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50 good night phrases of love (for couples)

When we love someone, we cannot forget to wish them good night before going to bed, to show that we care and wish them well before going to sleep.

If you want to express these good wishes to your partner in a different way, get inspired by these 50 good night phrases of love, ideal to send in a message to your boyfriend before going to bed.

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50 good night phrases of love

With this selection of good night love phrases you will be able to say good night to your partner in a different way and with great affection.

1. When I say good night to you, it is so you know that you are my last thought before going to sleep.

This is one good night phrase for your boyfriendor, so you can express how much you think of him.

2. I fall asleep early to dream of you longer.

A romantic phrase to say to the loved one before going to bed.

3. The day is ending, but I assure you that what will never end will be my love for you.

You can take advantage of this time of day to remind your partner of the great love you feel for her.

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4. We are going to kiss each other good night and good night kisses.

An original phrase with which to wish the other person a good night and tell them that you want to kiss them.

5. I always have sweet dreams because I fall asleep thinking of you.

And it is that the love of that special person brings us happiness, even when we are dreaming.

6. Good night my love: close your eyes and dream a lot with me, because I am already dreaming of dreaming about you.

Dreaming of a loved one can be very romantic, as it is usually associated with a gesture of love and attention.

7. The night is to dream and the day to make those dreams come true. You are my reality created in the most wonderful dream of my life. Good night my Love.

And it is that finding that special person and being reciprocated can be a dream come true.

8. The night is starry and the stars in the distance shiver blue. And the night wind turns in the sky and sings of my love for you.

This extract from a poem by Pablo Neruda is ideal to dedicate as a good night message to our love.

9. Make me a space in your night, that I want to dream of you.

This short good night phrase is very romantic and original, ideal for wish good night differently.

10. Have happy dreams my love. My kisses will travel to you and whisper it to you until, little by little, you sink into a deep sleep.

This other phrase is ideal to send as a good night message if distance separates you.

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11. We are far from each other, but tonight I know you will appear in my dreams. Good night my Love.

The same goes for this pretty message of love, to say good night from a distance.

12. Everything is possible at night when the world is asleep. I think of you, I miss you and the hours become enemies until I see you again.

You can also say it with this romantic phrase by David Almond, about missing the person you love.

13. And tonight I'm going to sleep with you in my heart. Let's dream together. Good night, love.

A phrase to wish your boyfriend good night and invite him to dream of you.

14. I wish I was in your arms and sleeping next to you instead of sending you this message. I love you.

Another romantic good night phrase to dedicate to your love if it is far away.

15. Observing the infinity of the firmament with all those stars that shine brightly, I always remember you. Good night Sweetheart.

The night is a perfect occasion to admire the stars, all a romantic symbol that you can use in your dedicated phrase.

Wishing our partner good night with a nice phrase is one of the most romantic gestures.
Wishing our partner good night with a nice phrase is one of the most romantic gestures. Fountain:Pexels

16. Going to bed with the certainty that tomorrow I will see you again fills me with hope. Good night my Love.

After the night comes a new day, a new opportunity to be with the person you love.

17. All I do during the day is think of you. And at night my only wish is to find myself in your arms. Good night my Love.

We can dedicate this phrase to that person we are thinking about all the time, even in dreams.

18. Good night my love, my arms miss you so much that they have launched to embrace the shadow of your absence.

A romantic and poetic phrase ideal to dedicate to your loved one if he is not with us.

19. Tonight the stars are counted in the millions, like the kisses that I would give you. Good night my Love.

Again another reference to the night sky and the stars, a true romantic symbol.

20. Good night my love, see you in a while in our dreams.

And it is that dreaming of the other person is another romantic gesture, and a good way to wish good night.

21. If this was all a dream, don't wake me up. I'd rather live in it for 100 years than in a real world without you. Sweet dreams.

Dreams are that place where we can be with the loved one even if they are not with us.

22. Since I met you, I lost my fear of the dark, do you know why? Because you are the light that illuminates all my nights.

One of the most romantic good night phrases that we can dedicate to our partner.

23. I have the impression, although in reality it is more of a wish, that the moon shines only for us. I love you my life.

The moon is also a symbol of romance, ideal to include in your phrase to dedicate to your partner before going to sleep.

