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10 relaxation techniques to combat anxiety

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Today many people suffer the consequences of a fast-paced lifestyle. When there are many activities, responsibilities and stress during the day to day, the brain is in a state of alert and hormones that are harmful in the long run.

The real danger never comes and yet the hormones are still there, causing anxiety and stress. This affects mood and physical health, but different relaxation techniques can be used to combat anxiety.

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10 relaxation techniques to combat anxiety

The constant feeling of anxiety, stress and mental exhaustion is a serious warning from the body. It is time to act when the body notices an excess of work or activities, and it is that health problems may appear that must be avoided.

Learning to relax is the most recommended alternative to any medication. It is best to learn any of the different relaxation techniques to combat anxiety, which allow self-regulation.

1. Breathing

Correct breathing has surprising effects on the body

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. Yes, we breathe all the time, but not always in a way that relaxes us. Proper breathing technique helps lower stress levels.

To achieve this, you have to sit with your back straight and your thighs at 90º. It is better to place one hand on the abdomen and the other on the chest, so it is easier to concentrate on how the air enters these two areas.

In this way, inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth gently. You must perceive how the air enters more on the abdomen, that is the correct technique.

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2. Display

Visualization is a simple but powerful relaxation technique. The best thing is that it is accompanied by correct breathing. Choose a relaxed place where there is not too much noise and whenever possible, accompanied by soft instrumental music.

To begin, you have to close your eyes, concentrate on the air inlet and outlet, and then take your mind to a place that causes tranquility. It can be the sea, a garden full of flowers, etc., and you have to try to recreate each of the elements of the place with your 5 senses.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation helps to become aware of the body. This relaxation technique consists of relaxing each group of muscles. You can start with the toes and work your way up with each set of muscles.

It is versatile because it can be done either while lying down or sitting down. To do this, you have to tense a muscle group for 5 seconds and relax it for 30 seconds before moving on to the next. It can be done with fingers, feet, legs, arms, abdomen, neck, head, mouth, etc.

4. Autogenous relaxation

Autogenous relaxation brings together various relaxation techniques. Once breathing, visualization, and muscle relaxation are mastered, it can lead to performed naturally at the same time and in a single relaxation session to achieve a beneficial higher.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable place away from loud noise. It begins by inhaling and exhaling, carrying out a visualization of the place that relaxes at the same time that the muscles contract and relax.

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5. Meditation

Mastering a meditation technique is highly recommended. It may take time, but it is a very effective way to combat anxiety. There is a very simple way to start with meditation, the challenge is to keep the mind from wandering.

Sit in a comfortable place, away from loud sounds and where there are no interruptions. It begins with a proper breath and at the end of each breath repeat a short phrase such as "I feel calm" or "I relax." During this process you should not think about anything other than the air coming in and going out and the phrase you choose.

6. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a philosophy of life about connecting with yourself. Within all this philosophy there are different techniques to achieve this connection. They should be practiced until they are mastered, and they are undoubtedly an excellent relaxation technique to combat anxiety.

One of the techniques of mindfulness is to do a mental scan of the body. It consists of sitting or lying down comfortably and accompanying with relaxing music to go over each part of the body. This is how you feel the physical and emotional processes that are experienced at that moment.

7. Massages

There are relaxing massages that are very pleasant and fight anxiety. Using a relaxing massage is an excellent idea, although it requires someone else to do it. It is best to go to a beauty center or spa where an expert will carry it out.

The advantage of a relaxing massage is that it can be focused on areas of the body that are injured due to stress, such as shoulders, neck and back. These massages are accompanied by relaxing music that allows an ideal environment to reduce anxiety.

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8. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy complements other relaxation techniques. With essential oils from plants known to have relaxing properties, it is possible to relax the body and mind. This improves concentration and mood.

Essential oils can be added to a tub bath or use a diffuser to enjoy their scent while doing a deep breathing exercise. Ylang-ylang, lavender, mandarin or sandalwood are some of the scents that can be used in aromatherapy.

9. Yoga

Yoga is a physical and mental discipline that has very effective relaxation techniques. Yoga cannot be reduced to just a relaxation exercise, although its overall practice helps to keep stress and anxiety under control.

Practicing yoga has physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Through the exercises a full state of consciousness is achieved to eliminate stress from our system. It takes practice and perseverance, and represents a great relaxation technique to combat anxiety.

10. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is used for many purposes, and one of them is relaxation. A hydrotherapy is commonly carried out in spas or spas. It is used to treat some diseases or for muscle rehabilitation, but there are hydrotherapy sessions focused on relaxation.

For example, mechanical pressure hydrotherapy is used to help relax muscles. A session of thermal hydrotherapy with hot or lukewarm and chlorinated water also has relaxing effects. In some places they accompany this aromatherapy hydrotherapy.

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Bibliographic references

  • Calle, R. (1999). The book of yogas. Madrid: Edaf..

  • Chevallier, A. (2016). Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments. DK Pub.

  • Iyengar, B. K. S. (2005). Light on Yoga. Editorial Kairós

  • Jacobson, E. (1929). Progressive relaxation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press..

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