. Where there is good education there is no distinction of classes. (Confucius)

Education does not know of any kind of segregation or racism.

55. To travel far there is no better ship than a book. (Emily Dickinson)

Books have the magic of transporting us to different places and transmitting different emotions.

56. What is given to children, children will give to society (Karl. TO. Menninger)

That is why it is important to cultivate a good education from an early age.

57. Freedom without education is always a danger; education without freedom is futile. (John F. Kennedy)

Education cannot be restricted, for then you will not be able to know anything other than what others want you to know.

58. The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read, but the person who does not know how to learn. (Alvin Toffler)

The ignorant are not people who do not know something, but are not interested in trying to know it.

59. The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action. (Herbert Spencer)

In particular, in generating good deeds on the part of all his students.

60. We often give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. (Roger Lewin)

Teaching should be more than just obeying orders, it should also be the best way to find solutions.

61. Man actually begins to be old when he ceases to be teachable. (Arturo Graf)

There is no age limit to learn.

62. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. (Sydney J. Harris)

Another of the great purposes of books is to make people gain confidence in themselves.

63. Educating a young person is not making him learn something that he did not know, but making him someone that did not exist. (John Ruskin)

With each thing we learn, we are formed into a better being.

64. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down forests, but to irrigate deserts. (C.S. Lewis)

Educators must seize every opportunity to sow new knowledge and positive input.

65. Education is about helping a child bring her skills to life. (Erich Fromm)

You don't just need to learn about rules and math. You also have to control, understand and respect your own abilities and those of others.

66. It is almost impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind. (James Baldwin)

If you do not find in your environment the opportunity to develop yourself, then you may need a change of scene.

67. Learning is like rowing against the current: as soon as you stop, you go backwards. (Edward Benjamin Britten)

When you stop learning you start to regress and fall into ignorance.

68. An education is not how committed you are to remembering or even how much you know. It is being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't know. (Anatole France)

Education is not about a race to see who is smarter, but about accepting what is not known and being willing to learn.

69. A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. (Hellen Keller)

Again, an ideal education is one that arouses our curiosity.

70. Whoever does not give his son a trade teaches him to be a thief. (Turkish proverb)

When a person does not find her potential in the world, he falls to the bottom.

71. The purpose of education is to increase the probability that what we want will happen (José Antonio Marina)

The only way to achieve what we want is to prepare for it.

72. Study not to know one more thing, but to know it better. (Seneca)

It is not that you are a master in everything, but that you master perfectly what you know how to do.

73. To teach is to learn twice. (Joseph Joubert)

Even teachers learn something new with their students.

74. Education is the movement from darkness to light. (Allan Bloom)

A phrase that has everything true.

75. The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn. (Bertrand Russell)

The experiences also teach us valuable lessons.

76. The bigger the island of knowledge, the bigger the shores of wonder. (Ralph M. Sockman)

Each new discovery has the power to amaze us.

77. There is no wealth like knowledge, there is no poverty like ignorance. (Ali)

Would you rather be rich or poor in knowledge?

78. Teaching children to count is good, but teaching them what really counts is better. (Bob Talbert)

Not only do logical teachings matter, so do those that train the heart.

79. There is no school equal to a decent home and there is no teacher equal to a virtuous father. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Home is our first school.

80. Children are like fresh concrete, anything that falls on them leaves a mark. (Haim Ginott)

Children learn from what they observe around them. Both the good and the bad things.

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