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The 90 best phrases about the Rain

Are you one of those who love the rain? There are people that are inspired to create, reflect, or relax on a rainy day, with the sound of water falling on the ground and on the plants, creating original and captivating music. After all, this sound is perhaps the most used in meditation therapy and sleep applications.

Knowing that, we bring in this article the best phrases and quotes about the rain and its restorative spirit for all of us.

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Great quotes about the rain

With these phrases we can appreciate how nature is the best source of inspiration of all.

1. Rain begins with a single drop. (Manal al Sharif)

Great things start with small steps.

2. Rain is grace, it is the sky that descends to Earth. Without rain, there would be no life. (John Updike)

When it rains, nature comes to life.

3. Don't be mad at the rain; it just doesn't know how to fall up. (Vladimir Nabokov)

You can't get mad at the things you can't change.

4. You say you love the rain but you use an umbrella when it rains. (Bob Marley)

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It is important to love a person with her flaws, that way you can help them grow.

5. It never rains forever. (Brandon Lee)

After the rain the sun always comes out.

6. Don't save yourself for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain. (Leo Durocher)

Why wait to get things done tomorrow?

7. If you want the rainbow, you have to endure the rain. (Dolly Parton)

If you want to be successful, you must accept defeat as well.

8. Sleeping in the rain should be considered the eighth wonder of the world. (Anonymous)

There are those who enjoy sleeping with the sound of the rain in the background.

9. I have a theory: if you fall in love in the rain, love lasts longer than if the sun shines. (Sergi Pàmies)

Remember that couples should be together through thick and thin.

10. A rainy winter, a rich summer. (Saying)

Saying about what to expect after the rainy months.

11. A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in good weather and ask for it back when it starts to rain. (Robert Frost)

Metaphor about the work of banks.

12. The desert is beautiful and lives without rain. (Paul Johns)

The things that make you unique are the things that make you beautiful.

13. If you pray for rain, you have to deal with mud too. (Denzel Washington)

Again, we are reminded that if we want to achieve something, we must accept the failures that come with achieving it.

14. It rains on the just and it also rains on the unjust; but on the just more, because the unjust steals the umbrella. (Lord Bowen)

Stay away from those who take advantage of your kindness.

15. Only the rain leaves an equivocal passion on the empty bench of lovers. (Luis García Montero)

Rain is closely related to melancholy.

16. With the May water, the stem grows. (Saying)

Proverb to refer to the plants that grow with the May rains.

17. A perfect day can be both sunny and rainy, it depends on your attitude. (Tana Davis)

Rainy days have their particular charm.

18. Wet man, he is not afraid of rain. (Olga Rodriguez)

A prepared man is not afraid to face difficulties.

19. If the rain ruins the picnic, but saves a farmer's crop, who are we to say it shouldn't rain? (Tom Barret)

There are things that affect us but that benefit others.

20. On long days of rain, the moments also seem tired, they run slowly almost as if to whisper their sadness to the world. (Stephen Littleword)

Another feeling related to rain is sadness.

21. I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the one you love. (Billy Bob Thornton)

While there are others who associate the rain with romance.

22. January water, each drop is worth money. (Saying)

Another popular saying about the abundance of rain.

23. He who buys the umbrella when it rains, worth six, charges him nine. (Saying)

There are things that are better to have in advance.

24. Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. (Roger Miller)

Many allow themselves to collapse in the face of obstacles, but others maintain the correct attitude to face them.

25. When it rains on your parade, look up before you down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. (Gilbert K. Chesterton)

Without the falls, we cannot learn anything that will take us to the top.

26. When it rains I share my umbrella, if I don't have an umbrella, I share the rain. (Enrique Ernesto Febbraro)

Any kind of help is always welcome.

27. You do not choose the rain that will soak you to the bone. (Julio Cortazar)

Are we able to choose who we fall in love with?

28. When it rains with sunshine, one devil dies and two are born. (Popular saying)

A fun popular saying about how peculiar rain is with sunshine.

29. Tears of joy are like summer raindrops pierced by rays of the sun. (Housea Ballou)

Tears of joy denote all contained bliss.

