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Psychology of women: 12 female psychic characteristics

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Although each person is unique and different, regardless of their gender, it is true that the differences between men and women have been investigated for many years. Thus it has been determined that there are certain feminine psychic characteristics and others more properly masculine.

In this article we will know 12 female psychic characteristics typical of the psychology of women, which have to see with the way women communicate, with their expression of feelings, their way of thinking, of behaving, etc. Before, but, we will include some previous specifications.

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The psychological characteristics of women

The differences found between men and women are explained by different factors: on the one hand, differences in the brain at the level of functioning, size of certain structures, connections, etc; on the other hand, hormonal factors also play a key role in these female psychic differences.

Finally, environmental factors, the type of life, life events, etc., also influence how we behave according to our gender.

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All this makes women present certain psychic characteristics of their own, which are explained through the psychology of women. In this article we will know 12 female psychic characteristics, although there may be many more.

What's more, this does not mean that all women present them, but in a generic way they are more likely to manifest these psychic characteristics. On the other hand, we must emphasize that we are not saying that men cannot present these characteristics, but that they are generally more common in women. Having made the previous clarifications, we are going to know these characteristics:

1. Sensitivity

There are various studies that show how women have a special (or greater) sensitivity that distinguishes them from men. Sensitivity implies being able to perceive beauty, to get excited about life situations, to empathize with others or to experience an emotion of compassion or tenderness in the face of certain situations.

This female psychic characteristic may be due to hormonal factors, among others, since, logically, the levels and types of hormones in men and women vary.

2. Comprehension of non-verbal language

Another of the feminine psychic characteristics is her ability to understand non-verbal language. Verbal language accompanies verbal language (words), and includes tone of voice, body posture, management of personal spaces, gestures, etc.

Namely, women would have a special facility to interpret non-verbal language of other people when they communicate with them.

3. Empathy

Empathy too is frequently related to the psychology of women; This concept, closely related to emotional intelligence, is understood as the ability to look at the world from the eyes of another person, understanding their emotions and their point of view. That is, it implies knowing how to put yourself in the place of the other.

Thus, women, when they listen to others, are capable not only of correctly interpreting their non-verbal language, but also of empathizing with these people.

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Women's Psychology - Empathy

4. Expression of emotions

Another characteristic that largely defines how we women are is our expression of emotions.

Unlike men, who generally have a harder time expressing what they feel (probably due to an issue of cultural heritage and education, since they have always been “Taught” not to cry in public, to hold back, etc.), women have an easier time expressing their emotions.

In addition, they also have an easier time talking about the feelings of others, that is, through listening and dialoguing with others about their emotions.

5. Memory

The fifth of the feminine psychic characteristics that we propose refers to a cognitive capacity: memory. Some studies have gone along this line, showing that women have a better memory, specifically, explicit and autobiographical memory (of lived events and memories, dates, birthdays, etc.).

However, studies also show that there are certain factors that influence this, such as education or age.

6. Aggressiveness

It is known that men, in addition to being more aggressive than women (a factor related to their higher levels of testosterone), also express their aggressiveness to a greater extent. In other words, women tend to repress it or not express it, "keeping" that emotion. In other words, both men and women can feel rage and anger, but that we channel it differently.

Thus, when faced with a conflict, while men tend to enter into a “fight”, women tend to seek less aggressive responses, such as negotiation or verbalization of emotions.

7. Worry

Another feminine psychic characteristic is the degree of concern that women express. This is usually higher than in the case of men; This does not mean that men do not worry about things, but that they do it differently and in different situations.

While the woman tends to "give more turns" to things, the man is more to happen to the facts, that is to say, to "take care" of the problems instead of "to worry".

Women's Psychology - Concern

8. Listens

A little related to another point already mentioned, we find listening. This capacity is what allows us to attend to the demands of others and to be able to offer them support that goes beyond words.

Listening or active listening It is another of the female psychic characteristics, and it is also related to her great ability to understand non-verbal language.

9. Intuition

Surely you have ever heard of "feminine intuition". What is it really? It is about the capacity that women have to draw quick and accurate conclusions to specific situations or problems, although not methodically or planned.

In other words, it is a kind of "sixth sense" that allows us to generate solutions and find answers to ambiguous or disconcerting situations.

10. Details

Another characteristic of women's psychology is our ability to focus on details. This characteristic has also been shown in some studies that study what we remember from different images or from different routes (how we guide ourselves) compared to men. Thus, while men tend to "peek" at things faster, women pay more attention to details.

11. Prudence

Prudence is also believed to be another of the female psychic characteristics. Prudence is the ability that allows us to think about the risks of certain situations, making us act according to them and that we adapt our behavior to avoid being harmed.

Thus, this characteristic is associated with women; men, on the other hand, tend to make riskier decisions. This is evident, for example, when analyzing the activity of male and female economic investors. We take fewer risks, which usually translates into greater investment stability.

12. Oscillations in mood

Finally, the last of the feminine psychic characteristics that we find is the oscillation in the mood swings.

This does not mean that women are more psychologically unstable, but in certain periods (especially during the premenstrual and menstrual period), due to the great changes hormonal that women experience, fluctuations in mood may appear, going from sadness to anger in a few minutes.

Bibliographic references

  • Berga, A. (2005). Female adolescence and social risk: an invisible relationship. Ramon Llull University. Faculty of Social Education and Social Work Pere Tarrés. Educació social: magazine d'intervenció socioeducativa, 29: 1-16.

  • Hyde, J. Sh. (1991). Psychology of women. The other half of the human experience. Morata Editions: Madrid.

  • Sánchez, A. (2005). Introduction to the study of individual differences. Madrid: Ed. Sanz y Torres. 2nd Edition.
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