Education, study and knowledge

The 8 benefits of Psychology

Problems coexist with our daily routine almost in perfect harmony, despite the fact that most of these only cause us anxieties and worries, they can also offer us valuable lessons on how to handle similar situations in the future.

In this way, each time we win the battle against a problem, we acquire a new ability to perceive the world that is extremely beneficial.

However, it is very well known that on certain occasions problems overwhelm us, not because of their presence in themselves, but because we do not get their resolution, it is difficult to obtain and represents a major conflict or because it seems that more problems explode around us when unison. Causing an affect on an emotional, psychological and performance level in different daily areas, due to the inability to resolve these conflicts on their own.

That is why psychologists come into action, who are fully trained to attend and seek the most practical solutions to conflicts presented by your clients or by a situation Social. It is because of that

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In this article we will talk about the benefits that psychology brings to life and its importance in this world.

  • It may interest you: "The 10 types of psychologists there are and how to choose the best therapy"

What is psychology?

Psychology is the science that studies human behavior, their mental processes and the meaning of personal experiences, in relation to the influence of the environment that surrounds them. It comes from the ancient Greek ‘psykhe-logy’ which can be translated as “study of the soul”.

It is considered as a social and human scientific discipline because its field of study focuses on people and his development in the world, as well as his evolution or incidence in the society, culture and lifestyle in which he is involved on a daily basis. In order to know that subjective feedback and analyze its observable effects on the behavior and belief system of said person, company or community.

Types or areas of psychology

This is perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of psychology, since it has multiple areas of study and action., making it one of the most complete and complex disciplines that exist. Among them we can highlight the following.

1. Clinical psychology

This may be the one you recognize the most, after all, what comes to mind when you think of psychology? A person in formal dress writing down what you say as you sit on a couch? However, clinical psychology goes further, it is in charge of evaluating the patient's situations and offering a simple and functional guide so that he can regain control of his life. Of course, the intervention and the techniques to be used vary depending on the conflict presented.

2. Organizational psychology

It refers to the field of action of psychology in companies. Which can range from evaluating the psychosocial health of workers, the quality of the work environment work and the work environment, to help improve the objectives and the general presentation of the company.

3. School psychology

It is responsible for studying and facilitating the teaching-learning tools that an institution has, evaluates the quality of the school environment and offers a guide that helps students with an academic problem, to achieve their best rhythm and take advantage of their learning style own self.

4. Community psychology

It has a fairly wide and significant field of action since, in essence, it studies, analyzes and offers solutions to conflicts presented in a community. In order that there is a change for the benefit of the population or that it can have tools to help grow and improve its environment on its own.

5. Social psychology

On the other hand, there is this branch of psychology whose main focus is the study of human evolution within society and how this has influenced its development, as well as finding out the incidents that people themselves have on the settlement of a culture. It is an observation, analysis and proposal of said human-social feedback.

6. Experimental psychology

As his name indicates, he is in charge of studying and experimenting with different theories of psychology, in order to verify their veracity. In this way, psychology can have new updated scientific discoveries.

7. Health Psychology

It acts on the field of general health. Studying, analyzing and proposing new tools and approaches to capture people's attention, in order that they They become even more interested in taking care of their own current state, preventing diseases or leaning towards a better lifestyle more healthy.

8. Criminal psychology

Psychologists also assist police forces, assembling psychological profiles of criminals, evaluating their behaviors, and deciding whether or not their confessions are true. So that they can rule out that the person acted of their own free will or under the influence of a mental illness.

9. Psychopathology

This is the branch of psychology that is responsible for studying, observing and acting on mental illnesses and disorders. So that they can observe the evolution of the same in people who suffer from it, propose new discoveries or improved intervention techniques.

10. Marketing psychology

It is a relatively new branch of psychology that is responsible for studying and analyzing the human interest market for digital dynamics. So they can be one step ahead and help companies, businesses or influencers to better prepare their content so that their message interests more people.

Global benefits of psychology

As it is so wide and its field of action can reach different corners, the benefits of it are beyond being positive for those seeking psychological guidance.

1. It focuses on the human being

This is his main focus of study and performance, the human being in all his complexity. For psychology, people are influential and influenced by the environment at the same time, we build while deconstructing, we put old things aside to create new things. We are in constant movement and psychology supports us to control ourselves, focus and solve problems that affect us.

2. Provide positive change

Regardless of whether it is a clinical, social, educational or work intervention, the changes that result from it are quite beneficial for all parties involved and even long-lasting if the advice outlined is followed and the tools are used provided.

Among these benefits we can highlight: better communication channels, increased self-esteem, social reintegration, evolution in own capacities, motivation and orientation towards future goals and greater empathy.

3. Various fields of application

As we have already mentioned, psychology can have various fields of action and, therefore, of intervention.

3.1. Cognitive

This refers to psychotherapy interventions, where a person's belief system is studied. person to make changes or strengthen it, depending on the situation that the patient manifests in therapy. In a way that helps you have a positive effect on your lifestyle.

3.2. Social

Both in the awareness of the influence that we have and that society has on ourselves, as well as the power to give people the confidence and tools to create solutions or change in their community on their own own.

3.3. Clinical

Psychology can offer guidance and improvement to people in hospitals. Regardless of whether it is the work staff (improving their work approach and patient care) or if it is of patients (acceptance, coping or resolution of their illnesses and the care they must follow to to get better).

3.4. Judicial

As there are psychologists who contribute to the police forces, their testimony and professional skills are valued in the judicial area. To establish convictions, verify confessions or assess the mental stability of those involved.

3.5. Labor

One of the greatest benefits of psychology is to improve the work environment and climate of a company. In such a way that its performance and productivity can be ensured, guaranteeing occupational health and establishing psychosocial benefits for all employees.

4. It is an academic discipline

A very complex and abundant discipline, which not only trains professionals in the different branches that exist, but also offer the world important new discoveries that serve to learn a little more about the vast world of the mind human.

5. Observation is your strongest tool

Although it may sound simple, observation is a painstaking technique that involves more than just looking. In it, psychologists analyze the behavior of people through their non-verbal language, their development in the environment and their way of communicating with others.

6. It's dynamic

But it does not stop at observation, study and analysis. But once the psychologists, from the different areas of action, collect all the necessary information, they make an action plan. Which refers to the intervention that the specific conflict you want to deal with needs.

7. Global empathy

Empathy It is the pillar of psychology, since each person is a different universe and they have their own problems that, no matter what it is, has a significant severity for that person. In the same way, empathy is made up of discretion, respect and coping, which when given to patients or clients, can place their trust in the psychological process.

8. From the parts to the whole

Psychology not only focuses on a problem or the big picture, but is interested in the small parts that complement that whole. So that they can avoid the emergence of a major problem or the psychological breakdown of a person. Which happens when instead of solving a conflict, they accumulate.

As you can see, psychology is a discipline that can encompass various problems in the developmental areas of life. So if you need a guide for any of them, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist.

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