30. The raindrops make a hole in the stone, not because of violence, but because of the constant fall. (Lucretius)

He who perseveres, reaches.

31. I'm singing in the rain What a wonderful feeling, I am happy again. (Arthur Freed)

Put aside inhibitions for a moment to be happy.

32. One can find so many pains when the rain is falling. (John Steinbeck)

Another phrase that reminds us of the melancholic burden of the rain.

33. Let's look at it like this. The rain forces the hand to carry the umbrella instead of the telephone, and the eyes are free to look at the world. (Fabrizio Caramagna)

With the rain we can enjoy the simple things of the world.

34. I was your heaven... And when you left, the only thing I knew how to do was rain. (Anonymous)

Talking about the parting of a love.

35. Come rainy February, even if it comes out angry. (Saying)

Saying about the rains in February.

36. In every life some rain must fall. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Do you agree with this phrase?

37. It is important to be close to real things like rain and mud to have contact with nature. (Robin Day)

We must not forget the importance of nature.

38. Life is the fire that burns and the Sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and the earth is, what it is and what it is not. (Seneca)

Life is both sun and rain.

39. Whoever says that the sun brings happiness has never danced in the rain. (Anonymous)

Dare to do something different.

40. Love soothes like sunlight after rain. (William Shakespeare)

Love can brighten a gray day.

41. I like the smell of rain, because it's like you're here, even though you're not really there.

Have you shared a special moment with someone on a rainy day?

42. Without the Sun there would be no life, but neither would it be without the rain. (Frey Juhn)

The rain brings life.

43. Many curse the rain that falls on their heads, and they do not know that it brings abundance to drive away hunger. (Saint Basil)

Rain helps crops grow.

44. I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't go the way you want, move on. If you think it's going to rain, it will. (Clint Eastwood)

Not because one thing has not worked should we give up.

45. I long for the flowers that bend in the wind and rain. (Tso Ssu)

Nostalgia, another emotion that the rain brings with it.

46. I like to see you smile when it rains.

Reference to the natural beauty of people.

47. If you see the bee drinking, very soon you will see rain. (Saying)

Saying about the announcement of the rain.

48. The rain does not stay in the sky. (Finnish proverb)

Things don't stay hidden forever.

49. A welcome summer rain can suddenly cleanse the earth, the air, and you. (Langston Hughes)

We should all stay in the rain for a moment.

50. The clouds come floating into my life, not to bring rain or accompany the storm, but to add color to my sunset. (Rabindranath Tagore)

An obstacle does not represent a setback.

51. Hello, how are you, it's raining, I love you, bye. (Roberto Bolaño)

Another phrase that shows us that love and rain also go hand in hand.

52. You wet me with the downpour rain, with your pure and sincere love, with a bath of I love you. (Victor and Pablo Escalona)

Rain as a metaphor for love in poetry.

53. If you see it raining in September, winter sure is. (Saying)

The rain as a prelude to winter.

54. God strips naked in the rain like an innumerable caress. (Juan Ortíz)

Rain seen as a work of God.

55. The sun is delicious, the rain is refreshing, the wind prepares us, the snow is exhilarating. There really is no such thing as bad weather, just different kinds of good weather. (John Ruskin)

A beautiful phrase to change your perspective on the rain.

56. When rain came down from the machine again and again the rain, through the light from the car headlights, looked like thousands of luminous needles. (Emine Sevgi Özdamar)

Even after it rains, things look different.

57. I like to see the rain, to see it fall on my face, because nobody notices that I am crying, for a love that is not forgotten.

The pain that flows with tears is like a storm from outside.

58 Sweet showers in April bring the flowers of May. (Thomas Tusser)

Rain is also the prelude to spring.

59. In order to see the rainbow, you must first endure the rain. (David Cegla)

To be successful you must first work hard.

60. I think the fish is good, but then I think the rain is wet, so who am I to judge? (Douglas Adams)

Why wouldn't the rain be good?

