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The properties of watermelon, and its health benefits

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Watermelon is one of the most refreshing fruits due to its high water content. But in addition to this, it has several other benefits and properties that help health. Nature is very wise and has given us fruits to eat something delicious and nutritious.

This great fruit, like the vast majority, is best consumed while it is in season, but if it is found at another time of year, it is also good to eat it and enjoy its benefits. Besides eating it raw, you can choose to take it in drinks.

Know the properties and benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit with multiple vitamins and other healthy components. It contains vitamins A, B and C, in addition to fiber, water in a high percentage and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese among others.

For all these reasons, watermelon is an excellent alternative to refresh and nourish yourself, especially during the summer. The properties and benefits of watermelon make it an excellent option, and in this article we will explain why.

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1. Antioxidant

Watermelon is a fruit with a good amount of antioxidants. Like all red fruits, lwatermelon contains lycopene, which is what gives these fruits their red color. This component is what gives you the antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals. Among the benefits of foods that contain it is to protect the circulatory system.

This is because antioxidants help counteract the effects of free radicals in the body. In this way, the heart and arteries stay young and function better.

These antioxidants also help the skin by protecting it from external factors that accelerate the aging process., which together with the amount of water that the watermelon contains, make this fruit a good ally to have a hydrated and young skin.

2. Diuretic

Its large amount of water makes watermelon work as a diuretic. Watermelon is composed of 90% water, which favors the elimination of toxins. In this way, the kidneys, urinary tract and prostate can be helped to function properly. Also, this helps prevent fluid retention, which causes bloating.

On the other hand, watermelon has a significant amount of fiber. So it also helps to maintain a good cleansing in the intestines and in general an optimal functioning of the digestive system. This combination of water and fiber, make watermelon help a good elimination of toxins through urine and feces. Consuming it regularly will surely make you feel light and help you eliminate what your body does not need.

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3. Muscle pain

A little-known property of watermelon is to help relieve muscle pain. Watermelon contains L-citrullineThis amino acid is widely used, especially synthetically, in people who perform sports that involve extreme muscular effort. This compound provides pain relief after an exercise routine.

An effective way to consume watermelon to enjoy this benefit is to do it through drinks. The recommendation is that this juice be prepared with household appliances that take advantage of even the peel and leave a drink ready to be enjoyed without the need to strain. This recommendation is because a watermelon juice that eliminates fiber will not be providing all the nutrients that this fruit offers.

Even so, a classic watermelon juice in which we have discarded the rind will maintain its positive properties on our muscle recovery.

4. Hydration

Watermelon is made up of 90% water. As already mentioned, the fundamental element of this fruit is water, which makes watermelon an excellent source of natural hydration, as well as being delicious.

During the summer time, when the temperature rises and the body requires a greater amount of water, the fruits of the season provide us with great hydration, as well as multiple vitamins. Watermelon is one of the fruits with the highest water content of all the typical summer fruits.

5. Low calorie

Its fiber and water content make watermelon a very low calorie fruit. Although this fruit also has a very sweet taste, in reality its caloric and sugar content is really low. If you need to eat something with sugar, you could consume watermelon to satisfy the craving without ruining your diet.

One of the foods that can be included in a low-calorie diet to maintain or lose weight is undoubtedly watermelon. As has already been mentioned, its amount of water and fiber, plus the vitamins it contains, make this fruit an excellent option to include in a regimen that pursues this objective. While a watermelon juice is delicious and refreshing, eating it raw can help you feel full.

6. Control sugar levels

The watermelon rind is an ally to keep sugar levels at an optimal level. A watermelon juice that also includes the rind includes a high content of lycopenes, which help balance and even lower blood sugar. This undoubtedly makes it a recommended fruit for diabetic patients.

To prevent or as an aid in the treatment of metabolic syndrome, this watermelon juice with peel is also very beneficial, which also helps metabolize accumulated fat.

Because watermelon usually has a very sweet taste, it becomes a healthy and flattering alternative for people who suffer from high levels of glucose in the blood and who report having a craving for something sweet, especially for the afternoon.

7. Anticancer compounds

Watermelon contains lycopene, a compound that is considered anticancer. It is an antioxidant that, according to various studies, it has been shown that it could be involved in the prevention of different types of cancer. Because antioxidants fight free radicals, some of them are thought to help reduce the chance of developing cancer.

The lycopene contained in watermelon could decrease the appearance of breast, prostate and lung cancer. Due to this reason, watermelon is among the foods that are recommended to prevent the appearance of cancer. Whether it is consumed raw, directly in slices, or as already recommended, a juice is made that preferably includes the peel, in order to take advantage of all the nutrients.

Bibliographic references

  • Naz, A., Butt, M. S., Sultan, M. T., Qayyum, M. M., & Niaz, R. S. (2014). Watermelon lycopene and allied health claims. EXCLI journal, 13, 650–660.
  • Lum, T., Connolly, M., Marx, A., Beidler, J., Hooshmand, S., Kern, M.,… Hong, M. Y. (2019). Effects of Fresh Watermelon Consumption on the Acute Satiety Response and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight and Obese Adults. Nutrients, 11 (3), 595. doi: 10.3390 / nu11030595.
  • Shanely, R. A., Nieman, D. C., Perkins-Veazie, P., Henson, D. A., Meaney, M. P., Knab, A. M., & Cialdell-Kam, L. (2016). Comparison of Watermelon and Carbohydrate Beverage on Exercise-Induced Alterations in Systemic Inflammation, Immune Dysfunction, and Plasma Antioxidant Capacity. Nutrients, 8 (8), 518. doi: 10.3390 / nu8080518.
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