24. My love, you are the last thing I think of when I go to sleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up. Good night.

A romantic way to wish your partner good night and take the opportunity to tell him that he occupies your thoughts all day.

25. When night comes I like to sleep thinking of you. Sweet Dreams My Love.

This is another phrase to remind him that you are always thinking about him.

26. Happy dreams my life, I hope you sleep well, tomorrow I will tell you in what magnificent dream you have appeared to me. I love you.

Again, dreams appear as a symbol of love and affection towards the other person.

27. My love, the moon and the stars have come just to watch you sleep. Let the light of the moon and the stars guide your dreams and let them bring you to me.

A way of telling the other person that you want to be with them, even in dreams.

28. If you want to know how much I love you, count the stars in the sky. Good night darling.

With this phrase you can express that your love is infinite, like the stars in the sky. Of course, try not to have a lot of contamination or you will believe that you love him very little.

29. Before I go to bed, I would like to thank you for always being by my side. Good night my Love.

This is a way to say good night and thank all the good that our partner gives us.

30. I dream of you, therefore I exist.

Is funny and short good night phrase emulates the famous "I think, therefore I am", but in an original and romantic way.

31. Since I've known you, I sleep less but smile more.

This phrase is ideal to dedicate to that person who keeps us awake with her love.

32. No matter how far away you are, you always flood my deepest thoughts. Good night my Love.

These good night messages are perfect for people separated by distance.

33. If you dream of me, I promise not to wake you up.

And it is that when we dream of the loved one we would never want to be awakened.

34. Sweet dream honey. I can't wait for it to be tomorrow so I can kiss you good morning.

Others on the other hand are already wanting to wake up next to their love to be able to show them their affection with a kiss.

35. Sweet nights, little moonbeam that illuminates my dreams.

This is a very tender and loving phrase to wish your partner good night.

Tell him that you love him with a nice phrase to wish good night.
Tell him that you love him with a nice phrase to wish good night. Fountain:Unsplash

36. Before sleeping, in my mind you will always find a sweet thought for you, that you are the person I love the most in this world.

With this cute good night phrase we can send how much we love him.

37. My love, on this beautiful night I have no words to express how much I love you.

Sometimes we can't find the words to express how we feel about the other person.

38. Love may be one of the simplest feelings, but the most difficult to control and, furthermore, impossible to contain, not even when you go to bed… I love you!

Not even in dreams can we hide or disguise what we feel when we love someone.

39. Even if you are far away, today I will travel a thousand kilometers in my dreams to be with you. I miss you.

This other phrase to say good night to our partner is also dedicated to couples separated by distance.

40. Another night without sleep because of the coffee... the one in your eyes.

An original and fun way to tell someone who steals our sleep. Although it only works for those with dark eyes, of course.

41. Another day comes to an end. I like knowing that I have someone like you, who will make each of my days something special. Thank you my heart, every second by your side is unique.

We can say this phrase before going to sleep with that person who makes our life special.

42. If you're going to be pacing my mind all night, at least get dressed!

A fun way of saying that we spend the night thinking about that person… and other things!

43. Today I had a very hard day, but your support and your love made everything easier. My fortune has been to find you. Good night, love.

And what better way to go to bed than expressing our gratitude and affection to our partner when he supports us in everything.

44. May the stars illuminate the path of your dreams, my love. Good night.

Stars and dreams are recurring elements when it comes to dedicating good night messages.

45. Tonight, like every night, I will tell my pillow how much I miss you.

A tender and melancholic phrase, to express how much we miss our beloved at night.

46. If my dreams had wings, they would fly to where you are.

In the same way, this phrase is also ideal to dedicate to that loved one who is far away.

47. Another day that ends and as always I thank you for being in my life. Thank you love.

It is important to let our partner know that we love and appreciate them, even before going to sleep.

48. Tonight I will continue to love you in my dreams. Good night my Love.

A romantic way of tell the loved one that we carry them in our hearts even in dreams.

49. I don't know of any better way to fall asleep than thinking of you. Good night my Love.

However, there is no better way to sleep than with that person we dream of.

50. Every night I have the same dream, and that dream is you. Good night, love.

We end with this phrase of good night, to express to our partner that it is a dream come true.

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