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The 50 best famous phrases of Severo Ochoa

Severo Ochoa de Albornoz was a Spanish scientist (although he also obtained American citizenship) from the branch of medicine, whose greatest achievement that marked a before and after in the world was to synthesize within a laboratory, RNA, which it's he earned him the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1959, an award that he shared with one of his students, Arthur Kornberg.

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Famous quotes from Severo Ochoa

Although he began his career as a university professor in Madrid, he had to leave his country due to the instability of the government. product of a civil war and later, World War II, for which he worked most of his life in the United States. United. Next we will see a compilation of the best phrases of Severo Ochoa on various topics of life and science.

1. A woman can change the life trajectory of a man.

Without a doubt, couples are there to influence each other's world.

2. I no longer work, but I talk a lot with young scientists, I advise them if necessary.

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At the end of his life, the doctor dedicated himself to sharing his knowledge and guiding the young people.

3. It would be very difficult for my wife and I to get used to living elsewhere now.

A home is not a specific place.

4. Love is physical and chemical.

A very interesting way to describe love.

5. This does not mean that I have a bad time, no. I travel, listen to music, etc.

Although we can no longer do what we once did, we can enjoy other things.

6. No city can offer so much in every facet of cultural and intellectual life.

Talking about New York.

7. Science is always worthwhile because its discoveries, sooner or later, always apply.

Science is a great pillar in human development.

8. Time is busy. But I have no interest in life.

With the death of his wife, the scientist entered a great state of sadness.

9. In the beginning, when we had more energy, we didn't miss any important exposures.

A reference to how time is causing our energies to decrease.

10. In principle, the investigation needs more heads than means.

Science begins with an idea.

11. I think we are that, and nothing more physical and chemical.

Elements that make up our body.

12. We often visit not only the museums, but also the art galleries of the city. Furthermore, we rarely missed a chamber music recital, a play, or a symphonic or choral concert.

A romantic anecdote between the scientist and his wife.

13. Every time I answer negatively to a question of this type I receive a lot of letters trying to convince me that I am wrong.

Referring to questions about whether or not she is a believer.

14. When it comes to science, New York offers an impressive variety of seminars and conferences.

The state that became his new home.

15. Spaniards are intolerant, they want others to think like them.

A facet of old Spain.

16. I have dedicated myself to researching life and I do not know why or what it exists for.

We all have this latent curiosity.

17. My wife was a believer, I was not; but we always live very happy, respecting our ideas.

It is not necessary to have the same religious beliefs to get along.

18. In these moments, when the scientific literature has grown so much that it is impossible to keep up with progress, Even in your own field, seminars, conferences, and other meetings are essential to stay informed.

Progress within the world of science.

19. It was never a problem, and we weren't trying to convince ourselves. Sometimes she would forget to go to mass and I would tell her: "Carmen, the mass ..."

A funny memory about respecting your beliefs.

20. I was born in Asturias and for me "reality" begins naturally with Asturias.

Our place of origin stays with us.

21. Why be content with living in tow when we feel the yearning to fly?

If you can grow, why not do it?

22. There are scientists who are very religious, even extremely, and others who are not.

Being a scientist does not preclude having a religious belief.

23. My first memories are of Asturias, specifically of Gijón and Luarca.

Childhood memories.

24. My basic truth is that all time is an expanding now.

A very successful way to live now as a perpetual hour.

25. I don't believe in the supernatural.

Affirming the nonbelief of him.

26. In Gijón, during the winter, he went to school, in Luarca he spent the summer.

His youthful life.

27. Man first learns in life to walk and to speak. Later, to sit still and keep your mouth shut.

The more time passes, the more valuable things we learn.

28. I am not looking for easy consolation. I prefer not to have consolation.

A somewhat harsh man on the spiritual side.

29. Although I was born on a street in the town of Luarca near the church, my awareness of Asturias begins in the neighbor village of Villar, on the plateau that ends in a steep and beautiful cliff constantly beaten at its base by the sea.

There are people who, although they are close to religion, do not have a true connection with it.

30. Consoling myself with Carmen's death would seem like a betrayal of her.

A way to respect your departure.

31. That's where we spent the summer as long as I can remember. To the south, the mountain, soft, with all the shades of green imaginable; to the north, the Cantabrian Sea, calm to blue at times, more often gray, blackish and threatening.

The landscape was embedded in the memories of him.

32. Of course, the scientist has to have ethical approaches.

Ethics is the pillar of science.

33. Over the years my memory returns to Villar, where I had saturated my senses with "Nature" and where my mind later began to mature and my spirit was shaped by reading and the study.

The scientist had a great love for nature.

34. I've gotten used to going on living because I'm too much of a coward to get out of the way.

Talking about moving on.

35. I believe that those who consciously collaborate to develop something for destructive purposes, as happened with the atomic bomb, are reprehensible.

Science should not be used for bad purposes.

36. There I began to read original research papers in a French magazine, the Journal de Physiologie et Pathologie Génerale, to which he had subscribed me when I was studying the second year of medicine.

Her first encounter with science.

37. Now, when one is investigating, he does not think much about whether the application of his discoveries can be dangerous.

There is always an element of awareness about the danger of discoveries.

38. My wife, Carmen Cobián, is also Asturian, from Gijón. We got married, in Castizo Asturian, in the cave of Covadonga.

Speaking of the origin of his wife.

39. I always say that everything that contributes to increasing human knowledge must be done, even if it is not known what may come after it.

Sometimes the best progress comes from mistakes.

40. Despite our long residence outside of Spain, we have been returning annually or biannually for many years now for periods ranging from a couple of weeks to a couple of months.

Going back to our roots can be a comforting thing.

41. I have lived in New York for half my life.

An unknown city that became his fixed place.

42. Naturally, one must try to prevent the use of what can be harmful to humanity.

Discoveries that pose a risk to people should be left in the dark.

43. We often go to Asturias, which we find more and more beautiful and welcoming. (…) In Asturias we had and still have a very dear family and close friends.

A land that always had a beautiful meaning for them.

44. There is a defense investigation, what in the United States is called classified, that is, secret.

Talking about the negative experiments and discoveries that the country makes.

45. That did not fall from the sky, it fell from the greatest scientific personality that Spain has had and one of the greatest the world has ever had, which was Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal, and for the readings of his plays.

Talking about how he became interested in his profession.

46. ..I was madly in love with Carmen all my life.

A real love that lasted a lifetime.

47. That happens in many countries. Although I do not think that anyone forced to work in those places, because a scientist cannot be forced to do what he does not want. But there are people who are asked for that dedication with moral blackmail... And when the so-called patriotism is after bad business ...

On the strange need of various countries to experiment with dangerous elements.

48. Despite the difficulties inherent in life in big cities, I do not regret it.

Everything has its difficulties, so we can only cope with it.

49. There has been a lot of discussion about what the mission of the University is. For me it basically means the same that, with his great clairvoyance and characteristic brilliance, Ortega defined more than fifty years ago. It can be summed up in a few words: that of spreading and creating culture. This is the way Cajal saw her.

His position on what college should be. Without a doubt, this is the most important house after our home, as it is where we are formed.

50. And now life without her is not life.

When her wife died, it was as if a part of the scientist had also died along with her.

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