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70 phrases for babies and newborns: beautiful messages to dedicate

The birth of a baby in a family is usually a moment of happiness and joy, and it is customary to celebrate it with messages of affection and good wishes for the newborn or the parents.

In this article we make a selection of the best phrases for babies and newborns, ideal to dedicate and welcome the new member of the family with messages of affection and affection.

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70 phrases for babies and newborns

These are the most beautiful and special phrases for babies that you can dedicate to family and friends who welcome a new member of the family.

1. Having a baby changes your life, but I don't change it for the world.

You always hear how a child changes your life, but it is an experience that most mothers wouldn't trade for the world.

2. A baby is like the beginning of all wonderful things; hopes, dreams and possibilities

One of the most beautiful phrases for babies, ideal to dedicate to new parents.

3. Every child who comes into the world tells us: "God still waits for man"

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This phrase by the Indian philosopher and writer Rabindranath Tagore invites us to reflect.

4. A baby represents God's opinion that the world must go on

A similar message is expressed by the poet and novelist Carl Sandburg with this phrase for babies.

5. The best smell, that of bread; the best flavor, that of salt; the best love, that of children

The novelist Graham Greene expresses in this sentence how pure is the love of the little ones.

6. If one feels the need for something great, something infinite, something that makes one feel God conscious, one does not need to go very far to find it. I think I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of a baby's eyes when she wakes up in the morning and lulls or laughs because she sees the sun shining on her crib

One of the most beautiful baby phrases, expressed by the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh.

7. Sometimes the smallest things fill more space in your heart

A baby is a very small being that nevertheless fills us with infinite love.

8. A baby is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another

The generations have continuity thanks to the babies that come into the world.

9. Babies are stardust, blown from the hand of God

One of the cutest baby phrases to dedicate to the parents of the newborn.

10. In every child humanity is born

Phrase by the Spanish playwright Jacinto Benavente, which expresses the importance of babies.

11. Children are the hope of the world

A phrase by the Cuban politician and writer José Martí, to express that children are the future.

12. A baby's smile can make big dreams come true

One of the best things in this world is the smiles of babies, which express pure innocence.

13. A baby has a special way of bringing joy to every day

Babies and newborns are a source of joy in any home.

14. A baby's smile has the power to freeze time

As we have already mentioned, babies are pure innocence, and that is how they express it when they smile.

15. With each newborn baby there is a little more hope and excitement in the world

The birth of a baby not only implies a future continuity; they also represent hope and illusion.

16. Words cannot express the joy of a newborn baby

None of these baby phrases will ever express what it feels like when a baby comes into this world, but we can try.

17. I didn't know how much love my heart can hold until I brought a new life to the world

The love that is felt for a child is not comparable to anything in this world.

18. Babies bring us a piece from heaven to earth

A short and simple baby phrase, but one that expresses the innocence and tenderness of newborns.

19. Having a baby is like falling in love all over again, both with your husband and with your son.

Bringing a child into this world is a huge change for a couple, but also an opportunity to strengthen your bond.

20. People who say they sleep like babies usually don't have one

A phrase by Leo J. Burke ideal for parents with a sense of humor, who jokes about the lack of sleep that babies often have at night.

21. The love a mother has for her baby is unconditional, lasts forever, and begins before she is born.

Babies fill us with love before they are born, and this love is the strongest and most enduring.

22. A baby is something that you carry within you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until you die.

In the same way, Mary Mason expresses it, with this ideal phrase for babies to dedicate.

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23. The smallest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts

The love that we can feel towards a baby is one of the greatest that exists.

24. Babies are very sweet and extremely easy to love

The tenderness of newborns makes anyone fall in love with them.

25. Caring for a newborn is the most important job in life

Raising a child will always be a tough task and a lot of responsibility.

26. I believe in love at first sight because I am a mother

Phrase to dedicate to mothers who have just given birth and you know what love at first sight is.

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27. Babies bless the world with love

Newborns are so pure and innocent that they awaken love in the world.

28. Newborn Babies Refresh Life and Brighten the Heart

The arrival of a newborn in a family fans the flame of love and brings joy to the home.

29. You don't really know what love is until you look into your newborn's eyes

Nothing awakens so much love in us as our children when they are just born, and that love lasts a lifetime.

30. A newborn baby fills a place in your heart that you didn't know was empty

The love that we can feel towards our baby is unimaginable.

31. For tomorrow to be in the memories of your son, stay today in his life

It is important to be present in the life of a child and to be a reference.

32. A newborn baby is a bridge to heaven

A phrase for babies and newborns that expresses the purity and innocence they represent.

33. Having a baby is like having heaven in the palm of your hands

As in the previous sentence, this one too expresses the innocence and heavenly purity of babiess.

34. The only unbreakable bond on earth is that of a mother and her baby

The bond and love that mother and child feel is one of the strongest that exists.

35. A baby at home is a source of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place of innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.

Babies are pure beings that invite peace and love.

