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Clots in menstruation: 8 causes that explain them

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Clots during menstruation are relatively normal. Almost all women of reproductive age have presented them at some point, so there is no need to be alarmed if blood clots can be found along with the bleeding typical of the period.

As long as the size and the periodicity are within certain parameters, there is nothing to worry about. However, you have to recognize when the clots stop being normal and are actually a symptom of some condition.

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What 8 causes explain the clots in menstruation?

If the appearance of clots in menstruation is something very abnormal, you should go to the gynecologist. It requires revision if they present in abundance and there is pain in the expulsion, as well as if they have exceeded the normal size.

If it appears in some cycles and not in others, it is also pertinent to go to the doctor to rule out or confirm a condition. Anyway, it is good to know that the appearance of clots in menstruation may be due to any of the situations presented below.

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1. Regular menstruation

Mentrual clots are not uncommon. When there is no fertilization, the endometrium detaches from the uterus giving way to menstruation. This lining of endometrium dissolves and comes out in liquid form. However, in the face of a hormonal imbalance there may always be some alteration in coagulation, causing the endometrium not to dissolve completely.

For this reason, small clots may appear that are perfectly normal. These hormonal imbalances are not worrisome and will probably regulate in the next cycle. If more than three cycles go by without the clots disappearing, then it may be advisable to consult with the gynecologist.

2. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is the most common cause of irregular clots. This condition is caused by irregular thickening of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle. Due to this, her detachment is much more painful than usual and she cannot coagulate properly. It is for this reason that the clots that are expelled are larger and denser.

Although colic and general discomfort can be common during the course of menstruation, when there is endometriosis this becomes more intense and even disabling. Without a doubt, these symptoms require a gynecological examination.

3. Fibroids

One cause of menstruation clots is fibroids. Fibroids are benign tumors that lodge in the walls of the uterus. Although they are not a cause for alarm, the truth is that they cause discomfort. In fact, the most obvious symptoms of fibroids are the appearance of clots during menstruation and moderate to severe pain.

Unlike endometriosis, which causes pain when the clot is dislodged and expelled, moderate but persistent pain occurs with fibroids. This condition is easy to detect and requires treatment to avoid further complications. If there are irregular periods and clots, you should go to the gynecologist to check for fibroids.

4. Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia causes menstruation clots, and it is that when there is a deficiency of this mineral in the body and in the blood clots can appear. A lack of iron causes anemia, and problems arise to properly clot the blood.

The problem with iron deficiency anemia is that it becomes a vicious cycle. In the absence of clotting, there are heavy periods, and this in turn causes even more iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, do not have to wait a long time to go to the consultation with heavy menstruation.

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5. Polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries are a probable cause of menstrual clots. This condition is due to hormonal imbalances, which affect the clotting process during menstruation. Clots that are larger than usual can be a sign of polycystic ovaries.

This requires a diagnosis by the doctor. He will have to carry out other studies and, based on the medical history, determine if the patient is presenting with a polycystic ovary. There is also the possibility that there are polycystic ovaries without these generating clots, so the gynecological examination is of great importance.

6. Endometrial hyperplasia

Symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia are large, thick clots during menstruation. If during the menstrual cycle there is a lot of pain and there are clots like that, there is probably a problem with the endometrium.

Endometrial hyperplasia involves a disorderly and abnormal growth of the tissue that lines the uterus. This tissue grows during each cycle to prepare the womb for the arrival of the fertilized egg. If there is no pregnancy, then the endometrium dissolves and is expelled, but if the endometrium has an abnormal thickness and size, a mismatch appears.

7. Abortion

Another cause of menstrual clots is abortion. During the first weeks of fertilization there are many factors that can affect the proper development of the fetus. The body can eventually expel it, thus causing a spontaneous abortion, and one of the first signs is the exit of clots.

If the clots also have an unusual color, you should go to the emergency room immediately. There may be significant blood loss, and miscarriage always requires a medical check-up. It may happen that when it comes to the beginning of pregnancy it is not known that it existed, so if you have any questions, you should go to the doctor.

8. Vitamin deficiency

A deficiency of vitamin C and K causes poor clotting. The lack of proper clotting alters menstruation and clots may occur, although this does not normally cause pain.

If the expulsion of clots during menstruation is constant cycle by cycle and fatigue is felt, it should be consulted with the doctor. There are women who may feel weak and dizzy that is accentuated during the days of heaviest bleeding and one of the explanations is that it is due to a vitamin deficiency. In addition to making adjustments in the diet, it is advisable to add a supplement to accelerate recovery.

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Bibliographic references

  • Briden, L. (2019). How to improve your menstrual cycle: Natural treatment to improve hormones and menstruation. GreenPeak Publishing.

  • Halbreich, U. (2004). The diagnosis of premenstrual syndromes and premenstrual dysphoric disorder - clinical procedures and research perspectives. Gynecol. Endocrinol, 19 (6), 320-334.

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