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8 benefits of ginger for your health and well-being

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Ginger is a food that has become popular in recent years, not only for the fresh and slightly spicy flavor it brings to meals, but also for its medicinal properties and benefits obtained when consumed regularly.

This plant, or more properly said root, has been used since ancient times by different cultures traditional Asian, especially in countries like China, Japan or India, to prevent and cure different diseases and discomforts.

Whether consumed as food or in the form of an infusion, this Asian wonder will become an essential of your day to day when you read the 8 benefits of ginger that we leave you below.

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What are the benefits of ginger for your health?

Ginger tones the stomach, regulates metabolism, is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and yes, it also helps you lose weight! These are just some of the benefits of ginger that we detail below. The best thing is that it is a root that you can find very easily in any market and you will not have to pay a lot for it.

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1. Relieves nausea and motion sickness

If you are someone who gets easily seasick when traveling by road or you have a vacation on board a cruise planned, take a piece of ginger and chew it before to prevent nausea (or during the trip if you have already started to feel dizzy) since one of the benefits of ginger is relieve the feeling of dizziness or vertigo.

Extra tip: There are those who sweeten the piece of ginger with a little honey when it is difficult for them to pass the spicy sensation in the throat when chewing it.

2. Calms migraine and headache

One of the greatest benefits of ginger is that of relieve headaches, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. If you suffer from migraine or have a regular headache, start with a cup of infusion of ginger every day so that its anti-inflammatory function can begin to prevent pains. Of course, give it a little time, since you will not begin to notice its benefits on a regular basis until after at least 12 days taking the infusion.

On the other hand, you can chew ginger when you have a headache, either with honey or without honey, depending on your taste. Chewing it can also help you with other types of pain, be it joint or menstrual pain.

3. Relieves flu symptoms

During cold winter days, with the arrival of colds and flu, or during spring, with the arrival of allergies, itchy throat or nasal congestion may want to leave us in bed for a few days. This is one of the most well-known benefits of ginger: it is excellent for recovering from those ailments quickly.

Chew a piece of ginger with honey to warm your throat. Accompany with a ginger infusion during the morning and another during the night. If you want a better result, include the squeezed lemon and a little pepper in the infusion.

4. Reduces fat storage and improves metabolism

One of the greatest properties of ginger is its thermogenic function, which acts by temporarily increasing the temperature of the stomach and digestive tract, accelerating metabolism. And what is even better, this increase in temperature also occurs in the areas where your body stores fat, causing it to be burned more quickly.

Do you want a recipe to burn fat fast? In a liter of water put a 10 cm stalk of ginger and 1 lemon cut into slices with peel. Wait for it to boil and that's it! Take it during the day as part of your daily water intake to notice its results.

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5. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Constant intake of ginger helps blood circulate in a better way through your body, thanks to its high content of magnesium and zinc. Better circulation prevents the appearance of varicose veins, circulatory pain and blood clots.

Another benefit of ginger is that it helps eliminate bad cholesterol found in the liver, thus preventing possible cardiovascular diseases.

6. Reduces inflammation of the colon

Ginger water is very popular to reduce inflammation of the colon, eliminate flatulence and help with indigestion. The thermogenic property is what is responsible for increasing the temperature and giving heat to the colon, and in general to the entire digestive tract. To benefit from this, try to drink a liter of hot lemon ginger infusion during the day.

7. It can help prevent diseases like cancer

Another benefit of ginger is that when you consume it regularly you are helping to prevent diseases such as cancer and diabetes. In this sense, it acts in different ways: either through its anti-inflammatory property or thanks to its antibacterial action, which also helps to counteract the toxic effect that certain products and environmental conditions can have on our body.

8. Stress and anxiety

There are other advantages of this root related to your emotional and mental state. In traditional oriental medicine, they consider that excess energy in the mind is what keeps us in states of anxiety or stress. According to this theory, when you increase the "fire" of the stomach, that is, when you contribute more energy to the stomach, you in turn reduce the excess energy concentrated in the mind and therefore lower the level of anxiety.

The perfect recipe to relieve possible tensions caused by stress or anxiety problems It is the mixture of 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, 1 teaspoon of lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey.

So, we hope that these benefits of ginger motivate you to incorporate it in a more conscious and daily way in your routines and you can enjoy all its properties.

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