36. I have a monument in this world, it is my son

Quote by activist Maya Angelou, ideal to dedicate to our children.

37. A newborn is a new bloom in your life

One of the short and cute baby phrases that you can dedicate to the new member of the family.

38. Having a baby is surely the most beautiful act that two people can commit

Babies are a miracle born of love between two people.

39. Having a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can have

Despite the pain of childbirth, many women express the beautiful experience it is to bring a child to this world.

40. I imagined your laugh and what your face would be like, since before I could hold you in my hands. Now, you have become the most wonderful gift I have ever received.

One of the phrases for babies that we can dedicate to our newborn child.

41. Since you came into my life, all my days were filled with light and color. Knowing that you are a very special part of me has made me find a new meaning in my existence

Another beautiful phrase to dedicate to your baby, so that he will remember how much you love him in the future.

42. Your baby needs your presence more than your gifts

The best gift you can give your baby are your caresses and kisses.

43. A new life begins, a new illusion, a new desire to do things well

Babies are a new life and they fill a family with hope and enthusiasm.

44. A baby will give more love to your life, she will make the days shorter, she will make your home happier, she will forget your past and make your future worth living.

A baby changes your life and the way you live it, creating a new future for you and yours.

45. Each newborn is sent into this world with a new message to send, with a new song to sing, with a special act of love to bestow.

Babies come into this world with new opportunities and hope.

46. A baby is born with the need to be loved, and never leaves it behind

Quote by Frank A. Clark on how important it is to give love to newborns.

47. A baby is a priceless and annoying blessing

Quote by Mark Twain, ideal to dedicate to parents with a sense of humor.

48. Love at first sight is what you have for your baby. You fall so hard that you can't get up again

The love that we can feel towards a child is so strong that in life it can be lost.

49. A newborn baby is the greatest inspiration you will ever have

Children fill our hearts with joy and inspiration to do great things.

50. Each newborn baby is a different kind of flower and all together they make this world a beautiful garden

A beautiful phrase for babies, ideal to include in messages to those who have just become parents.

51. A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as its legs grow

Babies are as pure and innocent as angels.

52. Ten little fingers who always want to play, who never stop exploring the wonders of today. Ten little fingers that form the beginning of something that will always be in your heart

A beautiful and original phrase to express that the love of a child will always be with you.

53. There will be no one who I can love more than you in my life, because you are the reason that I have found my way to be happy

One of the best phrases that parents can dedicate to their newborn babies.

54. Making the decision to have a baby is momentous. It is about deciding forever that your heart is walking outside your body

Reflection by Elizabeth Stone on the importance of having a child and what it represents.

55. All babies are born with innocence, curiosity and love

Newborns are pure creatures full of curiosity and who do not stop learning.

56. We may not plan for you, but I want you to know that you have undoubtedly been the most desired by us. At this moment, only your arrival matters and the happiness that you have given us with it

Another ideal phrase that parents can dedicate to a baby or newborn.

57. When you hold a newborn in your arms and look at her beautiful face, it is as if all your worries are flying away

There is no experience similar to having your baby in your arms and feeling her love.

58. A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them

Quote by Victor Hugo ideal to dedicate to mothers who have just had a baby.

59. I can't understand why mothers love them, all babies leak from both ends

A funny phrase by Douglas Feaver, to take the arrival of a baby with humor.

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60. Children are like stars. There are never too many

Phrase of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, which expresses both the beauty of children and the need for them to exist.

61. The only creatures that have developed enough to convey pure love are dogs and babies.

Actor Johnny Depp also fell in love with the purity that babies transmit.

62. Don't stand still outside the door of a crying baby whose only wish is to touch you. Go with your baby. Go with your baby a million times. Show him that people can be trusted, that their environment can be trusted, that we live in a benign universe.

Peggy O'Mara expresses in this sentence the importance of being with your baby when she needs you and letting her know that he is loved.

63. You can't buy happiness, happiness is born

The purest happiness is the one that comes with the birth of a baby.

64. Love is for the child like the sun for flowers; bread is not enough for him: he needs caresses to be good and strong

Quote by Concepción Arenal about the need to give love and affection to newborns.

65. Babies are a very nice way to start life

Don Herold's phrase to express how beautiful babies are, that after all they are life.

66. In the garden of humanity, each baby is a new flower that can smile, laugh, dance, love and sing with mother earth

One of the phrases for babies of the philosopher and writer Debasish Mridha.

67. A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower

The same author also expresses in this sentence the purity of newborn children.

68. May the vital breath make you tender and fresh, as tender and fresh is a newborn child

In the same way, Lao Tzu expresses in this reflection the tenderness that babies represent.

69. I have learned that when a newborn squeezes his father's finger for the first time with his little fist, he has it trapped forever.

The Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez also expresses in this sentence the love that a father feels for his son.

70. Always kiss your newborn baby goodnight even if he is already asleep

We finish the list of phrases for babies with a reminder not to forget how important it is to convey our love to babies, whether they are aware of it or not.

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