61. The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of the wind in a virgin forest, and the sound of the ocean on a beach. (Henry Beston)

Many enjoy the sound of the rain.

62. The rain writes like a child lying on its page, with oblique lines and slow, diligent. (Christian Bobin)

An interesting analogy about rain.

63. Whoever has not been kissed on one of those rainy Parisian afternoons has never been kissed. (Woody Allen)

A movie kiss.

64. March leaves and April enters, little clouds to cry and little fields to laugh. (Saying)

The transition of the climates of March and April.

65. Glad to see the raindrops fall. But they smash to the ground. (Ernesto Esteban Echenique)

There are things that are not what they appear.

66. Don't threaten me with love, darling. We are going to walk in the rain. (Billie Holiday)

About things to share as a couple.

67. Sometimes we should express our gratitude for small and simple things like the smell of rain, the taste of a favorite food, or the sound of a loved one's voice. (Joseph Wirthlin)

When we are grateful for the little things in nature, we can appreciate the riches.

68. The rain, insistent and subtle, wraps its silent arms around the earth, numbs the colors, fills the world with insinuations and small melancholy, tightens the knots more, has the meaning of life up there, indecipherable, between clouds. (Fabrizio Caramagna)

A great reference to the emotions that are unleashed in the rain.

69. Plants grow when the rain rises and the sun rises. Both are good for them. (Gene Matris)

Plants need sun and rain.

70. The rain in winter shows what the eyes see as if it were something ancient. (Yosa Buson)

There is something very classic and traditional about winter rains.

71. Illness and disasters come and go like rain, but health is like the sun that illuminates the entire town. (African proverb)

Diseases are not eternal.

72. Roses will never rain: when we want to have more roses we must plant more trees. (George Eliot)

Things do not fall from the sky, we must work for them.

73. Criticism, like rain, must be gentle enough to nurture a man's growth, without destroying his roots. (Frank A. Clark)

Important analogy on constructive criticism.

74. May this rain of love surprise you without an umbrella.

Embrace love when it comes to you.

75. Sometimes you have to be quiet to hear the music behind the sound of the rain.

If you pay attention you will see how you discover music after the rain.

76. What do I do looking at the rain, if it doesn't rain. (Karmelo Iribarren)

It is useless to worry about things that have not yet arrived.

77. I need the seasons to live to the rhythm of the rain and the sun. (Sophie Marceau)

Don't stop your day because of a drizzle.

78. The average man is a conformist, he accepts miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow in the rain. (Colin Wilson)

Conformity never brings anything good.

79. If you observe it well, the summer rain does not wet... it colors the world. (Fabrizio Caramagna)

A beautiful view of the summer rain.

80. If love is a rain, if she wets you and makes you hers, do not fear her, do not run away from her, she is your ally. (Ilan Chester)

Don't run away from feelings.

81. Little sheep in the sky, puddles on the ground. (Saying)

The rain like sheep.

82. On rainy days the sun is an unforgivable intruder. (Eduardo Sacheri)

Do you enjoy rainy days?

83. Nobody has the right to rain in your dreams. (Marian Wright Edelman)

No person has the right to interfere in your life.

84. A wind has blown the rain, the sky and all the leaves away, and the trees have been like that. I think I have been in the fall too long. (AND. Cummings)

Staying in a melancholic state for a long time is not beneficial.

85. There are days when rain seems to have been invented to accompany the notes played slowly on a sax. (Francis Dannemark)

The rain and the sax music go well.

86. He left in the rain. Without saying a word. Without looking at me. And I covered my face with my hands. And I cried. (Jacques Prévert)

There are those who associate rain with losses.

87. Clouds of words used, what rain will they give? (Elias Canetti)

Repeated speeches never bring promises kept

88. The person who dances with you in the rain will be the one who walks with you in the storm. (Anonymous)

The person who stays by your side in bad times is the one who will support you forever.

89. Some say that the rain is aimless and others say that it is full of memories and wishes. (Tagor Manroo)

It's all about perspective.

90. With rain this path would be another path, this forest another forest. (Patrick Rothfuss)

The rain changes the landscape.

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