This is the most dangerous sexual position (due to risk of fracture)
Sex with our partner is a very pleasant activity and we hardly associate it with something dangerous, unless we talk about sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies. But it turns out that sexual intercourse can also carry other types of risks to health.
This is the case of the one that has been considered the most dangerous sexual position, since when practicing it can cause a fracture of the penis. A team of Brazilian scientists has conducted a study to find out which sexual position carries the most risks and has come to a conclusion. We will tell you what it is about!
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What is the most dangerous sexual position?
The team of scientists from the Medical School of the State University of Campinas located in Brazil has managed to find the most dangerous sexual position, by causing penis fractures with more frequency.
To do this, Brazilian scientists conducted an experiment in which studied cases of 44 different men who had a penile fracture
for a period of 13 years. The findings in these 44 cases were that 28 of them had a penile fracture during heterosexual intercourse, 4 of them in homosexual relationships, 6 during penile manipulation and the remaining 4 due to circumstances that are difficult to describe.This study, which was published in the journal Advances in Urology, tells what happened at the time the penis fracture occurred. Explain that half of the patients said they had heard some kind of popping or popping during intercourse, followed by a pain. However, it took them between 5 or 6 hours to go to the hospital, because for some it was a situation shameful and on the other hand, the others were unaware of the importance of that "creak" produced during the act sexual.
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The sexual position with the highest risk of penile fracture
The research concluded that one of the most common sexual positions is the most dangerous for causing penile fracture; This is the sexual position in which the woman is on top of the man, known colloquially as "cowgirl" or "cowboy" in the case of homosexual relationships. 22 of the 44 penile fractures studied by scientists were caused under this sexual position.
Those responsible for this research clarify that the “study supports the fact that sexual relations with the woman at the top is the Potentially riskier sexual posture with regard to penile fracture ”, specifying this fact more present in relationships heterosexuals.
At the same time, scientists explain that the apparent reason for the penis fracture is that at the moment in which the penetration is carried out, with the woman on top of the man, certain movements or struggles, in which it is uncertain for the man whether the penetration is taking place in the correct way or not. Well, when the penetration is wrong, it produces an almost imperceptible damage in the woman, unlike in the man, who suffers as a consequence the fracture of the penis.
It is curious in any case that the most dangerous sexual position is one of the most practiced by heterosexual couples, which could suggest that it increases the risk of penile fractures. However, the percentage of patients treated in hospitals for this fact is not very high and much less cause for alarm.
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